Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 842
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Chapter 842

Chapter 842

“My mother’s first pregnancy was quadruplets, and I’m the second oldest. I resemble my eldest brothera

lot. Axel looks like my third brother. They both take after my mother.”

Normally, Silas would never discuss family matters with others.

However, for some reason, he wanted to satisfy her curiosity. It happened to be a way to divert her

attention. She was truly anxious and nervous earlier.

“Oh… so it seems Madam looks half like your mother and half like Mr. Taylor.”

Rose’s eyes sparkled with admiration. “Madam really has inherited the essence of both parents.”

Hearing that, Silas couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly, he noticed that Rose was very thin, even thinnerthan


Her beautiful shoulders protruded, making her look like the perfect model for all clothes. However, there

was no shortage in areas where there should be flesh.

For some reason, Silas felt a twinge of tenderness. He gradually tightened his grip on her shoulders.

“Who were those two men who bullied you? Why were you with them?”

At his question, Rose suddenly trembled. She leaned back, deliber

avoiding his concerned gaze.

“People I know in the business. I haven’t had much contact with them before, so I didn’t know theywere

this type of person.

“Business? I heard from Lyse that you’re a fashion designer. Don’t you usually draw and use thesewing

machine in the studio? Is it necessary to mingle in such places?” Silas’s tone became impatient.

At his words, Rose raised an eyebrow coldly. “Oh, in your eyes, designers are just seamstresses, right?Do

we not need to promote our brand and expand our connections?”

“So, you drank with those two foreigners and got drunk? Didn’t you realize their dirty intentions?”

Silas became even more anxious. With red-rimmed eyes, he stared straight at her. “How can you nothave any awareness? Or are you just that daring to do anything for the sake of your brand?”

“Yes. After all, I have no one to rely on. I can only rely on myself.” Rose felt indescribablyuncomfortable,

so she turned her face away and did not look at him.

Noticing her nonchalant attitude, Silas was furious. He forcefully pressed her onto the car seat. “Relyon yourself? By drinking with men and laughing at their stupid jokes?”

“It’s none of your business.” Rose gritted her teeth, feeling a little heartbroken.

“Do you know what would have happened if I had been a bit late? Aren’t you afraid at all? Do you wantme

to solve a case one day, and the victim turns out to be you?”

“I don’t want to know. Besides, you’re here now. Even if you hadn’t come, I would have found a way toget

a to


Biting at her lip, Rose lightly pressed her hands onto Silas’ chest and ruthlessly pushed him away.“Next

time you see me, remember to stay far away so you won’t be in trouble.”

“You… You’re simply unreasonable!” Silas was furious, staring at her with red eyes.

“Miss, you better listen. I’ve been working around this nightclub for over two years. I’ve seen manyladies who got drunk and were taken away,” the driver advised kindly, “Your boyfriend is also lookingout for you.

A young lady like you shouldn’t be in a place like this.”

“It’s none of your business. Don’t talk,” both Silas and Rose said in unison.

“Alright, alright. Young couples quarrel, I know. I’ve been through this.”

The driver found a way out for himself and then asked. “Uh, since you’re done arguing, where do youwant

to go?”


Before Rose could speak, Silas preemptively gave an address.

“Where are you taking me?” Rose asked.

“To my house.”

“Silas! This is absolutely outrageous! How can you take me to your house?” Rose blushed with


If it weren’t for him saving her, she would have wanted to punch him in the head.

*Those two men just now were quite powerful. Until Axel deals with them, I won’t let you go homealone.

You might be followed at any time and be in danger.”

Suddenly, Silas grabbed her wrist, holding it tightly like handcuffs. “No matter what, don’t think aboutleaving me tonight. I’m in charge of you now!”

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