Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 526
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Chapter 526

Chapter 526


Jasper, who had always been prideful and rebellious, went along with Alyssa. He rolled over just as


Alyssa pressed her lips, surprised by his lack of protest. The huge area of bruises on his wide and

muscular back now lay exposed before her eyes.

At that moment, her eyes wavered. Despite her best efforts to keep her emotions in check, she couldn’t

help but feel extremely bad for him.

He mistook her silence for shock and attempted to roll over again, but she pinned him down andordered,

“Stop moving around. I need to take a better look.”

“The doctor said the bruises would slowly go away as I heal,” he remarked in a low voice. It wasstrange

how he seemed to be trying to console her when he was the one who was injured.

“Like I can’t tell,” she fired back, annoyed.

Her sharp retort caught him off guard, and he responded with a hint of amusement, “I didn’t know youwere such a firecracker when you were still with me. I am amazed by that sharp tongue of yours andyour


“Yeah, I faked my personality to win you over,” she admitted. Her fingertips gently traced the scars onhis

back as she examined his wounds, her tone as cold as ice.

“I thought you might catch feelings for me one day if I were attentive and caring enough. After seeingthe heartless side of you, I opted out of that marriage. I don’t need to put on a front now.

“Thinking back, I was really an idiot. It wasn’t worth losing myself for someone who’d never love meback.”

He felt suffocated-a bitter taste spread in his mouth.

Back then, he was blind to her love. He grew up to be a sensitive and anxious person after being

subjected to unfair treatment.

He wanted to cling on to his possessions. He might be willing to accept defeat, but he couldn’t stand

seeing people leave him.

He wasn’t really infatuated with Liana. In reality, he had been with her to escape his inner demons.novelbin


‘Done checking. Roll over now.” She patted him on the shoulder.

“But the doctor has looked at-”


“I trust no one except myself. Roll over,” Alyssa reiterated. She was in doctor mode with a stoic look in

her eyes. Confused, he followed her instructions and rolled over.

Their eyes met. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of his perfect eight-pack. He might be a jerk, buthe

was undeniably attractive.

She couldn’t help but wonder if she was a pervert in her last life.

She collected herself and gently pressed on various areas of his legs, arms, and abdomen.

His eyes sparkled. Some unknown emotions stirred in his chest. He had an urge to confirm something

with her.

“You’re stronger than the average person thanks to your military background, and you didn’t sustain

severe injuries.

“But don’t ignore the bruises on your back. Mandy’s family’s pharmaceutical company produces thisreally

effective medicine.

“I’ll ask for it and have it sent to you,” Alyssa informed him in a matter-of-fact tone as she ran herfingers

over his ribs.

Without warning, he grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest. Her eyes widened, and herheart

raced, “What are you doing?”

That was crazy! For a second, she couldn’t tell if he was taking advantage of her or the other wayaround.

“Don’t you need to check me here?” He stared deep into his eyes. His breathing became heavier.

“No! Let go!” She started a tugging war with him in a panic.

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