Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 946
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Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Jasper looked Landon in the eye and whispered, “What’s wrong with that? Can’t my future wife and Ienjoy each other’s company?”

“We are all adults. There’s nothing wrong if you’re both consenting. But… did you use protection?”

“Protection?” Jasper was slightly taken aback.

It a man-to-man talk, so Landon wasn’t afraid to be direct. He



asked, “Did you a condom? How about when you did it the

previous time?”

From the outside, Jasper may look like he was invincible and

unyielding. However, his only experience at S*x was with Alyssa. Hel was pretty much a blank slate.

The previous time…

Jasper answered honestly, “I didn’t. You know how I was the last time. How would I even rememberthat?”

“How about this time?”

“… I pulled out.”

“There’s no use pulling out if your sperm is very active. There is still a high chance that you could gether pregnant.’

Landon put his arm around Jasper’s shoulders and let out a long sigh.

“It’s better if you use a condom next time, Jasper. Your relationship has just begun to progress. Youshould be careful,” he urged.

“If you truly care for her, don’t knock her up before marriage. She’s Winston’s precious daughter andsomeone who is loved by many.

You should cherish her.


“When all is said and done, if people were to hear that she became pregnant before marriage and,what’s more, with her ex-husband, it really won’t sound great. The most important thing for a woman isher reputation.”

“Landon,” Jasper said. He turned his sincere gaze toward him slowly. His eyes looked deep andsoulful.

He continued carefully, “If Lyse were to become pregnant with my child, do you think that I wouldn’ttake up the responsibility?

“She’s the only person I want to be with. Regardless of whether she’s willing to marry me or not, she ismine. She’s my woman.

“If I get her pregnant, I will go to the Taylors to ask for their blessing. I will have a grand wedding. I mustfulfill all her wishes and give her everything that I wasn’t able to give her last time.”

“Oh my, you’re really getting ahead of yourself. You don’t even know if Lyse is willing to marry youagain.”

Since they were on the topic of pregnancy, Landon rambled on, “After Lauren and I get married in thefuture, I plan to have five children. How many children do you and Lyse plan on having, Jasper?novelbin

“If you both join hands, you could probably purchase an entire country. Do you plan to have seven toeight kids to be your heirs, just like Winston did?”

Jasper responded, “I have no objections if that’s what Lyse wants.” His eyes lit up with passion. Helooked like he was full of hope for the future.

“Do you like children? As for me, I love them. I even dream about having kids.”

In Landon’s head, he visualized him and Lauren taking their children to the amusement park to play. Hewas so happy that he couldn’t


Jasper closed his eyes. He pictured Alyssa’s shy smile, and his heart fluttered.

“Yes, I do. I’d like to have kids too.”

But he only wanted to have children with Alyssa.

While both of them were chattering away excitedly, they didn’t notice

Alyssa on the other side of the wall. She was carrying a tray with trembling hands.

She had heard every single word of their conversation.

She liked children too…

Why wouldn’t she? She had even dreamt of bearing children for Jasper.

Sadly, if he were to bet his future on her, his dream of ha

would never come true.

Her eyes were swollen and red. She took a deep breath as she slumped slowly to the floor with herback against the wall.

In fact, it made no difference for her whether he had used protection

or not.

Ever since she’d had that miscarriage, she had become barren. She could never have her own childrenin the future.

Soon enough, Jonah heard the news about Alyssa taking Jasper home to spend the night.

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