Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 969
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Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Everyone fell into a prolonged silence out of shock. Even Alyssa’s brothers were caught off guard byher sudden move. “Lyse…”

They had never expected Alyssa to admit to her divorce in front of the media after how secretive shehad been with the marriage. At that moment, she was fearless and honest.

In the past, she had difficulty addressing her failed marriage because she perceived it as a shamefulstain on her life. Now, she had put the feelings behind her and came to terms with the fact that she hadmet the right person at the wrong time.

In the next second, the camera flashed at Alyssa and Jasper. Frowning, he shielded her from the attacklike a fort.

“Ms. Alyssa, is that true? Were you married to Mr. Beckett?”

“Was it a secret marriage? When did you divorce? Any children?”

“What is the reason for the divorce? Was it because of Liana Gardner or another mistress?”

The reporters flooded Alyssa with challenging questions.

Jasper declared, “Lyse was not to be blamed for the divorce. It was me…”

Grappling with heartache, he was ready to assume full responsibility for the divorce when Alyssagrabbed his hand. He turned around and stared into her bright and passionate eyes.novelbin

She whispered in his ear, “You do not owe them an explanation. I don’t need an explanation for what’shappened in the past, and I do not want to hear Liana’s name either.”

He held his breath as the pain deepened. It was more painful to be forgiven than to be hated by Alyssa.

Alyssa calmly addressed the reporters, “That is our private matter, which I will not divulge.” She turnedher attention to Spohia and Betty, saying, “I brought up my divorce just to prove that I did not make abaseless accusation. I witnessed Mrs. Beckett and Ms. Betty’s behavior at home. I hope that the mediaisn’t misled by their fake image and focus more on the victims.”

She continued firmly, “I believe that every one of you entered the field of journalism because you weredriven by the quest for truth and the pursuit of justice. There are a lot of unreported injustices in thisworld, and many are sufferfing because of it. If the media fails to -advocate for them, who else can theyturn to?”

Her enthusiastic speech touched the hearts of the reporters, who reflexively lowered their cameras.Indeed, they were once passionate and idealistic, but they were silenced by the corrupted industry,which was controlled by a few conglomerates.

Due to the increasingly short attention span of consumers, the media increasingly reported on easilydigestible celebrity gossip and the private lives of the wealthy for easy profits because only those topicsstood a chance to go viral.

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