Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 877
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Chapter 877

Chapter 877

Lauren suddenly commented, “Alyssa slept with Jasper before.”novelbin

Landon, caught by surprise, stared at her in bewilderment. “What do you mean?”

Lauren bit her lips and whispered with a frown, “It happened about two years ago. One night, Iwandered around my home because I couldn’t sleep.

“I saw Alyssa entering Jasper’s bedroom. At that time, Jasper didn’t like her much, and they rarelyshared a bed. Most of the time, they slept in separate rooms.

“Alyssa suffered a lot in the three years she was married to Jasper. I could tell that she loved him, butshe

didn’t dare to get closer to him. She could only stay by his side quietly. At night, when Jasper was not

home, she would lie in his bed, wear his shirt, and use his cologne, but he never found out about that.

“She loved him very much. She was willing to humble herself for him. I felt sorry for her.”

Even Landon sympathized with poor Alyssa, who had given her heart to Jasper. A farewell wasn’t the

most painful thing in love-an unrequited love hurt the most.

Lauren began, “That night, I saw Alyssa entering Jasper’s bedroom. He came home drunk, and hisface

was red like he had a fever.”

Landon seemed to recall the events of the day as well. It was Anne’s death anniversary. Landon had

hosted a dinner event for Jasper with a few friends to cheer Jasper up.

It was a night of chaos. Jasper had too much to drink and blacked out. When Landon sent him home to

Seaview Manor, it was the butler who helped Jasper into the house. Landon had no idea whathappened


He asked, “What happened after?”

“After that, Jasper went to his bedroom. None of them left the room that night. I was worried andcurious,

so I opened the door, and I heard them …”

Lauren pressed her lips as her cheeks burned in shame. She was too bashful to describe the scene.

Meanwhile, Landon was too shocked to speak. Did that mean Jasper and Alyssa had had sex wh

were married?

Did that dimwit Jasper sleep with Alyssa without knowing it because he was too drunk?

Landon thought, “Wow, he’s really a fucking jerk who dumps a woman after sleeping with her!”

He asked Lauren, “Have you not told Jasper what you saw?”

“How could I possibly go about it? Alyssa clearly wanted to keep it a secret as well.”

“And how would you know what Alyssa wanted? If you told Jasper he had slept with Alyssa, he mighthave treated her better,” Landon sounded a little cross and harsh as he was anxious.

Lauren’s shoulders drooped. A look of fear flashed across her eyes.

Landon noticed the change in her eyes. He hugged her while patting her back, coaxing her, “Sorry. It’smy fault. I shouldn’t have said that to you. I was a little anxious because I just wanted them to betogether again.”

“At that time, Alyssa was an insignificant existence to Jasper. She knew Jasper disliked her, evenhating her. She was worried that Jasper might think she had taken advantage of him,” Lauren said.

Tearing up, she explained, “That’s why I wanted to keep it a secret for Alyssa. Landon, did I do wrong?”

“No, Lauren. You didn’t do anything wrong. You were considerate toward Lyse,” Landon replied whilekissing her on the ear.

Then, he remarked with resentment, “It’s all Jasper’s fault! How ridiculous of him to have slept withLyse and not know it!”

“What can I do? I wish to see them together again,” Lauren lamented.

“They will get back together one day,” Landon reassured her with a sigh despite his doubts. “I believeLyse still has a place for Jasper in her heart. One day, they will be together again.”

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