Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 1747
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Chapter 1747

Outside Heightsnew Villa, the night wind rustled as Jameson stood alone in the darkness, waiting for the person he had beenthinking about incessantly to appear.

After what seemed like an eternity, the gates opened.

Alyssa was wearing only a thin, light blue dress. With sharp eyes, she approached him with determined steps.“Lyse." Jameson's eyes gleamed with joy.

Seeing Alyssa dressed so lightly, he quickly took off his suit jacket, intending to drape it over her shoulders.

His eyes were filled with concern as he said, "Lyse, why didn't you wear more? It's cold tonight. You'll catch a cold."“Don't touch me!" Alyssa narrowed her eyes as she abruptly stepped back.

It was as if the man in front of her was a venomous scorpion or a viper, ready to spit venom at her at any moment.Jameson's arms hung awkwardly in the air. His already fair complexion turned even paler.

"Jameson, don't push your luck."

Alyssa's eyes burned with hatred. The words forced out through clenched teeth were ruthless. "| came out to see you just to seehow despicable and shameless you can be.

"Did you think | wouldn't know who was behind Jonah and Jul's relationship exposure? Did you think you could hide behind Joshand get away with it? You underestimated me."

Facing her blatant accusations, Jameson remained unfazed. Instead, his eyes reddened, and his voice turned hoarse with aslight tremor, as if he were wronged.

“Lyse... it wasn't me! Even if I've done wrong in the past, | really had nothing to do with what happened to Jonah this time. | onlyfound out about everything from the news!"

Lies flowed effortlessly from his lips. He had lied so much that he almost believed his own lies.

“Also, what benefit would it bring me to harm Jonah? I'm already the president of Schmidt Group. I've got what | wanted. Whywould | take such a risk unnecessarily?

"Josh was the one behind it. Only he had the motive. He was desperate to bring down Jonah so that he could gain favor with mydad and regain his trust.”

Alyssa stared at him intently as she put on a mocking smile. "Jameson, have you really gotten what you wanted?"

Jameson was momentarily stunned.

"| know what you want. But the internal strife within your family has nothing to do with me. | don't care whether you live or die."Alyssa's eyes were filled with fury, as if her whole body were burning with it.

"But if you lay a finger on my family or my loved ones, I'll remember everything. One day, I'll make you pay for it in full. I'll makeyou suffer. I'll make you suffer more than death."

“Make you suffer more than death". These cruel and heartless words were as damaging to Jameson as the most brutal torture.

Her intense gaze seemed to shred apart his refined and dignified facade along with the soul that had long wandered in darknessinto pieces.

But after the brief pain, Jameson felt a strange sense of pleasure.Alyssa had given all her love to Jasper and all her hatred to Jameson.

Jameson interpreted it as him having half of her heart. It was undeniable that he held an irreplaceable position in her heart—afact she couldn't deny, no matter how hard she tried.

Astrange tenderness welled up in his bloodshot eyes. Suddenly, he opened his arms, wanting to embrace her.

Alyssa felt a chill running down her spine. Panic rose within her as she tried to step back, but his icy hand had already grabbedher shoulder.

Awave of uncontrollable nausea swept over her chest at once.novelbin

Just as Alyssa was about to resist, a resolute and powerful figure suddenly appeared in front of her."Jasper." She felt warmth spreading through her heart, and all the coldness in her body was dispelled in an instant.The next moment, Jasper landed a hard punch on Jameson's left cheek.

The punch carried a force that seemed to have been building up for a while. Now unleashed, its strength was not to beunderestimated.

Jameson's vision darkened with pain, and his head felt like it was about to explode.

He was skilled in combat, but despitehis best efforts to Hews thenblow, he cpyldntt hold Aesturhbie back a few steps beforecrashing heavily to the ground. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"Jameson, how dare you touch mywife? You sure have a death wish.Jasper's handsemeyidee Was icy, andhis, waddeheu eyes gleamed withkilling intent as he glanced at theman on the ground. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

He had been watching them in the dark and hadn't intended to take action.

But seeing Jameson's filthy handsintending to defile his beloved, he)could beers godohge He Felt asthodgh a thousand beasts wereunleashed within him. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Jasper wrapped his suit jacket around Alyssa's body and held her tightly in his arms. He then asked in a low, husky voice, "Areyou okay?"

Alyssa nodded, then pressed herself against his chest, seeking comfort.

Their intimacy was an eyesore to Jameson.

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