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Chapter 43

Chapter 43: 35. Cold War in Another World

Translator: 549690339

At the entrance to Grave No.1079, Sergeant Alvin Stafford’s guards stand watch.

Any unauthorized person trying to enter the grave must go through guards’ reporting and Sergeant

Alvin Stafford’s approval.

Looking at the expression of the man with the gold-rimmed glasses, it doesn’t seem like he would be

the type to wait outside the grave for permission.

Indeed, when the man with the gold-rimmed glasses stood in front of Sergeant Alvin Stafford, a guard

rushed out of the stairway.

There was a clear slap mark on the guard’s face, which seemed to be fresh.

After saluting Sergeant Alvin Stafford, the guard reported:

“Report, Chief Officer! Military Intelligence Department Personnel have forcibly broken in, and 1…1

couldn’t stop them.”

Alvin Stafford swept his gaze over the guard’s slap marked face, anger rising in his eyes. Staring

fiercely at the man with the gold-rimmed glasses, he growled:

“Sergeant Pim! Are you challenging the Imperial Army’s combat discipline?

This is Grave No.1079, the frontline of the Korabo Legion! What right does a Division Intelligence Unit

Two investigator have to interfere in the affairs of Intelligence Department 4?”

“Right? Heh.”

The gold-rimmed glasses man, called Pim, chuckled and pulled a perfectly folded document from his


He opened the document and placed it in front of Sergeant Alvin Stafford:

“Take a good look, Sergeant Alvin Stafford. This is an order issued by the Intelligence Headquarters.

“The Death Notice Spy who appeared in the combat zone under your command is a despicable

assassin who has committed countless crimes within the Empire. He has assassinated more than a

dozen important Imperial officials and high-ranking members of commercial conglomerates and holds

many secret files. The Intelligence Headquarters orders that he must be captured alive or killed on the


“I don’t think I need to explain why I would show up here. Capturing illegal forces causing trouble within

the Empire is actually the job of our Division Intelligence Unit Two.

“I don’t doubt your Intelligence Department 4’s capabilities on the front lines, but pardon my saying,

when dealing with treacherous and cunning illegal personnel, Division Intelligence Unit Two has the


He looked up at the surrounding soldiers, feeling disgusted by the mud on their bodies:

“Let your soldiers step down, Sergeant Alvin Stafford, and don’t obstruct my investigation of the Death

Notice assassin’s trail.”

Sergeant Alvin Stafford stepped forward, glared at Pim, and argued with his white hair against Pim:

“Want to investigate the Death Notice assassin’s trail? Fine. But we have an account to settle first. Your

Military Intelligence Second Division soldiers severely neglected their duties, allowing a Death Notice

spy to infiltrate my team, almost leading to the annihilation of the entire army.”

The soldiers glared at Pim, their eyes filled with rage.

If it wasn’t for his skin and title, Pim would have probably been beaten up by the soldiers on the spot…

Sergeant Alvin Stafford pointed at Noland Lee:

“If it wasn’t for the dedication and unwavering effort of this Sin Soldier altering the Undead Runes of the

stone tomb to confuse the Soul Binding, my soldiers and I would have all perished in this grave! And

you, Division Intelligence Unit Two investigator, Sergeant Pim, had you stepped foot into this place, you

would have been torn to pieces by the walking dead and Soul Binding, and buried here with us.”

Alvin Stafford glared at Pim with angry eyes, roaring like an old yet strong lion:

“You and I are both sergeants. What right do you have to command me on my turf? Now, get out of

here. Otherwise, you better give me a good explanation for why that damned Death Notice assassin

has appeared here!”

Sergeant Pim took off his glasses, pulled out a clean, dust-free cloth and wiped the saliva off the

lenses, speaking slowly:

“The Death Notice used a secret channel unknown to our Division Intelligence Unit Two, Alvin. They

used this channel to send the assassin here. If you stop me and prevent me from thoroughly

investigating, you should know the consequences…”

Pim’s words slightly changed Alvin’s complexion.

Pim put on his glasses, folded the eyeglass cloth into a neat tofu cube, and tucked it into his pocket.

He glanced at Noland Lee nearby and sneered:

“…If we don’t catch that assassin soon and subject him to a harsh interrogation, more Death Notice

spies will infiltrate your Intelligence Department 4. Or perhaps there are other spies already on site,

accomplices to the assassin…l have heard that your Intelligence Department 4 is executing a secret

mission that would endanger the foundation of the Empire…”

Sergeant Pim’s gaze lingered on Noland Lee for a while, as if the “other spy” mentioned in his previous

words was Noland Lee himself:

“Letting a mere Sin Soldier master Undead Runes and learn the doctrine and texts of the Undead Cult.

Has Intelligence Department 4 grown so bold as to disregard potential threats?

“How can you be sure that Sin Soldier No. 888 hasn’t been tainted by the Undead Cult? How can you

be sure he won’t betray you in battle and use the knowledge he has gained to join the Undead Cult?

How can you determine that he isn’t a spy carefully packaged by the Death Notice?”

Sergeant Alvin Stafford angrily retorted:

“This is an internal matter for our Intelligence Department 4, and you have no right to interfere. We are

doing this to reduce losses at the frontlines. I am fully responsible for everything, and there is no need

for outsiders to worry.” Pim glanced at Alvin Stafford, revealing a hint of coldness in the corners of his


“You? Can you bear this responsibility? Oh, alright, let’s not talk about responsibility. Am I not aware of

the style of your Intelligence Department 4? Sin Soldier No. 888 is just an experiment of yours, and

when the experiment is over, you will naturally…”

“Enough!” Alvin shouted angrily:

“With my promise, Sin Soldier 888 will not be abandoned unless he truly betrays the Empire! Now,

leave, Sergeant Pim!” Both sides were tense and hostile.

Alvin’s soldiers all gripped their firearms.

Sergeant Pim’s soldiers from the Military Intelligence Second Division also appeared to be on guard.

Just when an internal conflict seemed about to be ignited by anger, another guard from Alvin’s team

ran out of the staircase.

“Report, Chief Officer! Lieutenant Grett has arrived!”

Sergeant Pim’s brows furrowed slightly, his expression darkened.

In contrast, Alvin Stafford immediately straightened his back and spoke with more confidence:

“Please bring Lieutenant Grett in.”

“Yes, Chief Officer!” The guard glanced at Pim and quickly ran off.novelbin

In a short while, the tall and robust Lieutenant Grett, with his extraordinary abilities, walked steadily into

Tomb Level Two.

This was the very lieutenant Noland Lee had seen when he got off the steam train, whose

deconstruction Noland had performed.

“Chief Officer!” Sergeant Alvin Stafford saluted.

Although Sergeant Pim was reluctant, he still raised his right hand due to military regulations:

“Chief Officer!”

Lieutenant Grett was the highest-ranking, oldest, and most experienced military officer among those

present, and also the one with the most formidable individual strength.

As his steps drew nearer, an undeniable powerful aura descended upon everyone’s heads.

Lieutenant Grett’s eyes were sharp, and he spoke with vigorous energy, like a booming bell.

“Sergeant Alvin Stafford.”

“Yes, Chief Officer.”

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“Yes, Chief Officer.”

Lieutenant Grett turned his head and looked at Pim with eagle-like sharp eyes:

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“Yes, Chief Officer.” Sergeant Pim hesitated for a moment and continued:

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“No, Sergeant Pim. I refuse your proposal, but you can send one of your own men to work with

Sergeant Alvin Stafford.”

…Yes, Chief Officer.”

Sergeant Pim was discontent but had no choice but to obey the order. He looked resentfully at Noland

Lee, only to see him holding a dirty rag in his hand.

Noland Lee held the rag in his palm, casually kneading and twisting it into various irregular shapes.

An intense sense of discomfort immediately rose in Sergeant Pim’s heart.

The lines of his face tightened at once, and his teeth clenched tightly together, wishing he could snatch

the rag from Noland’s hand and fold it himself…

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