Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 1930
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Chapter 1930

Landon was looking down as he twirled his pen between his fingers.Everyone else in the room shook their heads as they glanced scornfully at Penelope, who was causing a scene.

"Zoe was en route to the hospital for treatment when she vanished without a trace, and they have yet to locate her. | know it wasyou who took her!" Penelope's voice reverberated as she advanced toward Landon, pounding the table with both hands. Ignoringthe presence of the board members, she continued, "Landon! Give me back my daughter!

“If you don't return her to me, | will hold a shareholder meeting and have you ousted from Harper Group! Return Zoe to me!"Landon stopped twirling his pen. However, he still didn't look up at Penelope.

“What are you doing, Penelope?" one of the board members interjected. "Perhaps Ms. Zoe left of her own volition while thepolice weren't looking. If you wish to pursue this matter further, it's best addressed with law enforcement.”

"Indeed," another chimed in. "This is a board meeting; personal family matters shouldn't be aired here.It reflects poorly on Harper Group."

“Personal family matter?" Penelope's eyes widened incredulously. "Are you dense? If it were your child, would you spout suchcallous remarks?"

The board members fell silent. In their minds, they acknowledged that Penelope hadn't exhibited such behavior when Bill wasalive. Her widowhood seemed to have taken a toll on her sanity.

Landon, despite being the focal point of the conflict, had remained passive. Finally, he spoke in a composed tone, "Thatconcludes today's meeting. You are all dismissed."

“Alright, Mr. Landon!"Everyone got up and left the room, fleeing the tense situation like startled rabbits.

The unison of "Mr. Landon" echoing in their wake slammed into Penelope. The realization that her outburst had made her looklike a buffoon was a punch to the gut. It had been nothing more than a childish tantrum.

Silence descended upon the empty meeting room. "Landon," she spat, her voice laced with barely contained fury, "did you takeZoe? Where is she?"

Landon's response was a glacial stare. His eyes, devoid of warmth, held a darkness. "Trash deserves to be discarded." "ReturnZoe to me! She is my flesh and blood!" Penelope screamed, "You've already refused to acknowledge me as your mother. Zoe isthe only one | have left. Give her back to me!"

Landon silently watched as Penelope went into a frenzy.

Penelope, a woman who showered her daughter Zoe with indulgence but lacked any true parenting skills, was now a corneredtigress. For most of her life, Penelope had coasted by, sheltered and carefree. This was the first time Landon had seen suchfierce protectiveness in her, and tragically, it was directed at a monster.

She emphasized how Zoe was her flesh and blood. She appeared to have forgotten that Landon was her flesh and blood too.

Penelope appeared to have overlooked the fact that it was Landon who had shouldered the family burden at a tender age sinceBill's passing. Thanks to Landon, they were able to live a comfortable life within the Harper family.

Penelope revealed her true colors upon seeing Landon remain impassive. Through gritted teeth, she threatened, "You're notgoing to give in, are you? Fine. Then the police will hear about this! The media too!

“I'll tell them everything—how you brutalized and kidnapped your own sister! They'll condemn you, Landon! Your reputation willbe shattered!"

Aharsh clatter cut through her tirade. Landon had tossed his phone onto the table. A video was playing; pitiful cries filled the air.novelbin

Penelope stared at the phone, her face draining of color. She watched Zoe being violated by three men. The men took their turnswith Zoe.

Penelope's heart was crushed. She buried her head in her hands and pulled at her own hair. She stomped her feet and wailed,"Zoe... My baby!"

"She's not your daughter. She's just a monster that you nurtured and spoiled.”

Landon turned off the video. His lips were a pale line, pressed thin with repressed fury. and cold. "You failed to raise her. So, |can only use this method to teach her.

“Penelope, | know that you must be in despair now. She's your biological daughter after all. Go ahead and let those tears out.You'll never be able to see her again anyway.”

Penelope collapsed, her emotions spiraling out of control. She laughed through tears, spewing curses between clenched teeth.Jordan summoned two bodyguards to escort her out.

Frustrated by Penelope's antics, Jordan turned to Landon. "Mr. Landon, I'll have Madam Penelope escorted to the VIP parkinglot via your private elevator. She won't encounter anyone along the way."

Landon, facing the window with a cold demeanor, responded, "No need for that. Let her leave the way she entered—through themain entrance. Let the public see her in this state."

Understanding Landon’s intention, Jordan complied silently. He knew Landon wanted everyone to witness Penelope'sbreakdown, discrediting any claims she might make.

"Did you record the scene in the meeting room earlier?" Landon asked with a blank look in his eyes.

Jordan nodded. "Yes, it was all recorded.”

"Contact a reputable psychiatrichospital and have them Issues acleee eee awaltnsrh to sendsme people over as soon aspossible to take Penelope away." Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"Will do, Mr. Landon." Jordan smiled coldly.

With a medical report to prove that

Penelope was Deedes Landon asher son, would obtath the Tights to all

the &bsets under her name, including

the corporation's shares. The content

is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Also, | received an update just now. Zoe has been placed on a stowaway boat headed for Tsulu. She will arrive at Tsulu in fivedays. Do you think—"

"Just leave her to fend for herself."

Landon closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. He took a deep breath. "I don't want to waste my energy on garbage."

Jordan sighed, "Right. It's not worth it.”

"Jordan, do you feel like | have become terrifying?"

Landon's frame was now all skin andbones. It made Jordan's heart

aewrench to see him HethatHherespon , No, you are a warrior

serving justice. You are just makingthe evil ones pay for their evil deeds."The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

"There is only a fine line between good and evil."

Landon's phone rang as he said that. He took a deep breath, steeling himself when he realized that it was Jasper calling. Heanswered, "Hey, Jasper.”

“Landon, come to the hospital quickly. Lauren is awake!"

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