Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 797
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Chapter 797

Chapter 797

Alyssa could see how Jameson slowly lowered his head into his arms, only revealing his bright eyes.

Those eyes conveyed a lonely emotion, as if he were some wounded animal. Alyssa recalled howJameson had this very same look in his eyes 15 years ago when Victor punished him by making himstand outside in the pouring rain.

“Fuck me. When did he arrive here? There wasn’t a sound at all. What is he? A ghost?” Cyrusshivered. chills shooting up his spine.

Jonah glanced at Jameson, then turned back to Alyssa. “Did he follow you over to the Becketts place?”

Alyssa hummed in acknowledgment.

Just then, Jameson’s car engine revved up. It swiftly U-turned back the way he came, disappearing intothe night.

“Huh? Is he leaving just like that?” Cyrus frowned. “Why are all the people who try to court you sostrange.

Lyse? From jackass-of-the-year to stalker supreme. How could we not be worried about your safetywhen

you’re out alone now, Lyse?”

“Let’s get to the point here.” Alyssa didn’t want to talk about Jameson any longer. She said solemnly,

What did you find out about Ronald, Cyrus? Is he still keeping quiet?”

Cyrus sighed in exasperation. “I’m afraid I need more time. That bastard’s more loyal than we thought.He

really is so devoted to Sophia that you’d think they were married.”

“I’ve actually anticipated that he wouldn’t give up so easily. He’s already gone and killed for Sophia,after

all.” Alyssa crossed her arms around her chest. Her face was as cold as ice.

“That’s why I want you to interrogate him according to my instructions. It will weaken his resolve and

allow us to deal the killing blow right when he’s vulnerable. We’ll make his love for Sophia crumble for

good,” she said.

“What do you want us to do, Lyse? We’ll do as you say!” Cyrus eagerly rubbed his hands together,

determined to make Sophia and Ronald pay.

“Ronald’s testimonial for Sophia’s crime won’t be enough.” Alyssa balled her hands into fists, snarling,Sophia’s hurt Lyla so much and even made her lose her pride. I’m going to make sure she getspunished a


“Lyse, Cyrus, I think there’s more to uncover about Ronald and Sophia’s relationship.” Jonah’s eyeswere filled with cold reason as he continued, “Sophia must’ve told Ronald to attack Lyla on a whim.


“If one call from her could make him take action without hesitation, it goes to show just how closethey’ve remained for all these years. She likely had him take care of all her dirty deeds for her, too.”

“Right? Maybe Sophia has had children with him, too. What a cuck Javier Beckett must be!” Cyrussneered.

Alyssa treated the statement as a joke, yet couldn’t help but wonder if the truth really was what Cyrussuggested. If that truly was the case, then Sophia could be ruined for life!

But would someone so proud and as vain as Sophia, who treasured her title as Mrs. Beckett, really gettogether with a destitute and lowly supporting actor like Ronald?

“Hmph. If they really did have children, I hope it’s Betty. That way, Ms. Alyssa can finally get herrevenge on that evil duo, and they can leave the Beckett family for good!” Sean gritted out.

Alyssa thought about some things before asking gently, “Jonah, has Axel contacted you lately? Doeshe know when Julien will be here in the city?”

“Axel did call. He said he’s still planning things out with the Lovelace family. He’ll try to have Juliencome

over ASAP,” Jonah said.

He then patted his sister’s shoulder, saying, “Don’t worry. I’m still around. I’ll get you whatever youneed,

even if it means walking through the fires of hell.”

“I’m here too! I’ll help you!” Cyrus raised his hand excitedly.

“You have me as well, Ms. Alyssa.” Sean shot her a warm smile.

Alyssa felt touched. She leaned into Jonah’s shoulder, suddenly feeling much more at ease thanbefore.

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