Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 665
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Chapter 665

Chapter 665

Lily grabbed Jameson’s arm with a nervous expression and insisted, “I want to sit with you. I don’t wantto

be alone here!”

Everyone at the table exchanged looks.

“Hey, Mandy, why do I feel that Mrs. Schmidt… acts a little weird?” Colene elbowed Mandy and asked


“I heard from Winston that Mrs. Schmidt has Alzheimer’s. It looks like a particularly bad case. Shedoesn’t

even recognize us,” Mandy whispered back.

“Oh gosh, Alzheimer’s at such a young age? Poor woman…” Colene sighed and cast a sympatheticlook at Lily.

Jameson looked at Alyssa helplessly as Lily refused to let go of him.

After some hesitation, Alyssa tapped Jasper on the shoulder. “Mr. Beckett, could you do us a favor and

change your seat?”

He looked up slowly with an astonished and aggrieved expression. “Why should I? I was here beforethem.

Landon bit his lip, trying not to burst into laughter. Jasper was indeed quite petty!

“The timing of your arrival isn’t the issue. As you can see, Mrs. Schmidt doesn’t want to be separatedfrom

her son, and I’d like them to sit at this table. I have no choice but to ask you to move to another table,”

Alyssa explained.

She hadn’t wanted to sit beside him in the first place, and now she had a valid reason.

She urged, “After some thought, I’ve realized you’re the only one I can ask to move. Please take a seatat

another table.”

Jameson held onto Lily and adjusted his glasses, a sly grin playing on his lips.

“I won’t.” Jasper frowned and stubbornly refused to budge.

“Fine, you’re not moving, right? Then, I’ll sit at Grandpa’s table!” Alyssa’s anger flared. She was soclose to

punching Jasper in the face./

Now, it was Jasper’s turn to get flustered. Worried that she might leave for real, he decided to listen toher and leave instead.

Just then, Jonah stood up in time with a soft smile. He said to Alyssa, “Lyse, Mr. Beckett is a guest aswell. Let’s not trouble him. I’ll join Dad at his table. We shouldn’t let a minor incident dampen themood.”

With that, Jonah smoothly moved to another table, leaving an empty seat behind.

Jameson’s face crumbled. He knew the motive behind Jonah’s actions and felt disheartened.

On the other hand, Jasper let out a relieved sigh when the problem was solved. He decided to thanknovelbin

Jonah at another time.

Lyla’s birthday party finally got underway. Alyssa had purposely arranged for Miley to sit beside her, as

she hadn’t seen the latter in a long while.

Jameson had no choice but to take a seat next to Miley, looking somewhat disappointed that hecouldn’t sit beside Alyssa.

“Miley, Mr. Schmidt has just returned from Kontina recently. The two of you must have a lot in commonto

talk about,” Alyssa began, trying to strike up a conversation and lighten the mood.

“Oh, did you live in Kontina for a long time?” Miley asked, looking surprised.

“15 years, to be precise,” Jameson replied with a smile.

“Well, you are almost a local then. You lived there longer than me. This is my third year living in Kontinaafter my marriage,” Miley remarked.

Eager to participate in the small talk, she casually asked, “I wonder, what’s your profession?”

Jameson merely replied, “I was in the trading business.”

“Oh, I see.”

Out of the blue, Jasper interjected, “Mr. Schmidt, can you elaborate on the types of goods you traded?”

Jameson narrowed his eyes and balled his fists under the table.

Jasper glanced at him with a piercing gaze and added, “This isn’t confidential information, is it? Or did

you run a … unique business that you can’t publicly disclose?”

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