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Chapter 197

Chapter 197:104. Iron Thorn Shield_6��Why is that?�� Noland Lee played the role of the sidekick.

��They know they can��t pass the Independent Alchemist Exam, so they spend their money on wine and women, or buy a houseand find a woman. They keep working for a security company until they save enough money and then go to a safer company tolive a mundane life.��

Mark sighed and shook his head:

��| don��t think | can pass the Independent Alchemist Exam, but | still want to try. If | fail the first time, I'll take it again. If | fail twice,I'll have to admit defeat, and use the money | saved to buy a house and find a beautiful and honest woman.��

Speaking of this, Mark swallowed his saliva...

At his age, the attraction of women was indeed quite strong...

Noland Lee wasn��t very interested in women. Instead, he wanted to learn more about the so-called ��alchemy exam.��He couldn't help but ask:

��What makes the Independent Alchemist Exam so difficult?��

��Although it��s aimed at self-taught alchemists, the exam��s difficulty is actually the same as the entrance exam. There are manyquestions, they're difficult, and there are too many knowledge points. There are also many conjecture questions and textexperimentation questions with no standard answers.�� Marks face turned long when he thought about book knowledge:

��Just the alchemy books that need to be memorized are piled up half a person��s height. I��ve only read the most superficialones... | really don��t know how our captain passed the exam.��

��Alright, it seems that passing the Independent Alchemist Exam is not an overnight task.��Although he said this, Noland Lee��s eyes were sparkling.

Once upon a time, he had judged that the Deconstruction Core System was not suitable for combat and was more biasedtowards theoretical research.

He had regretted not having such a system before crossing over. Otherwise, he would have definitely won the national exams.Now, his chance to prove himself as a top student had arrived.The alchemy exam, which focused on the accumulation of knowledge, was tailor-made for him.

��Mark, would you mind lending me some alchemy books? | want to see if | have any talent in this area. If | need to pay, that��s noproblem.��

Mark shook his head and said:

��No need for money, Noland. When we get to Union City, I'll take you to the inn where we'll stay. You can come by my place andborrow any book you want. | recommend starting with ��A Brief History of Alchemy in the Golden Federation,�� The content is quiteinteresting,, Actually, there��s another way to become an alchemist.��

��What?�� Noland Lee blinked.

��That��s to explore the relics of the Golden Dynasty. If you can discover precious alchemy blueprints, sage manuscripts, sageparticles, and the like, the Alchemy Cathedral will directly reward you with a set of alchemy weaponry and help you become analchemist.

��Look at our captain. He��s obviously not good at studying. He just had some luck and accidentally found an ancient alchemistsage manuscript, which enabled him to become an alchemist... Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute!��

As Mark was bragging, he suddenly stopped, picked up his telescope, and looked at the distant horizon.

The setting sun was about to disappear under the earth, and the sky was blood-red. People and objects in the distance werepresented in silhouette.

Noland Lee followed Mark��s gaze, squinted his eyes, and threw Deconstruction at the distant black spot crawling on the horizon.[System Message: You are attempting to deconstruct ��Extraordinary with an unknown name�� ...J

[System Message: You are attempting to deconstruct ��Fully-Armednovelbin

Scavengers�� ...J

Enemies were approaching... Noland Lee instantly understood the situation.

The one marked as ��Extraordinary with an unknown name�� by the system should be an alchemist as well.

Mark didn��t have a system, so he could only rely on telescopes and his naked eye to observe the situation in the distance.

Kent and Fars Scott, both alchemists, probably didn��t have any extraordinary abilities related to long-range reconnaissance.Like Mark, they used telescopes and looked for a few minutes before realizing the intentions of the approaching party.��Attention! An unidentified convoy has appeared at 11 0��clock!�� Kent shouted to the team members behind him:

��Everyone, check your weapons and gear. Put on your helmets and bulletproof masks. Load your bullets and get ready forbattle!��

Mark handed Lee the telescope, and while controlling his motorcycle, he checked his firearms and ammunition.After observing for a little while, Noland Lee asked:

��Mark, | think | saw a ��human-faced wolfhound�� pattern on the flag. Which gang does that symbol belong to?����The Ferocious Hound Gang!�� Mark paused his hand, then shouted forward:

��Captain, Noland saw the flag��s pattern. Those guys are probably the Ferocious Hound Gang��s armed scavengers!��

Kent glanced back at Noland Lee, a trace of an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, as if he had suddenly guessed part ofNoland Lee��s true identity.

Noland Lee nodded calmly. He knew what Kent was thinking. It was all deliberate.

At this moment, when the sunset was about to sink completely under the earth, a dim light surrounded them.

In this low light intensity environment, which kind of Empire man can see more clearly than others??

That's right, it��s the Imperial Soldiers who have been injected with the Strengthening Potion of the Imperial Army.

Specifically, it is the ��Dim LightVision�� brought by the Stre gtheingPotion at helps anditrberialSbidibrs distinguish people andobjects in dim light. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

After absorbing some of Kasha and Greenshaw��s memories, Noland Lee had crafted a reasonable Imperial identity for himself.Deliberately showing his unique vision was his first step in establishing a false identity.Kent took his gaze back from Lee, and shouted:

��Everyone, raise the bulletproofboard of your motorcycles, keep aclose eye on your sycroyndings| ahddonitibaestalgle by the FerociousHound Gang��s wolfhounds! Thosebastards love to use starvedwolfhounds to bite people!�� Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Mark flicked the bullet nest, loaded the bullets, and pulled out a metal bulletproof board on both sides of the motorcycle as cover.He smiled at Noland Lee, revealing two rows of teeth that shined in the setting sun:

��Those guys are probably thescavengers from the FerociousHound Gang. The TUS) have) a8

; � .mistakan us fora regular travelingteam. This battle should be oversoon. Because our team hasalchemists, but theirs doesn't.�� Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Aslight twitch appeared at the corner of Noland Lee��s mouth hidden under the face towel.Mark had many good qualities.He was talkative, self-assured, warm, and straightforward.

But his habit of setting up his team members... He should change it as soon as possible...

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