Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 2035
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Chapter 2035

Marc paused. He looked up and toward the door in shock.

That strong, dissuasive voice was familiar. It was like a sharp knife that stabbed through Jameson's heart. He gritted his teethand narrowed his eyes. Slowly, he turned around.

Jasper's cold gaze glanced over him. He stormed into the ward, with Xavier following behind him gallantly.“Mr. B-Beckett!" In a flash, Marc's defeated eyes lit up.

Even though he had never met this exceptional man, oddly enough, Jasper gave him a sense of peace. After all, everyone knewthat Jasper was Winston's future son-in-law.

Winston wouldn't misjudge a person. He was willing to hand his beloved daughter, Alyssa, into Jasper's hands. Clearly, Jasperwas an outstanding young man and a hidden gem.

He was unlike the son of a bitch before him, who only looked kind on the outside, but was a cunning viper on the inside."What are you doing here, Jasper?” Jameson questioned with a horrified look on his face.

"I'm here for the spurpose as you." Jasper's tone was neutral. He did not sound like he was showing off his power or challenginghim.

Even so, he had an air of nobility around him, which inevitably intimidated the people around him.In comparison, Jameson's sly smile looked overly forced. It was repulsive to look at.Carl had his fists clenched as he glared at Jasper. Xavier tightened his fists too. He readied himself to have a go at him.

"| heard most of your conversation with Mr. Waters when | was outside earlier." Jasper lifted the corners of his lips into a smile. Atender and loving gaze flashed across his eyes. "I'm sorry. | was influenced by my wife to eavesdrop. Hope you don't mind, Mr.Waters." Jameson was enraged. Anger thrummed to his veins, and he becsuffocated with rage.

“Of course not! It is my privilege to meet you, Mr. Beckett!" Marc was old enough to be Jasper's father. Yet, he maintained ahumble attitude before him.

"Mr. Waters, The Ivory is what you've worked hard your entire life for. You cannot sell it." Jasper gave Jameson a quick, coldglance. "Even if you wanted to put it up for sale, you can never sell it to someone like Mr. Schmidt. Moreover, not a single word ofhis can be trusted." Jameson shot to his feet, and his chair toppled behind him.

"He claims that he will help you with rescuing Mr. Nathan. You will suffer a double whammy if he changes his mind and goesback on his word after you've signed the contract.

“He has used this strategy multiple times. If you do not believe me, you can very well pay a visit to Mr. Josh Schmidt and Ms.Daisy Schmidt in prison. Then, you will get to learn about Jameson's ways." Marc widened his eyes. He had a sudden revelation.His desperation to save Nathan earlier almost made him fall into Jameson's trap.

He could very well have spoken empty words to deceive him. The probability of him going back on his words was high. "Pleaseleave, Mr. Schmidt." Jasper's appearance made his fear of Jameson vanish completely. The sharpness in his eyes returned.“Even if | had to burn Ivory Group to the ground, | will never let you get your hands on it! "As for Nathan, | believe there is justicein this world. No one can ever be above the law!" Jameson's plan was so close to success. Thanks to Jasper's interference, hefell at the last hurdle.

"Since this is the case, | can only say that I'm really sorry to hear that." Jameson's eyes turned red with anger. Amidst his refusalto admit defeat, he let out a cold laugh. He gave Jasper a vicious glare before storming out with Carl.

The tense atmosphere in the ward eased up slowly.Matilda's face ran white. Marc held onto her hand tightly. He comforted her by caressing her hand gently.

She had been by Marc's side for more than ten years. She was used to seeing violence happening in front of her. But whatJameson brought with him earlier was a battle without any violence. It scared the living daylights out of her.

"Mr. Beckett, thank you for earlier."Marc exhaled. He looked at him withsincere eyes. "If you want to lead TheIvory... |am willing to step down andhand the entire organization over toyou. | will not ask for a single cent

from you." "Mr. ithoughtefacain G The lvory. IvoryGroup will always belong to you andMadam Colene." Jasper smiledslightly. "| cto comfort you. You havebeen concerned and troubled overwhat happened to Mr. Nathan.Jameson's appearance at this twasonly to ambush your psychologicaldefense and trick you into handingThe Ivory to him. "Fortunately, allcould be turned around. From nowon, | will assign bodyguards to watchover you. | will not allow anyone fromthe Schmidt Group to bother you.""Mr. Beckett, thank you very much,"Marc choked. From the bottom of hisheart, he was touched. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"About Mr. Nathan, | hope that youremain optimistic." Jasper wasbright-eyed and confident. ‘Alyssel

a dh wilifindsa or to prove hisinnocence!" At the stime, The IvoryGang was up in a frenzy. Colene wasshivering in anger in the smokyconference room. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

More than ten of The Ivory's higher-ups were seated around the table. They had cigars and whiskeys on the table in front ofthem. Brazenly, they gobbled down their bowls of dog meat stew in Colene's face.

The slurping noises were neverending, making her blood boil.novelbin

These senior members of The Ivorytook pride in their seniority in thegroup. Furthermore, Marc wasalways unwell. So, they had long etmade plans to tear down The lvory.Even when they were before ColeneWaters herself, they did not show anyrespect to her at allywide-¢yéd,"""Oplene bhided, enone dogs aremy father's favorite animal. Also,we've always had a rule that it isforbidden to consdog meat at TheIvory. Yet, you are all acting outcollectively like this. What is themeaning of this?" "We didn't evenhave tto eat because we had to rushhere for this damn meeting. Therearen't many restaurants nearbyeither. There was only one dog meatstew restaurant that had decentfood. Are you saying that we shouldstarve ourselves, Ms. Colene?" "Plus,it's our freedom to eat whatever wewant! Women are suchtroublemakers, poking their nosesinto everything!" It was indeed theirfreedom to eat anything they wanted.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

However, they were treating the conference room as their canteen. They were clearly challenging the Waters family'sboundaries! Colene was fuming. Her breathing quickened, and her temples throbbed.

She couldn't leave them be. But if she stopped them and they retaliated, today's meeting would not happen again! As shecontemplated what to do, she heard crisp sounds of clacking heels walking closer to them.

Alyssa was dressed in a smart, black suit. She carried a strong bearing with her as she strutted into the conference room, muchto everyone's surprise.

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