Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 943
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Chapter 943

Chapter 943

Xavier gave Alyssa two thumbs-up. “You’re brilliant, Madam!” he praised.

Jasper’s l*ps curled upward. He was extremely pleased to hear that salutation.

Alyssa was embarrassed and annoyed at the same time. But she was even more curious about whathappened next. She pressed him on, saying, “Go on!”

“Then, I went through hoops to find out that Sophia has a secret account at Randerland Bank. I’m notsure how much money she has in there.

“But I was able to find out the sum that she was transferring from that account to Solana Bank. It wasexactly 200 million dollars!”

Landon raised his brows. He couldn’t help but mock, “200 million. dollars? Wow, that bitch really stole afortune for herself.”

Jasper’s gaze turned cold. “That must be the money that Jeffrey demanded from her. It must be themoney for him to escape and keep silent,” Jasper sniggered.

“But what was more shocking to me was how Sophia could withdraw the ginormous sum of 200 milliondollars so easily. Plus, it was withdrawn from Randerland Bank!” exclaimed Xavier.

Alyssa rested her finger on her chin as she scrunched up her brows in deep thought.

“As far as I’m aware, Sophia has some shares at Beckett Group. If she has been saving up herdividends each year, she’ll have more than 200 million by now. It’s not surprising that she was able tofork out

Jasper looked straight at her and said, “Sophia has quite a significant amount of money. However,every cent of hers is within Javier’s purview.

“Her account at Beckett Group is completely transparent. In a way, this is one of the ways that Javierkeeps her within his control.novelbin

“Hence, her savings in Randerland Bank must be her secret stash. Javier is in the dark about this.Moreover, the source of this money is unclear.

“She made use of Betty’s luxury store to cover it up. I have been keeping evidence of her bribery andmoney laundering. No matter -how hard they try, it wouldn’t be an easy feat to earn 200 million dollarsthrough that luxury store.”

Alyssa twisted her b*dy to face him. The shape of her eyebrows showed that she was angry.

“Why haven’t you finished them off if you have evidence?” she queried.

Jasper’s eyes turned dark. He let go of her hair, letting his hand fall naturally behind her lower back.

His touch was very gentle, so Alyssa didn’t even realize it.

However, his two other observers in the room noticed. Their eyes widened, and their jaws dropped inastonishment.

“Firstly, a mere luxury store wouldn’t be enough to take both Sophial and Betty down for good.Secondly, Javier will do everything he can to cover for them.

“If I were to strike out of the blue, I would be actually making an indirect attack at Beckett Group. If itaffects the company’s shares, it could cost Beckett Group a loss beyond measure.”

Alyssa nodded slowly. She understood where he was coming from.

He wasn’t Javier’s only son. In the eyes of the world, he was an illegitimate son who had come intopower. Javier still had another heir


She knew that it wasn’t an easy feat for Jasper to rise to the president’s position. She also recognizedhow he had had to walk on thin ice all these years.

If he were to lose his power in Beckett Group, he would end up being trampled on. He needed to fightfor the sake of his mother.

Jasper thought of his mother’s tragic death. He felt extreme pain that made his breath labored.

“At that time, I didn’t know that Sophia was the culprit behind my mother’s death. All things considered,I chose not to expose her just yet.

“Lyse, you must feel like… like I’m a coward and so useless, right? I think so too. I think that I’m such aloser, and an extremely dumb one, at that.”

Landon and Xavier were stunned to hear that!

After all, they had just seen Jasper after he had learned the truth.

Fortunately, he had been able to calm down, very much thanks to Alyssa’s company. Naturally, hehadn’t had the opportunity to share what had happened with them until now.

Alyssa’s heart ached when she saw how despondent he looked.

Her eyes turned slightly red. She was tempted to reach out and comfort him, but she was held back byher feeling of awkwardness.

So she just said to him in a warm voice, “It’s not your fault. You were still young back then. You weren’taware of how cunning people can

years to do so,”

Jasper lifted his eyes in surprise. His gaze met hers, which was sparkling with confidence.

If it weren’t for the company they had, he would have embraced her, k*ssed her passionately, andgiven her all his affection…

“Other than that, you made a good point earlier. The evidence that you have on hand at the momentwon’t be able to make much of an impact on Sophia and Betty.

“Javier will do whatever he can to protect them. Even if Sophia were to be imprisoned, she wouldprobably be sentenced for just a few years.

“If Javier hires a top-notch lawyer like Simon to defend her, I’m guessing that she’ll be freed after amere three to five years.”

Xavier sprung to his feet in anger. “That’s why we have to m that bitch gets punished for multiplecharges and is imprisoned long as possible!” he exclaimed furiously.

“How would that be enough?”

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