Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 596
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Chapter 596

Chapter 596


“I know I messed up. You don’t need to remind me.” Jasper snubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray.“But

there’s no going back for me anymore. I want Lyse. No one else in this life but her.”

Lauren slept until the evening hours. When she woke up, Landon had prepared her dinner.

you being serious when you said you wanted to go home with me, Laurie?” Landon asked, half-



Lauren bit her lip and nodded, then shook her head. She wrapped her arms around her knees, toes

wiggling lightly on the bed. 1

The sight made Landon’s breathing quicken slightly.

“I-I want to live with Grandpa, but I need to wait till I’m better… so he doesn’t worry.” Lauren’s eyeswere

moist with tears.

“I understand.” Landon gently caressed her hair.

With a sly grin, he asked, “Do you trust me that much, Laurie? Do you know who I truly am? Do youhave

any idea how badly the world thinks of me? Aren’t you worried you’ll find yourself in danger if you come

with me, hm?”

Lauren slowly met his gaze. “I don’t care what everyone else thinks. I know you’re a good person, justlike

my brother.”

Landon’s heart pounded, warmth surging through his being. He gently stroked her hair, hand cuppingher


Seeing his silence, Lauren asked worriedly, “Would I be troubling you, Landon? Do you not… want to

take me home with you?”

How innocent and direct her words were. Lauren had no idea what she was saying in an adult setting.

Landon murmured but suddenly tensed up, eyes widening in shock.

Lauren had wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning so close to him that all he could see was her.She

then pressed her lips against his own.

Landon’s heart leaped into his throat as he grew rigid with shock.

Lauren closed her eyes lightly and recalled their first kiss. She gently pressed her tongue against hislips,


Electric fire surged through Landon’s veins. He swiftly pulled away, panting heavily as he gazed sharplyat

her. “What are you doing, Lauren?”

“I… I…” Lauren stuttered, asking innocently, “I thought you liked that, Landon? I want to make it up toyou.

“Make it up… to me?” Landon could barely think straight at this point.novelbin

“I’m not going to just take advantage of your kindness. I thought you liked stuff like that? I can learn tobe

better at it.”

Landon swallowed harshly, blood boiling in his veins. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is foryou.

to be saying that right now?”

“Dangerous?” Lauren asked, meeting his dark gaze.

Landon couldn’t shake the thought that Lauren might be the cause of his downfall.

He slowly leaned in and kissed her again. Lauren shivered as Landon wrapped his arms around herwaist, slowly pressing her onto the soft bed.

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