Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 915
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Chapter 915

Chapter 915

“Liam, I can never make amends for what I’ve done, Alyssa mumbled as she closed her eyes in painand cried in Jonah’s arms.

The Taylor brothers had seen Alyssa cry before. In fact, she was a crybaby. In public, she presentedherself as a capable and invincible career woman.

Only her brothers knew that she was just an ordinary young lady who was emotionally vulnerable andneeded attention.

However, Alyssa seemed to be badly affected this time. They guessed that it would take her longer torecover from the shock.

Silas and Liam had been briefed on the situation while they were on their way to the hospital. They hadlearned that Sean was badly injured but alive, with a chance of recovery.

However, the young lady named Nina had lost vital signs upon reaching the ICU. Alyssa had nearlyknelt. on the floor there, begging the surgeons to save Nina’s life.

Everyone prayed hard that the brave and pitiful woman would survive the ordeal.

“Jonah, I heard Sean’s suffered a serious injury. Have we informed his family?” Silas asked withconcern,

The light in Jonah’s eyes dimmed. “Before Sean underwent the surgery, he repeatedly reminded me tokeep his injury a secret from his parents.

“His parents are old, and his mother suffers from poor health. He’s worried that she might relapse dueto the shock.”

Silas mused, “But it’ll take Sean a few months to recover, wouldn’t it? We can keep the secret for a fewdays, but we can’t do that for months!”

“Let’s inform the Lynch family after Sean’s condition has stabilized post–surgery. It won’t come as ahuge shock to them that way,” Axel suggested with a serious face.

At that moment, Cyrus jogged up to them. “Guys! You’re all here?”

Finally, all the Taylor brothers were present. Despite being successful and talented in their respectivefields, they were helpless in front of the inconsolable Alyssa.

How could they possibly comfort Alyssa? She had witnessed the fragile Nina take a bullet for her andcollapse in front of her eyes. Anyone with a conscience would be overwhelmed by guilt.

“Cyrus, I thought you had to take the witness statements at the police station. Why did you..” Liam’svoice trailed off when he noticed Jasper quietly standing not far away from them, granting the familysome private space to speak.novelbin

Standing behind Jasper was Xavier, who feared for Jasper’s safety upon seeing Alyssa’s brothersgathering.

Even if Jasper and Alyssa got back together and remarried, life at the Beckett family would never bethe same for Alyssa anymore.

The Taylor brothers cast complicated looks at Jasper. Alyssa rubbed her reddened eyes and tookheavy steps toward Jasper.

Jasper watched her approach him. His heart pounded wildly. He spoke in a hoarse voice, “Are youokay?

Have they tended to your injury?”

Ignoring his question, she looked into his worried eyes and informed him, “Nina is still in the emergencyroom,”

“I know. Everything will be fine. I’ll wait with you.” Jasper comforted her, clenching his fists to fight offthe urge to hug her.

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