Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 510
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Chapter 510

Chapter 510

“I’ll pull her up!” Alyssa cried. “I’m lightweight, so it should be safe enough!”

There was no other choice right now.

“You can’t!” Elias cried, shaking his head. “I promised Mr. Forrest I would keep you safe! Let me gosavenovelbin


His team cried, “You know the rock won’t hold your weight, sir!”

“I’m not some prissy little miss, Mr. Parker. I’m a qualified park ranger, just like you! Now stay there andlet

me save her!”

Alyssa then hooked a latch around the safety rope around her waist and slowly climbed toward the

injured hiker.

Unfortunately for her, the rain only added to the smoothness of the mountain’s rocky surface, making

climbing even more difficult.

“I’m here! You’re safe!”

Finally, Alyssa reached the injured hiker, quickly grabbing her by the waist.

“My leg… It won’t move…” The woman’s face was covered in rainwater and tears. She was so weakand

limp that she could barely speak.

Alyssa could instantly tell that her leg had fractured. She hurriedly tied the safety rope around the

woman’s waist.

At that moment, the ground beneath them started to tremble and disintegrate.

“Shit! The rock’s coming apart! Hurry and get them back up!” Elias cried, pulling on the rope with therest of his team.

Yet, no matter how hard they tried, the slippery ground beneath their surfaces only made them slipforward even more.

“We need to hurry, sir!”

“We can’t hold on much more!”

“We can only save one of them, Mr. Parker! We need to leave quickly!”

The landslide had already begun, rock and soil falling in great clumps down by their feet and past the


Elias used all his strength, a cry tearing from his lips as he and his team pulled with all their might.

Finally, they managed to rescue someone.

“Mr. Parker, the hiker has made it! She’s alive!”

“But Ms. Alice isn’t here, sir!”

Elias’ breathing caught at the realization that Alyssa hadn’t been pulled up. His vision swam, turningdark

in an instant.

The team had to return the injured hiker to the base camp to treat her injuries.

“Half of you take the hiker back. The rest of you come with me! We need to find Ms. Alice!” Elias cried.”

Dispatch the search and rescue team right now! We need backup!”

“Mr. Parker, could she have been washed away by the rubble?”

“What if… What if she fell down the cliff?”

The team stood there dejectedly, not an ounce of hope in their chests.

“Don’t you dare spout nonsense like that! Ms. Alice is safe and sound, waiting for us to rescue her right

now!” Elias yelled. Still, he had to bite his cheek to keep the tears from falling.

He had lost a teammate to one of these accursed landslides three years ago, so he knew just howmuch

danger Alyssa was in, bravado or not.

“Look there, sir!” someone called out.


Elias turned to look. Amid the rain and wind, a man in green camo hiking gear marched right up tothem.

“Mr. Jasper?”

“It really is him!”

Jasper’s face was pale. He was drenched in rainwater, but his gaze remained steely and determined.

“Where’s Alice?” He nearly barked out.

“She… was swept away in a landslide while saving a lost hiker. We don’t know if she’s safe or indanger right now,” Elias bit out. There was no use hiding the truth right now.


Jasper seemed to grow even paler. Pain tore at his heart in an instant.

“No. She can’t be. She’s going to be okay!” Jasper growled madly.

Alyssa still owed him answers. She hadn’t gotten her revenge on him, and he hadn’t made things up toher

yet for all the pain and suffering he caused her. So she couldn’t be dead. He wouldn’t allow it.

Wait for me, Alyssa!

With that burning thought in mind, Jasper turned and ran back into the torrential rain, heading for themountain trail.

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