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Chapter 161

Chapter 161: 95. Guarding the Stump Waiting for Hare 2

Translator: 549690339

The rain of bullets continued until Kasha returned from underground.Kasha shouted over the sound of the machine gun:

“Chief Officer! All the ancient relics that couldn’t be moved in time have been destroyed by me! The passage to the artifactrepository has also been blown up by us! We must leave quickly!”

“Excellent!... All listen up, everyone get out of the underground river! I'll cover your retreat! Quick, quick, quick! Don’t dawdle!”Lieutenant Cavado roared orders.After his body had grown larger, his voice naturally became louder.

The soldiers present all heard the Chief's voice. Hurriedly, they picked up their light machine guns and bomb launchers,retreating towards the entrance of the underground tunnel.

Lieutenant Cavado stayed at the rear of the team, slowing down the enemy's pursuit with his light machine gun.

After the soldiers nearby had retreated into the underground tunnel, he finally disbanded his transformation, returning to humanform, and with a ragged back figure, ran into the narrow entrance.

Following behind Cavado was a long string of metal skeletons, no less than three hundred of them, among them a large numberof nimble skeleton hounds.

The size of the metal Big Skeletons was substantial, so naturally, they should not have been able to enter the tunnel entrancethat only humans could pass through.

But the metal Big Skeleton at hand was different.

It surprisingly allowed its subordinates to disassemble its bones and carry its leg bones, rib bones, spinal bones, and skull tochase after Cavado...

After such a large group of the undead with a metallic coating left, no one or undead remained at the scene except for NolandLee.

Noland Lee treaded lightly, coming out from behind the boulder where he had been hiding.He listened carefully for any sounds, and apart from the flowing water, there was silence.Noland Lee slowly moved towards the tunnel entrance leading to the artifact repository.

He used his Deconstruction skill to clear the way. After confirming it was safe, he moved down the spiraling tunnel and reachedthe repository’s gate destroyed by the bomb.

This place had already turned into ruins.Chaotic stones had filled the entire tunnel, blocking the path and leaving no crevices for Noland Lee.

Noland Lee tried to move some of the stones but invoked a series of cascading stone slides, forcing him to abandon his plan tomanually dig open the tunnel.

“Seems like | won't be able to know what the so-called true history is... what a shame.

Noland shook his head slightly, ready to turn around and leave, when he felt an abnormal sound beneath his feet.“Crack...”

It seemed like a stone chip had been crushed by him.

Noland kneeled down and picked up the fragmented stone chip.

Feeling the raised pattern on the stone chip, Noland casually cast Deconstruction.

[System Message: You are attempting to deconstruct the “fragment of an ancient relic”.

[Based on your scholastic skills, the energy points needed to deconstruct this item have decreased to 1 point.] [Do you confirm toproceed with the deconstruction?]

“The fragment of an ancient relic...”

Noland murmured a phrase and kneeled down again to search around the nearby ground.

It's possible that the soldiers had accidentally broken an ancient relic while moving them.

After searching for a while, Noland found more than a dozen pieces of various-looking stone chips.By putting them together, you could barely make out the shape of a large, potbellied stone urn.

Noland returned to the bank of the underground river, opened his backpack, took out the coal lamp, lit it up behind the boulderwhere he was hiding, and scrutinized the ancient stone statue in his hand.

From the ancient historical knowledge he possessed, this finely carved ancient relic, which was in good condition, should be aproduct of the late Tatis Ancient Dynasty.

Noland knew that time was pressing and he didn’t have the leisure to perform archaeology, so he directly cast Deconstruction onthe stone chips combined together.

System Message: You are attempting to deconstruct a “damaged ancient stone figure”.]

Based on your scholastic skills, the energy points needed to deconstruct this item have decreased to 5 points.]

Do you confirm to proceed with the deconstruction?]

As Noland saw that the consumption of energy points was not large, he immediately chanted “Confirm Deconstruction’.

‘Your degree of deconstruction of the “damaged ancient stone figure” has risen from 0% to 100%.]

[You have obtained the following deconstruction results:]

1. Your Archaeology level has increased +1, reaching Level 9.] [2. You have obtained the basic information of this relic:]

[The history of this ancient artifactcan be traced back to 120 years ago.It corresponds to the late period ofthe Ancient Tatis Dynasty, during thereign of Zorah Ill. Zorah Ill was thelast king of the Ancient TatisDynasty.] [The pattern on the surfaceof the ancient stone statue indicates:]The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!


[Zorah III's Royal Knight Dure found alarge amount of mysterious blood onthe Springtime Plain, known as the“Land of Bountiful”. According toDure, this blood accumulated on theflat plain formed a lake. The surfaceof the lake was golden like wheat,and the water was as sweet as fruitwine with a tenderness like amaiden’s skin.] The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

[Upon Dure’s observation, this mysterious and noble blood came from a giant human figure suspended in the sky above theSpringtime Plain. Every three to five days, fresh blood would slide down the human figure and fall into the lake below.]

[Just as Dure was reporting thismatter to Zorah Ill, new messagescame from the Springtime Plain.Some said that the human figure inthe sky fell into the Blood Lake below.The rising water flooded a lot offarmland, causing many farmers whorelied on cultivation for a living tolose their homes.] The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

[Zorah Ill ordered Dure to confirm this message. A month later, Dure sent an urgent letter confirming the authenticity of themessage and requested ZorahIll to mobilize troops to suppress the rebel army causing an uproar around the

Blood Lake..]

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