Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 326
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Chapter 326

Chapter 326

At dinner, the Taylor family and the guests enjoyed the feast in harmony and savored the ChateauLafite

Rothschild that Winston had stored for years.

For Winston and Victor, the dinner was just another ordinary catch-up, like what they always did 20years

ago. The only difference was the presence of their children.

Furthermore, Victor had an ulterior motive this time-to assess his future daughter-in-law.

David sat across Alyssa at the long and wide table while Jameson was seated beside her. Jamesonhad

gained the upper hand because he was closer to her.

David could only stare with envy as his brother attentively cared for Alyssa.

He almost crushed the utensils in frustration as he agonized at starting on the wrong foot. That littleprick

Jameson had gained a head start!

Jameson discovered Alyssa’s penchant for seafood, particularly crabs and shrimps, through their

previous dinner date. If there had been no time limit, she would have indulged in seafood all day long.

With that knowledge, Jameson patiently shelled the shrimps for her consumption, sacrificing the time to


Everyone at the table was discreetly scrutinizing the two of them. Alyssa was wolfing down the dinner

without a care in the presence of her family.

Jameson had a smile on his face as he expertly shelled the shrimp and placed the juicy meat on her

plate. The task was not befitting of his status as Victor Schmidt’s son, but he took pleasure in it.

Alyssa ate the shrimp without feeling awkward. She accepted his act of service, something she might

have declined if they were alone.

Since Victor was present at the dinner, she wouldn’t miss the opportunity to show off her “flaws”.novelbin

Jameson wiped his fingers every time he shelled the shrimp.

David smirked at his brother’s action, knowing that Jameson was a clean freak who wouldn’t re-wear a

shirt. Jameson had given his all in the battle for Alyssa’s heart.

“My daughter is senseless! Sorry about that, Vic,” Winston apologized to Victor with a chuckle.

“No worries, Winston. We’re all family. I like how real Lyse is, just like when you were younger! Oh, howI hope I could call her my daughter-in-law and bring her home!”


“Lyse, be honest. What’s going on between you and Jameson?” Colene wrapped an arm aroundAlyssa’s

waist and went straight to the point.

“Friends, I guess,” Alyssa replied honestly.

“Is he your boyfriend?” Colene asked excitedly.

“Just a male friend!” Alyssa was speechless.

“Eh! Men and women are never ‘just friends’! He’ll be your boyfriend soon!” Colene pinched Alyssa onthe

waist and proudly exclaimed, “When I saved your dad after he was blacklisted in Northuis by his rivals,he

claimed that I was his ‘bro’. Guess what? We’re married now!”

Alyssa was dumbfounded at Colene’s unworldliness. Mandy and Lyla exchanged glances. Theyweren’t

upset in the slightest. Rather, they found the conversation quite amusing. 1

Without Colene, Winston would have been obliterated in Belbanks. Till now, Colene bore the twogunshot

scars back from the time she shielded Winston.

“Lyse, it would be nice to date Jameson. You came from similar backgrounds, and your fathers aregood

friends. The Schmidts will treat you well.” Lyla drifted into a daydream. “Not to mention, Jameson isquite.

the looker! Your future children would be so good-looking!”

“Wait, why are we suddenly talking about kids? What’s all this nonsense?” Alyssa thought herstepmoms

were going off track.

“Lyla, I still believe that there’s more to consider when it comes to Lyse’s potential husband,” Mandy,

always the voice of reason, furrowed her brow and analyzed the situation.

She continued, “From what I’ve gathered, Jameson recently returned from Kontina. He has only a small

stake and limited support within the Schmidt Group.

“Victor sent Jameson’s mother abroad under the pretense of rehabilitation and rarely paid her attention.

Jameson might appear to be a good, match, but in reality, Lyse would be marrying down.

“I even worry that he might be setting his eyes on Lyse’s dowry. Or maybe he’ll leverage her influenceto

rise in the Schmidt Group.”

“Oh my, Mandy, you’re absolutely right. We need to be careful,” said Colene, who was immediatelyswayed.

“You’d compare prices when you shop, so why not marriage? It is a serious matter. It is better to remain

single if you can’t find the right candidate. Would you reconsider David?”

Alyssa struggled to talk her way out. She covered her ears in frustration as she drowned in the naggingof


Chapter 326

At dinner, the Taylor family and the guests enjoyed the feast in harmony and savored the ChateauLafite

Rothschild that Winston had stored for years.

For Winston and Victor, the dinner was just another ordinary catch-up, like what they always did 20years

ago. The only difference was the presence of their children.

Furthermore, Victor had an ulterior motive this time-to assess his future daughter-in-law.

David sat across Alyssa at the long and wide table while Jameson was seated beside her. Jamesonhad

gained the upper hand because he was closer to her.

David could only stare with envy as his brother attentively cared for Alyssa.

He almost crushed the utensils in frustration as he agonized at starting on the wrong foot. That littleprick

Jameson had gained a head start!

Jameson discovered Alyssa’s penchant for seafood, particularly crabs and shrimps, through their

previous dinner date. If there had been no time limit, she would have indulged in seafood all day long.

With that knowledge, Jameson patiently shelled the shrimps for her consumption, sacrificing the time to


Everyone at the table was discreetly scrutinizing the two of them. Alyssa was wolfing down the dinner

without a care in the presence of her family.

Jameson had a smile on his face as he expertly shelled the shrimp and placed the juicy meat on her

plate. The task was not befitting of his status as Victor Schmidt’s son, but he took pleasure in it.

Alyssa ate the shrimp without feeling awkward. She accepted his act of service, something she might

have declined if they were alone.

Since Victor was present at the dinner, she wouldn’t miss the opportunity to show off her “flaws”.

Jameson wiped his fingers every time he shelled the shrimp.

David smirked at his brother’s action, knowing that Jameson was a clean freak who wouldn’t re-wear a

shirt. Jameson had given his all in the battle for Alyssa’s heart.

“My daughter is senseless! Sorry about that, Vic,” Winston apologized to Victor with a chuckle.

“No worries, Winston. We’re all family. I like how real Lyse is, just like when you were younger! Oh, howI

hope I could call her my daughter-in-law and bring her home!”

Victor finally blurted out his agenda. Winston gave him an acknowledging smile without a word.

Alyssa let out a contented burp. Jameson turned to her with a loving gaze and discreetly handed her a

napkin under the table. “Here, clean your hands.”

“Thanks.” She took it with a smile and gracefully dabbed her lips.

“Alyssa, you had quite the appetite tonight.” David beamed.

“Forgive me, I couldn’t resist. The homecooked meal was-”

“No, you mistook my meaning. I wasn’t making a dig at you. Somehow, you feel different from all thegirls

I’ve met.” He leaned forward and admitted, “I admire your candid behavior. You’re cute and real.”

She scoffed at his remark about her behavior. Had the girls he met before never eaten in front of him at

all? Still, she politely replied, “Thanks for the compliment.”

“You haven’t been drinking much. You must be thirsty now. Try some red wine.” David rose to pour her

some wine, but Jameson smirked.

“Actually, seafood pairs better with white wine. Why would you suggest red wine? You must be livingyour

life on the internet to be ignorant of the most basic knowledge.”

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