Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 420
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Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Alyssa tilted her head, propping her cheek with her hand. “Otherwise, how is it possible for her to

approach you that quickly and immediately get to the heart of the matter, which is the contract?

“Do you really believe there’s no one pulling strings behind her?”

Bryan burst into tears on the spot. He felt profound regret.

He regretted not because his future was ruined but because he had cherished Abigail as if she was

precious when, in fact, she was a deceitful bitch!

“Ms. Alyssa, I’ll tell you everything I know!”

Under Alyssa’s relentless questioning, Bryan spilled all the details about how Abigail had instructed him

to steal confidential business information. Sean recorded everything he said.

Bryan was discreetly escorted to the police station. As Alyssa’s secretary and the legal advisor of KS

World Hotel, Sean would officially charge Bryan with corporate theft.

Now that they had caught the fish, it was time to go after the shark.

Looking at her perfectly organized desk, Alyssa sighed. “Look at how professional this thief is. Lookhow neatly he placed everything back after rummaging through the documents. He’s quite something.”

“Ms. Alyssa, you still haven’t told me.

“Jasper gave it to me.”

Sean widened his eyes in astonishment, staring at the composed Alyssa in disbelief. “Jasper gave it toyou? But he’s competing against KS World Hotel. Why would he do that?”

“Maybe he’s hesitant to let Sophia and Betty usurp his work, so he’s trying to get rid of Betty throughmy


The memory of Jasper toweling dry her hair that night suddenly crossed her mind. Her heart clenched.

She responded icily, “I’d sooner believe in the existence of ghosts in this world than believe he did it formy sake.”

He had attempted to conceal his true intentions by sending her an anonymous email. She wondered ifhe belleved she couldn’t identify him. She wasn’t the queen of hackers for nothing.

“Ms. Alyssa, now that we’ve gotten rid of the mole, how do you intend to deal with Abigail?” Seancouldn’t help but worry. “Even if we have Bryan’s testimony, we can’t sue Abigail without solidevidence.”


“Who said I’m going to sue her? The law can punish those who sin, but bitches like her will oftenescape

the clutches of the law.”

A cold glint shimmered in Alyssa’s eyes as she looked at the shirtless cheating couple. “Send those

photos to Mrs. Farley.”

“Ms. Alyssa, I’ve heard that Mrs. Farley is very skilled in martial arts,” said Sean in an intrigued manner.

“Isn’t that just perfect for her? It’s a free opportunity for her to practice her skills.”

Alyssa discreetly extended her hand into Sean’s suit pocket to retrieve some chocolate.novelbin

“I’ve already gotten rid of her father. So, I don’t want to get directly involved with her. Otherwise, I’ll endup

like those soap opera villains,” said Alyssa.

Out of the blue, Sean’s hand shot to his pocket and held her mischievous hand beneath the layers ofhis


With a gentle tone, he advised, “Ms. Alyssa, it’s best not to eat too much. I’m concerned it couldadversely

affect your teeth.”

Later that night, Jasper sat in his office, waiting for news from Xavier. He wasn’t in a rush to return toSeaview Manor, even though he had finished his work.

Finally, Xavier returned with a joyous expression.

“Mr. Beckett, Madam Alice has finally apprehended the traitor on their team! They’ve already handedhim

over to the police.”

“Alright,” Jasper responded calmly. He finally felt at ease now..

“We don’t know whether Madam Alice used the information you emailed her.”

“It doesn’t matter if she didn’t.”

Jasper’s eyes dimmed as he thought of that daring woman. “What I provided her was just icing on thecake. Even without the information I gave her, she would’ve handled this matter perfectly with her


He had underestimated his ex-wife. He realized he had thought of Alyssa as a dull woman who knewnothing except for cooking.

Now, it seemed like he had not only been blind but also incredibly foolish.

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