Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 819
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Chapter 819

Chapter 819

Newton added, “Tomorrow, I’ll get this little punk to make all three meals for you. He’ll prepare a bathfor you tonight. Ben is on leave for the next two days, so Jasper will take over all the housework.”

Jasper pressed his lips as his brows twitched in surprise. Managing household tasks was one thing, butentrusting him with cooking? Was Newton being a bit too callous about his health and safety?

“Grandpa, I…” Alyssa began, her voice trailing off in hesitation.

Just as she was trying to come up with a way to excuse herself, Jameson approached them calmly andflashed a warm and gentlemanly smile at Newton.

Jameson said, “Mr. Beckett Senior, I’m afraid Lyse won’t be joining you tonight.”

“Why?” Newton asked, his brow furrowed.

Jameson sighed deeply, casting a sympathetic glance at Alyssa’s fatigued expression. “Lyse has justperformed a ten-hour surgery on my brother, David. She’s utterly exhausted, almost fainting aftercompleting the surgery.”

“What?” Newton leaned forward in surprise.

Similarly, Jasper was caught off guard, a mixture of emotions in his eyes, including disbelief.

So, she had just undergone a major surgery. That explained her sick complexion.

Jasper’s jaw stiffened, and he attempted to speak, but the words got stuck in his throat.novelbin

Jasper chided himself for his awkwardness and hesitation.

“That’s why I’m taking Lyse home now. My villa is behind hers, so I’ll give her a ride,” Jamesonexplained, placing a hand on Alyssa’s shoulder, mindful not to cross a line.

He behaved gentlemanly in front of the Becketts.

He continued, “Mr. Beckett Senior, know you care for Lyse. But she’s divorced now. Staying at yourplac with Jasper is inappropriate. That’s my opinion as an outsider. If you truly care for her, you need tobe more mindful.”

Jameson expressed his opinion calmly and humbly, but Newton was irritated. Even Jasper seethed at

Jameson’s audacity. How dared he lecture an elder?

Frowning, Jasper was about to retort when Alyssa interjected, “Jimmy, Grandpa is my family. He caresabout me. Please don’t say anything like that in the future.”

“Gosh! Mr. Beckett Senior! I never thought I’d run into you here. What a coincidence!” a voiceinterrupted their conversation.

Everyone looked in the direction to find Victor and his secretary hurrying toward them.

Alyssa looked surprised by Victor’s behavior. She was impressed by his emotional control. Despitepreviously breaking down over David’s amputation, the seasoned businessman now chatted andlaughed as if nothing had happened.

However, Victor’s behavior made sense. He wouldn’t want to show vulnerability in front of the Becketts,his archenemies.

Concerned, Newton asked, “Victor, I heard your son David is facing health issues. Is he okay?”

“David had a car accident, and things looked grim, but Lyse pulled him through!” Victor turned to Alyssawith gratitude in his eyes.

He added, “Some may not appreciate Lyse, but she’s a treasure to our family. We’ll treat her well.Winston is like a brother to me, so I’ll treat her as my own daughter!”

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