Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 582
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Chapter 582

Chapter 582

+15 BONUSnovelbin

Alyssa was the first to break the silence. With a furrowed brow, she addressed Jasper, “What are youstaring at? Don’t you realize you’re badly injured? Take off your clothes right now!”

“In front of everyone?” Jasper questioned hesitantly.

She scolded him impatiently. “Goodness, are you feeling shy? They’re all men, and your body looks the

same as theirs.”

Xavier shuddered at the speed of Alyssa’s speech. She had been gentle and obedient to Jasper in the

past, but she had changed into a fiery woman.

Jasper lifted his pale face and cast her a tender glance. Smiling wryly, he explained, “No, that’s notwhat I meant. I just thought gathering everyone here for my treatment was unnecessary. I only needyou.”

She glared at him and balled her fists. Jasper was one of the most thick-skinned guys she met.

Newton, always observant, cleared his throat and urged the others, “Jasper’s right. We can’t be ofmuch help here. Only Dr. Callaghan and Alice should stay, as she has experience in medicine and canassist Dr.


Jasper gazed deeply at Alyssa with a grin. “You’re right. Lyse knows medicine. She’s been taking careof me recently. Dr. Callaghan, leave the medications behind and go off duty. I only need Lyse by my


Everyone cast amused looks at Alyssa, who was seething angrily at Jasper.

Finally, everyone exited the room, leaving only Alyssa and Jasper. The ensuing silence was quite


She took a deep breath and instructed, ‘Take off your


“Okay,” replied Jasper. He obediently took off the jacket. Just as he was about to take off the shirt,which had been torn from the lashing, his movements tugged on the wounds on his back. He frownedand let

out a groan.

In reality, the pain was nothing for a veteran like him. He merely faked being in pain to elicit Alyssa’spity

and care.

She urgently pressed her hand against his and said, “Stop moving around! I’ll help you.”

He felt touched and clasped his hand over hers. She felt the warmth from his hand seep into her heart.

He said, “Okay. I’ll listen to you.”


She was slightly fazed as she removed her hand from his grip and retorted, “We’re not related in anyway.

You don’t have to listen to me if you don’t want to. Now, lle face down.”

He obediently rolled around and lay face down on the bed. Alyssa saw some of his wounds werealready forming scabs underneath his blood-stained shirt, and the wounds were stuck to the fabric.

It was a mortifying sight. Anger colored her eyes.

“What’s wrong? Are you horrified by my wounds?” he wondered, concerned by her silence.

“It’s fine. Just stay still,” she replied. She took a deep breath and grabbed a pair of scissors from the

headboard. Then, she carefully cut through the fabric of his shirt stuck to the wound and peeled it off.

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