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Chapter 13

Translator: 549690339

He used his own body to block the soldiers’ sight, to avoid having his left-hand movement noticed by

the soldiers.

His fingertips slid back and forth in the cold air, drawing out the Undead Runes recorded on the

translated script one by one.

He was unsure if it was an illusion… but after signaling several Undead Runes, Noland Lee felt the Big

Skeleton’s gaze seemed to be less sharp.

Upon closer inspection, Noland Lee found that the Big Skeleton’s neck was subtly turning, its skull

going from staring straight at himself to facing the metal gate.

Clearly, signaling Undead Runes had an effect, and the Big Skeleton no longer considered the Sin

Soldiers in front of it as its primary targets.

Noland Lee let out a slight sigh of relief, feeling many beads of sweat emerging from his back.

However, before he could congratulate himself on escaping danger, his tense mood rose again to his


He saw the Big Skeleton retrieve its gaze from the metal gate and look at the Sin Soldiers in front of it.

Noland Lee once again felt that chilly gaze from the undead, as if his signaling of Undead Runes had

lost its effect.

What was going on?

Why did the Big Skeleton take me as an attack target again?

What accelerated Noland Lee’s heartbeat even more was that the Big Skeleton slowly raised the bone

hammer in its hand, the movement and posture just like a pre-attack aiming for a ground rodent…

Noland Lee swallowed hard with difficulty, signaling the Undead Runes more devoutly with his left


He slowed down the signaling speed, trying to describe every detail of the Undead Runes so as to

portray himself as a sincere believer.

In the surrounding dark environment, the sound of bone friction echoed intensely as Skeleton Warriors

completed their transition from slumber to awakening, treading chaotic footsteps and slowly

approaching Noland Lee.

Without the need for the Coal Lamp’s light, Noland Lee clearly saw the surroundings:

It was a dense Skeleton Ocean.

Countless purple light balls floated just over a meter above ground level.

Each purple light ball corresponded to a Skeleton Warrior of normal human size.

With just a simple glance, Noland Lee realized that the number of Skeleton Warriors surrounding him

might have reached hundreds.

The connected purple light balls were enough to induce an episode in anyone with claustrophobia.

The bone hammer in the Big Skeleton’s hand was raised higher and higher, the Skeleton Warriors

slowly walked into the Coal Lamp’s light, the ghostly purple glow as numerous as star points…

On the verge of being surrounded by the Skeleton Ocean, Noland Lee felt intense pressure.

If there was anyone to blame, it was the Biochemical Bait on his arm, which was simply too attractive to

Undead Creatures.

Even signaling the Undead Runes couldn’t eliminate his mockery value, nor dispel the Undead

Creatures’ desire to attack him.

Noland Lee anxiously looked back at the metal gate and couldn’t help but curse inwardly:

“Damn, won’t Mars let me retreat? A Sin Soldier’s life is still a life! Calling the Sin Soldier Life Protection

Association for support…”

The bone hammer of the Big Skeleton was about to fall…

“Sin Soldier No. 888, retreat to the staircase! Hurry!”

Corporal Mars finally issued the evacuation order.

Noland Lee immediately turned around and ran without looking back, bursting out with the fastest sprint

speed in his life.

As he took three steps forward, there was a sudden muffled impact sound coming from behind. The

floor beneath his feet vibrated very obviously, and a piercing gust of wind grazed past his ears.

Noland Lee looked back.

The bone hammer in the Big Skeleton’s hand fell right down next to his back, slamming onto the floor,

raising a large cloud of dust.

If he were half a second late, that heavy hammer would have landed on his head, blowing it open with

a loud bang…

Noland Lee had no time to rejoice over his close escape.

He continued to run with his head down, taking three steps as two, dashing desperately.novelbin

The noise of the Big Skeleton striking the floor seemed to signal the Skeleton Ocean’s attack. A dense

surge of footsteps echoed behind Noland Lee.

Noland Lee stepped into the metal door and looked back.

The horde of Skeleton Warriors stumbled along the tomb passage like a wave swallowing fishermen,

swarming towards the metal gate.

Fortunately, Skeleton Warriors are always slow-moving; otherwise, Noland Lee would have had no

chance to escape the tomb passage alive.

“Close the door quickly! Sin Soldier 888, don’t just stand there! Come help close the door!”

Noland Lee hurriedly propped the door with his shoulder and, along with the soldiers, pushed the heavy

metal gate.

The metal gate slowly closed, while ordinary Skeleton Warriors couldn’t catch up to the speed of the

door closing.

However, the Big Skeleton could.

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“Hurry up, close the door! …Damn, the power of this Big Skeleton is too astonishing! Sin Soldier 888,

keep pushing the door!”

Orders were continuously given to push Noland Lee into action faster.

The soldiers on the scene were divided into two groups.

One group was pushing the gate with Noland Lee, trying to close the door as quickly as possible.

The other group provided cover fire with short-barreled rifles, slowing the action of the Big Skeleton.

However, no matter how they shot, the large Skeleton Soldier still loomed like a silent Titan.

Its heavy footsteps were like hammer blows, pounding the soldiers’ hearts one after another with great


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