Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 252
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Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Liana was getting blood transfusions at Solana City’s private hospital’s emergency room.

Her face had been so pale earlier that she appeared almost lifeless. The gash on her wrist had beenequally gruesome, resembling a grim, bloody snarl.

Her mother paced nervously in the hallway, her eyes swollen from countless tears.novelbin

“Alright, that’s enough. You’re not a childanymore, so stop crying before someone takes a picture andsends it to the newspapers!”Andrew said sternly.

“So what? My daughter is still in danger!She could leave us at any moment! What kind of father are youif your own pride matters more than your daughter?”

Rosaline cried.

She grabbed her husband’s collar and cried hysterically.”I can’t bear to see Liana following in Dylan’sfootsteps!”

Andrew’s face turned as purple as a raisin, scrunched up with anger. First, his daughter had donesomething reckless all because of a man, and now his wife was causing a scene in public.

Feeling embarrassed in front of Javier, he scowled and pushed his wife away, saying, “All you ever dois cry and yell! Do youthink you own this place? You’re my wife, for God’s sake, so start acting like it!” 1

“You … You pushed me …” Rosaline saidbreathlessly, in u tter shock at what just happened.

Betty went to help her up.”Please stop fighting, Uncle Andrew, Aunt Rosaline. What’s important now isthat Liana survives this critical hour.”

She was internally snarling, however. If her mother hadn’t been occupied and her

father hadn’t dragged her here, she wouldn’t have wasted her time “worrying “about that bitch, Liana. 1

Still, she had to keep up the act now that she was here.

“You better answer for this, Javier!”

Andrew spat out, glaring at Javier.”My daughter has sacrificed so many years for your son, only to endup like this!

“Everyone in Solana City knows they’reengaged. Besides, your son promised to marry her after Mr.Beckett Senior’s birthday. But what has happened now?

“How could your son go back on his word?Which sane young woman could bear news as crushing asthat? Do you want my daughter to die?”

Javier’s face was just as stormy, though he remained silent.

“We … We’re not as powerful or influentialas the Taylor family, but we’re still decent people. Thismatters to us, Javier. You

can’t allow your son to push our daughter around like this!”

Rosaline had slowly risen to her feet with Betty’s help. She glared at Javier, shrieking,”We won’t let thisgo that easy, Beckett! If your son calls off this marriage, we will … We will drag you all down with us!”

She knew her daughter’s rash decision was to force Jasper to hurry up and marry her. The two hadknown one another since they were young.

If Jasper had even an ounce of affection for her, he wouldn’t just sit by and leave her to desolation.

Even if the marriage didn’t happen, Rosaline still aimed to benefit from the Beckett family. That way,she could at least ensure her family’s wealth and influence.

Javier sighed, looking away.

Sophia’s news was already in the papers.

News of Liana’s attempted suicide would only worsen their already troubled situation.

Javier dreaded the day when shareholders would withdraw as stocks hit rock bottom.

He couldn’t sit by and wait for Jasper to decide anymore.”Don’t you worry. When Liana wakes up, I’ll lether know the marriage is confirmed. No matter what, there will be no more changes to her engagementwith Jasper!”

Only then did Andrew and Rosaline’s expression take on one of ease.

But Rosaline still had some concerns. Jasper was no longer that powerless, meek bastard of yearsbefore. He might not submit to Javier’s decisions.

Just then, heavy footsteps rang out from the other end of the hallway. It was Jasper, his face stark andpale in the light.

“How is Lia?”

Before Javier could answer, Rosaline descended on him like a seagull swooping down on a fry. Herhand curled around his collar.

“Look at what you’ve done, JasperBeckett!When has my daughter ever hurt you? Why did you have topush her to her wits’ end? Is this all so that you can fool around with that ex-wife of yours?”

“Calm down, Mrs. Gardner!”Xavierhurriedly pulled Rosaline away. They had to stay quiet les t thecrowd outside decided to start taking pictures or videos.

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