Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 570
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Chapter 570

Chapter 570

A powerful voice caught everyone’s attention, and to their surprise, it was Newton who had arrived atthe entrance with Ben by his side. Alyssa’s presence was so commanding that neither Javier norSophia had

noticed Newton’s arrival.

“Grandpa!” Jasper and Alyssa exclaimed simultaneously, with Alyssa appearing particularly close tonovelbin


Sophia instantly grew flustered and sweated in Newton’s presence.

“Dad, what brings you here?” asked Javier, his hand trembling in astonishment.

“If I hadn’t made it here on time, my grandson would have been whipped to death,” Newton growled inhis

wheelchair, looking authoritative.

He shook emotionally at the sight of a heavily injured Jasper and anxiously asked, “Jasper, are youokay?”

“I’m fine, Grandpa.” Jasper flashed him a reassuring smile.

“Ben, please call my physician to attend to Jasper.”

“Of course, Mr. Newton,” Ben replied, promptly making the call.

Sophia tugged at Javier’s shirt and shifted the blame toward Alyssa, saying, “Oh, Ms. Alyssa, it’s quitea burden for Grandpa to make such a journey for Jasper. Javier, Dad’s health isn’t the best, and I feelbad

that he had to rush here in this cold weather-

“Enough! Stop faking it!” Newton waved dismissively, cutting off Sophia’s act. “I’m doing quite wellbecause Alice has been visiting and taking care of me. Why do you keep insisting that I’m in poorhealth?

Are you cursing me?”

Sophia, knowing that she had messed up, hurriedly explained, “No, Dad-”

Newton refused to let Sophia speak and continued his reproach, “By the way, it wasn’t Alice who called

me here. It was all a coincidence.

“She happened to be visiting me tonight when I learned about Jasper’s punishment. I came hereangrily, and she followed me because she worried for me. If you have any questions, direct them to me,not her!”

Everyone shot complex looks at Sophia, who had gone pale and fallen into silence. She had foolishlyshot

herself in the foot.

“Lyse, you visited Grandpa? Jasper exclaimed and looked at her.

“Yeah,’ she replied without looking into his fiery eyes.


Meanwhile, Betty listened to Newton’s account with a mix of confusion and doubt. If Alyssa hadfollowed

Newton to Seaview Manor, then who had originally called him?

A sudden realization dawned on her, and she shot a furious glance at Lauren, who stood nearby.Indeed,

Lauren’s foolish grin had betrayed her actions.

“Dad, Sophie’s absolutely right. You shouldn’t have made this long journey. It’s too strenuous. It’s all for

the sake of your health,” Javier explained as he approached Newton.

However, Newton gestured for him to stop. “If you were genuinely concerned about my health, you

shouldn’t have struck my grandson and provoked my anger. You fucking piece of scum! You’re drivingme


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