Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 517
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Chapter 517

Chapter 517

No love lingering on.

Alyssa couldn’t lie. Pain swept through her chest when she said those words out loud.

This pain had become a familiar companion. It was a constant presence in her three years of marriageto Jasper, and she often worried it might trigger a heart attack. It struck her more often than theoccasions

when Jasper spent time with her.

“What’s the point of asking all this now, Jasper? Do you still expect me to feel the same way for youand not move on?” Alyssa asked weakly. She rarely appeared so fragile in front of others.

She continued, “I’ve loved you for 13 years. Tell me, how many more years could I possibly sacrifice? I

can’t bring myself to love you anymore. I’m afraid to.”

She was scared of loving anyone else at this point.

It felt like someone was squeezing Jasper’s heart. Painful emotion rose like a wave in his throat, cutting

his breath off.

He suddenly realized just how vile he had been. Not only had he dragged her down in this meaningless

marriage, but he had also ruined her.

“Are you telling the truth, Alyssa?” Jasper asked, knowing he would be defeated by her answer in theend.

Nevertheless, he still tried.

“Of course. When have I ever lied to you?” Alyssa said softly. “I was telling the truth when I said I lovedyou, when I said I didn’t want the divorce, and when I cried those tears… Of course I wouldn’t lie whenI

say I don’t love you anymore.”

“Alyssa…” Jasper’s eyes were hot with unshed tears. He held her hand. It felt so cold. He couldn’t keepit

warm anymore.

“Thank you for saving me once again, Jasper. I owe you one. I’ll definitely pay back the favor as longas

your request isn’t too outrageous,” Alyssa said.

It was clear she was setting up boundaries between them once again.

Jasper meant to say something in response, but she had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

He watched her as she did, her flushed cheeks standing out on her pallid complexion, reminiscent of anovelbin

delicate bunny. He hugged her closer, reminiscing on the countless chances he had before to do this.


He had passed those chances by already. So he was going to appreciate this opportunity here and nowas

much as he could.

Jasper could only blame himself for how things had turned out.

The walkie-talkie wasn’t functioning in this weather, nor could his phone pick up any signal. ThoughJasper wanted this moment to last forever, he knew it couldn’t, not with Alyssa running a high fever.

Panicked, he kept on feeling for her temperature and pulse.

He had to try to reduce the fever and signal for help. Only then the helicopters and rescue team couldfind


Finally, Jasper went out into the rain to find some dried twigs and branches. He created a fire by thecave

entrance to alert any rescuers. Afterward, he made a fire inside the cave so Alyssa could stay warm.

The orange flames lit up Alyssa’s face, highlighting how deeply she rested. Jasper’s gaze grew warmas

his eyes traced the contours of her face.

“Jasper …” Alyssa suddenly mumbled in her sleep.

“I’m here, Alyssa.” Jasper knelt by her side. “Do you feel warmer?”

“You… asshole, Jasper Beckett!” Alyssa suddenly cried. She was having a nightmare.

Next thing Jasper knew, she had swung a hand right in his face.

It didn’t hurt, though. It felt like a feather grazing his cheek.

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