Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 927
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Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Jameson returned to The Millennium.

Upon hearing the news, Amber waited for him in the room.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, making the luxurious crystal chandelier on the ceiling shake.

Seeing Jameson enter with fury, Amber trembled in fear and almost cowered. She didn’t dare havedirect eye contact with him.

Likewise, Carl, who was standing behind her, wore a panicked expression. He didn’t dare move or saya word.

Having been with Jameson in Kontina, he knew what Jameson looked like when he was furious all towell. Someone was going to die today.

“M-Mr. Schmidt,” Amber stammered, her beautiful face displaying panic.

No matter how similar she looked to Alyssa, Amber could never replicate even a fraction of Alyssa’sgrace in her actions.

“Mr. Schmidt… Calm down. Maybe things aren’t as you think. Perhaps.

Before Amber could finish her sentence, Jameson walked to the

coffee table and grabbed a crystal ashtray. As he glared at her with crimson eyes, he hurled it in herdirection.

“Ah!” Amber screamed, her arms instinctively covering her head.

However, Jameson didn’t throw it at her. The ashtray flew past her ear, hitting the wall behind her andcrashing to the floor. It left a sizable dent in the wall.novelbin

“Everything is because of your reckless actions.”

Jameson cracked his fingers while glaring at Amber, his eyes red with. rage. “I gave you this face. Youshould use it the way I instruct you to.

“I asked you not to do it. Why did you go against my order?”

Tears welled up in Amber’s eyes, falling silently down her cheeks.

“Now, Axel has guessed the relationship between us. He might already be investigating you in secret.Once news of you reaches Alyssa’s ears, she’ll know that there’s another woman in Solana City wholooks almost identical to her.

“Given her intelligence, how could she not be suspicious that you were involved in Jasper and Zoe’smatter?” Jameson had fair skin to begin with, but now he looked as pale as a sheet.

“Mr. Schmidt… I was wrong… I really was wrong-”

Amber’s trembling voice was cut off by Jameson, who effo grabbed her by the throat. Frowning, helifted her rigid b*dy o ground.

“Mr. Schmidt! No, stop!” Seeing that, Carl was horrified.

Yet Jameson paid no attention to Carl’s protests and relentlessly tightened his grip around Amber’sneck. His eyes glowed murderously.

“Jim… Jimmy… Jimmy…” Amber’s arms hung limp at her sides. Her face was flushed with a hint ofpurple as tears welled up in her eyes. Jimmy.

When Jameson heard that name, he saw Alyssa’s smiling and gentle expression in his mind.

He relented. Because of Alyssa, he became soft-hearted toward Amber.

“I’ve already lost to Jasper. Don’t make me lose again.”

Jameson narrowed his hostile eyes. Coldly, he threatened, “If there’s a next time, I’ll make youdisappear from the face of the earth without a trace.”

He suddenly released his grip, and Amber fell heavily to the ground.

She coughed painfully, her vision dimming as if she had experienced a near-death episode.

Jameson pulled a white handkerchief from his inner pocket and calmly wiped his hands. As if nothinghad happened, he returned to his elegant demeanor.

At this moment, he was no longer a thug in a suit.

When Amber finally managed to gasp for air, her face was covered in sweat. “Mr. Schmidt, I causedthis trouble. I should be the one to solve it for you.”

“Solve it for me? What can you do?”

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