Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 740
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Chapter 740

Chapter 740

Suddenly, Renee became excited. “Dad, has Mr. Beckett arrived?” she asked.

“Yes, he’s here.”

She eagerly added, “Have you discussed the new project with him? You must tell him that the proposal

was my idea!

“A man born with a silver spoon like Mr. Beckett has seen countless beautiful women. I’m sure none of

them can grab his attention,” Renee commented with a smug smile.

“I’m sure he’ll be interested in me. After all, I’m highly educated and broad-minded. In addition, I’m

beautiful, not to mention my distinguished background.

“Once he notices me, he’ll be drawn to my talents. Then, I’ll captivate him, and eventually, he will fall for


Her cheerful tone sounded like she had already won Jasper’s heart and was one step closer tomarrying

into the wealthy Beckett family.

In the new!

next second, Dominic’s gaze turned menacing. He replied in a low voice, “Hmph! Let me offer a

piece of advice. Don’t get too happy,

“What do you mean by that, Dad?”

Dominic answered, “Jasper is a divorcee.”

“What? H-He’s a divorcee? When did he get married?” Renee was astonished upon hearing that.

“How would I know when he got married? But never mind that. What’s more important is, do you know

who his ex-wife is?”

Of course, Renee had no idea who Jasper’s ex-wife was. She had spent the last year studying anddoingnovelbin

her research in Hestrya.

Diving deep into the development of technology and intense work, she paid miniinal attention to

domestic affairs during this phase of self-enhancement.

“It’s your cousin, Alyssa Taylor Dominic uttered the name through gritted teeth.

Instantly, the other end of the call fell silent. At that moment, all he could discern was the sound of

Renee’s breathing.

After a while, she burst into laughter. “Haha! Dad, you must be joking, right? Uncle Winston dotes or

“There’s no way he would marry her off silently. Not when Alyssa is getting wed to the president of

Beckett Group. Shouldn’t they hold a wedding of the century? How is that possible?”

Dominic replied, “I don’t know the specific details, too. But the next one would be Mr. Beckett’s second


“Well, so what if it’s his second marriage? Even if he gets divorced eight times, he’s still a gift from the


“I’m sure it’s not Mr. Beckett’s fault that he and Alyssa are divorced. It must be because she doesn’thave

the capabilities to safeguard the marriage.’

Renee continued disdainfully, “I think it’s good that they’re divorced. Alyssa is now a forsaken womanthat

no man wants.

“She’ll never get in my way anymore. This gives me even more reasons to mock her when I see her.Haha!”

Dominic hurriedly said, “Just moments ago, Jasper admitted publicly that he still has feelings for Alyssa

and is still in love with her!

‘He made it clear that he wants to remarry her! i don’t think it will be easy for you to be with Mr.Beckett.”

However, Renee remained indifferent. “Men are egoistic creatures. Back then, when you divorcedMom,

you had two mistresses. Yet, you acted like Mom was the love of your life before Uncle Winston.

“Mr. Beckett is a man of high status. So, of course, he needs to maintain his good image in public. After

all, divorce isn’t seen as a positive thing.”

Dominic was infuriated after listening to her. “You ungrateful girl! When have I ever mistreated you? Ipaid

for all your food, clothes, and expenses!

“You spent three to four million dollars annually in Hestrya, including your sponsorship for emergingcelebrities and cosmetic surgeries! Who did you think filled that financial hole for you?

“It’s one thing if you don’t know how to appreciate my efforts. How dare you talk back to me like that?

Believe it or not, I’ll cancel your credit cards!”

Renee responded playfully, “Come on, Dad. I was just joking with you. Even though you and Momdivorced, I’m certainly on your side.

“Dad, since you want me to give back to you, just watch closely. Once I have the chance to get close

Mr. Beckett, it won’t be long till I become Mrs. Beckett.”

Renee spoke with confidence while smiling arrogantly.

On the other hand, the cocktail party moved on to the next segment. It was the much-anticipated part of

the event, where prominent figures in Solana City’s business sector would give speeches.

Initially, Javier was supposed to take the stage. However, since lacner had arrived, Javier gave him the

chance to address the audience.

Jasper had just recovered from a severe injury, after all. Thus, he needed to make a public appearanceto

set the record straight on certain rumors regarding him and the Beckett Group.

“You know you’re attending an event tonight. It’s fine if you’re not wearing high-end attire, but why didn’t

you tidy up your hair?”

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