Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 452
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Chapter 452

Chapter 452

“Hold on, Ms. Alyssa!”

The crowd of reporters swarmed around her, encircling her and bombarding her with microphones and

cameras as if she had won some prestigious award.

Though they meant no harm, it was still challenging to make her way through the throng.

“Ms. Alexa, do you plan to take action against Betty Beckett for stealing your company’s confidential

information? Do you plan to sue her?”

“Betty Beckett’s actions have led Ms. Ada Kingsley to terminate her contract with you. Will KS World

Hotel take it up with the Beckett Group for this incident?”

“Ms. Ada Kingsley has made it clear that she intends to terminate her contract with Berenike Hotel. Will

you resume the contract and work with her once again?”

Alyssa had had a long day. She no longer had much strength. In fact, her gastritis was starting to actup.


She winced, tears beading on her forehead as her stomach churned. Yet, she remained calm and

composed on the outside.


However, before she could finish her sentence, someone ran into the crowd and wrapped their arms

around her, defending her from the onslaught of reporters. Her vision blurred slightly.

When she next regained clarity, a voice said, “KS Group will be sure to answer all of your questionslater. Kindly give Ms. Alyssa some space right now as she’s feeling quite unwell. I’m taking her to thehospital.”

Alyssa narrowed her eyes, looking up at Jameson.novelbin

She hadn’t once seen him throughout the night. How would he know she was feeling unwell?

All of a sudden, the pain and anguish she’d experienced for three years swelled up like anundercurrent.

Jasper had not once shown her care or kindness when she was unwell. Even when she was bedriddenafter her miscarriage, he wouldn’t even get her a single glass of water when she asked.

He might not have known of her condition then, but it showed how little he cared for her if he didn’teven make such a small gesture for her sake.

Love was in the details, and her love for Jasper had been whittled away for three years from the lack ofit.

Did she regret it? Indeed, she had.

But she had made her decision already. There was no use blaming herself or anyone else.

Jameson’s heart ached at the sight of Alyssa in such pain. He carefully cradled her, asking softly, “Is it


“Mhm,” Alyssa breathed out weakly.

“Can you hold on until we reach the hospital?” Jameson asked worriedly.

Alyssa forced a smile. “I won’t die, that’s for sure.”

Jameson swallowed. He had never felt like this about anyone, only Alyssa.

He only wanted to keep her safe and love her until death parted them.

“It’s okay. I’m here. I’ll drive you.” Jameson helped her walk with an arm around her waist, nudging their

way out of the crowd.

A nosy reporter shoved a mic in his face, smelling an opportunity for celebrity gossip. “May we knowwho

you are exactly, sir?”

Jameson quipped uninterestedly, “Jameson Schmidt, son of Victor Schmidt from the Schmidt Group.”

Schmidt Group? They were just about on par with the Beckett Group in the city! Naturally, only a manlike

him could get so close to a woman as multi-faceted and remarkable as Alyssa Taylor!

“What is your relationship with Ms. Alyssa, Mr. Jameson?”

“Are you two dating?”

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