Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 195
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Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Alyssa’s voice was unbelievably sol St it didn’t fail to sinka suszone present the lightning bolt to theread


Newton’s and Lavier’s laws both fell to the ground

Elana felt a chill surge through her spins, spreading through her firas. Her fork had turned pale white,dose ass

Who would have thought that Jasper’s unwanted bride, whom everyone had treated live a lowy med,was the devider of Belbanks‘ most powerful family?

Belly nudged her mother weakly. “Mom Mom, is this real? Is this bitch

“Shut up Sophia screeched, pushing her daughter’s hand wha

Jasper was frozen in place, every emotion under the son filling his chest up like a balloon, Confusion,shock, and are fached through his being every other second. It fell like he might drown under theweight of everything.

How could his wife of twee years, who had sacrificed herself taking care of his grandfather and tendedto everything, be Winston Taylors most beloved daughter, Alyssa Taylor?

His breath skipped as he went up to Alyssa, gazing at her suddenly unfamiliar fact,novelbin

Alyssa looked away, irritation and quilt Hickering in her heart. She refused to meet Jasper’s eyes.

“Is It Is It really your Jasper asked weakly.

Alyssa nodded. “Yes,”

“So you were the one behind the allacks on the Gardner Group and the one who made me climb up thestairs-

“You’ve received your answer, Mr. Beckett. It was me the whole time. I’m Winston Taylor’s eighth childand KS World Hotel’s CEO, Alyssa Taylor Alyssa cut him off, voice ice cold.

She continued, “Don’t misunderstand, however. All I did was only for the benefit of the hotel. It wasnothing personal

“As to why I had someone else appear before you in my stead, I’m sure you can understand by now. Ikept my identity a secret to avoid unnecessary trouble and ensure we parted on neutral terms.”

Alyssa then looked down briefly, “But I did lie to you, and for that, I owe you an apology. I’m sorry.”

Yes, she had led to Jasper again. This was the nth time now, and each lie had been far moreoutrageous than the last

Yet Jasper didn’t find himself as upset as he imagined he might. All he wanted to know was why.

Why would someone who had grown up in such abundance and wealth lower her status and hide heridentity to become some caretaker

for his grandfather?

Why would she remain by his side even though she knew he never loved her? Why suffer so much?

“So Jonah and Silas

“They’re my brothers,” Alyssa answered lightly, then walked over to her father with Jonah in tow.

Jasper’s heart felt like it had wrong itself into a ball.

Just then, Sean appeared in the hallway. The moment he saw Winston and Alyssa together, he figuredout what had happened in an


“Mr. Taylor, Ms. Alyssa.”

“Hold onto Jonali, He’s so drunk I’m afraid not even Alyssa could hold him up.” Even though Winstonwas enraged, he still couldn’t embarrass himself or any of his children in front of the Beckells. Theirpunishment would have to wait until after.

Sean hurriedly went to help hold Jonah up by the waist. Jasper reached out to help but was stopped byAlyssa.

“No, thank you, Mr. Beckell, We can do this on our own.”



all our doc for right away, Sean. We need to get Jonah to the hospital. He might need to have hisstomach pumped,” Alyssa ordered

Stomach pumped? Isn’t he just drunk?”

Alyssa swept her icy gaze across every single one of the Beckells. “He was drugged, with a heavydose too. The effects are too overwhelming right now.”

Hearly everyone had a puzzled look on their faces except for Liana, Betty, and Sophia. Theirexpressions instantly crumbled like a wall before a cannon, especially Betty, whose legs began quakingunder her skirt.

Fury overtook Winston in a split second. He’d sensed something was wrong.

Jonah had never been one to drink too much, always restraining himself from indulging. So it didn’tmake sense for him to end up drunk tonight.

Sean quickly helped Jonah downstairs first.

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