Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 1789
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Chapter 1789

"Teddy bear... My teddy bear..."novelbin

In the suffocating darkness, Lauren had her back firmly against the ice-cold wall. She curled up into a ball and was shivering allover.

Remy had taken her teddy bear away from her. It was like her soul had been broken and all her energy was sucked away fromher.

Her mind was blank. Cold sweat dripped down the side of her cheeks like raindrops.“Landon. Where are you. Please save me."Suddenly, all the lights in the room lit up.

Abeam of cold, white light shone on Lauren's face. The harsh light made her feel like she was being interrogated. Her mentalstate, which was already on the brink of falling apart, was being triggered once again.

“Landon. I'm scared. Landon." Lauren shut her eyes. Even so, tears continued to flow from the slits of her eyes.She couldn't recall anything.

Even every loving moment that she spent with Landon in the past was gradually drifting away from her mind. The memoriesbecame distorted, and they drifted further and further away from her.

The enormous screen on the wall suddenly lit up.Lauren forced her swollen eyes open. Tears filled her reddened eyes.

The screen showed a woman whose body was covered in wounds. She was bound and her eyes were blindfolded with a blackcloth.

When Lauren noticed that the woman was Angelina. It was like a bomb went off in her head.She lost it completely.In Harper Group's meeting room, the board meeting was held as planned.

Cornelius, the chairman, was seated in the middle of the conference table. He was like a commander who led a group offollowers through the storm to build Harper Group. He was like royalty in the corporation.

Although Cornelius had slowly transitioned responsibilities into Landon's hands, there were still a few senior employees whorefused to submit to Landon's leadership. They insisted on having Cornelius as their leader.

That wasn't the only reason. More than that, they were afraid that Landon, upon being promoted, would rewrite the rules. Thethought of their power dwindling and interfering with their financial gains filled them with apprehension.

Being in support of Preston's promotion would only bring Harper Group to ruins. Despite knowing that, not all of them had hopesfor Harper Group to have a good future.

Some of them only hoped that their immediate gains could be maximized.

This also became the main reason why Preston had a chance to compete against Landon although he wasn't as capable.

Cornelius remained calm. He clearedhis throat and looked at the meetingattendees with aniityioing gaze."I\m\(Sureeveryone here knows whatit is that I'm about to announce intoday's meeting.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Landon furrowed his brows. An inexplicable feeling of uneasiness rose in his heart. The anxiousness was making it difficult forhim to breathe.

Since the meeting commenced, hepeered at his phone every cou eofminutes. He wasnitsute why e wasféeling xidus. Regardless, his heartjust kept pounding and he wasunable to calm himself down. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Everyone directed their gaze toward Landon.Preston was sitting right across from him. With a piercing gaze, he glared at him grudgingly.A few seconds later, however, he curled his lips into a cunning yet inconspicuous smile.

"| hereby announce that mygrandson, Landon, will be steppingup as the new pregitehDot HarperGroup: ith that, he will also becomean official board member!" Corneliusloudly declared. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

The seated attendees were about to applaud when Preston got to his feet slowly. He exclaimed, "! object!"

All of a sudden, the entire room fell silent.

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