Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 539
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Chapter 539

Chapter 539


Jasper also clutched his sleeve and struggled with the weight of guilt and pain.

Alyssa had been wrong about him. He wanted to tell her that his feelings were not fleeting. Was hislove

worthless just because he discovered it late?

13 years ago, he had gone through a life-and-death experience with her. Years later, they went throughthe

same thing. They seemed fated to be with each other.

For the first time, he felt the pain of not being able to express himself. It was a suffocating feeling. Still,he

remained silent because it was not the time to make lofty declarations. He needed to show his love

through actions.

Although Alyssa’s fever had subsided, she still felt a little weak, especially after the trouble she was put

through in the past three days.

She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow without even keeping guard against Jasper.

Meanwhile, Jasper fixed his eyes on her, like a guardian, without any hint of sleepiness.

When he confirmed that she was asleep, he rose from his bed in pain and tiptoed to the couch. He had

wanted to admire her beauty for a little more, but he decided to scoop her into his arms, as he wasmorenovelbin

concerned about her sleeping position.

His palms were sweating a little. He couldn’t help but ruffle her soft hair with his chin.

Alyssa moaned in her sleep. She looked like a baby in his arms.

His eyes glimmered. He swallowed, suppressing the urge to taste her lips.

He once thought he had married an innocent and demure woman, only to find out belatedly that shewas

a vixen.

When Alyssa woke up the next morning, she habitually stretched under the blankets. She enjoyed a

surprisingly good night’s sleep.

Suddenly, she felt something amiss.

She sat up straight and alertly scanned her surroundings. It was then she realized she was sleeping onthe


What happened? Did she sleepwalk?


She hurriedly tossed her blanket aside, only to find herself fully dressed. Since it was a single bed, shedoubted that Jasper could fit in the bed with her with his bulky build. She would have felt his weight.

To her surprise, he was absent from the room. She punched the bed and silently cursed. What was he

doing, running around with all those injuries on him?

At that moment, she heard a knock and Sean’s voice. Sean called out to her, “Ms. Alyssa, are youawake?”

“Come in,” she replied. Then, she took a seat on the couch, worried that Sean might misunderstand herif

she sat in the bed.

Sean squeezed through the door with two luxurious-looking lacquer food containers.

He announced, “Mr. Jonah and Mr. Liam are on their way from Belbanks. They’ll pick you up and go for

lunch. Mr. Liam will head back to Leichtown after that.”

Alyssa rubbed her sore temples and let out a sigh. Despite her best efforts to cover her tracks, her

brothers had somehow caught wind of her activities.

“What’s that in your hand?”

“It’s your breakfast. Jasper Beckett requested his loser secretary to buy it for you.” Sean reluctantly

placed the two containers on the table.

At the same time, Xavier was sneezing outside the room. He wondered if someone had badmouthedhim

behind his back.

Alyssa frowned and questioned, “Where’s Jasper?”

“He’s getting some checkups.”

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