Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 1731
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Chapter 1731

Under Jasper's orchestration in secret, the subordinate under the Harper Group took the initiative to turn himself in. He admittedto his crime on the spot and gave his testimony by providing all the details of his offense. All he said matched the situationperfectly.

There was sufficient evidence for the police to conclude the case. Although the student's father still wanted to look into his son'sdeath further, his capabilities were limited, and he could only accept the outcome as it was.

At the same time, Preston was quick-witted. He had already gotten an understanding of the ins and outs of the incident.

The moment he found out that Lauren was the one who was taken hostage, he knew that this incident had to be connected toLandon.

The cruelty of the crime had Landon's name written all over it!"What? The background of the man who turned himself in was clean?" Preston's eyes were as wide as saucers.

"That's right. His background has been wiped clean. He does not have a single thing to do with Harper Group. Even theauthorities weren't able to find anything," his secretary reported while dripping in sweat.

“Landon, that son of a bitch! He's becoming more and more cunning!"Preston took a deep inhale of his cigar. In the end, his breath wasn't even, and he almost choked himself to death.

"This incident could also be set up by Mr. Beckett. Mr. Beckett is watertight in his execution. Plus, he and Landon are two peas ina pod. Wouldn't he help him out?"

Damn it!

Preston slammed the table hard. "| was thinking of using this opportunity to cut this president off. This is now a missedopportunity!

"Don't tell me that | can only watch as that son of a bitch climbs all over me? If so, what was the purpose of me destroying Bill inthe first place?"

"Shh! Lower your voice!" His secretary had turned pale from terror.Preston harrumphed. "What are you afraid of? It's been so many years. He has died, and there's no evidence."

A look of maliciousness flashed across his eyes. "Did you think that Landon hadn't suspected me? He has suspected me since awhile ago, but what can he do about that?

"| just fucking love to see that look on his face that's full of hatred and helplessness as he's not able to do anything about me! |will make him feel uneasy for his entire life!"

Right at that moment, his phone rang.

Preston saw that it was Zoe who was calling. He dismissed his secretary before answering the call with a dark expression."Zoe, | thought you had forgotten about me."

"Don't say that, Uncle Preston. Of all people, | won't forget you," Zoe replied sweetly.

"You're always so good with your words, Zoe."novelbin

Preston gritted his teeth and continued, "If that's the case, why haven't you done anything yet? It seems like you are still sidingwith Landon. Is it because you and Penelope get to feel proud of him becoming the president?"

"Uncle Preston, you might not like what I'm about to say.”

Zoe smiled. "Actually, you have no chance at all going against Landon for the position of president. Since the beginning,Grandpa has never considered you as his successor. You should be more well aware of this than me.

"You asked me for help, yet you don't even have a good foundation. How can | assist you then? If | am that capable, wouldn't itbe better if | became the president instead?"

Preston felt humiliated by Zoe. His face flushed red with anger. "However, weren't you the one who said that you can makeLandon suffer?"

"No need to feel so anxious about it. It'll happen soon."Zoe's tone became somber. "I will be visiting Grandpa tonight.

“Landon wants to become the president and marry the love of his life at the same time? He's such a greedy man. Nothing on thisearth can be so perfect!"

Later that night, at the Harper Residence, Cornelius summoned both Landon and Preston to his study for a three-personmeeting.

After they were done discussing the corporation and its projects, Landon stood up. He placed a pearly white invitation card infront of Cornelius.

"This is...""It's the invitation to my engagement celebration with Lauren."

Landon's eyes were bright and hopeful. He added in a serious voice, "I want to give Lauren a grand wedding of the century. Butthat requires me to hire a professional team. So, we'll have to start planning now as it will take some time.

"Thus, before that, I'm thinking of organizing an engagement ceremony and getting our marriage registered first. Not only doesthis show prudence, but it can also reflect the importance of Lauren to our family. We will abide by the customs to becomeOfficially married."

As he said that, he retrieved a notebook with a red-colored hardcover and presented it to Cornelius with both hands. "This is thelist of wedding gifts that | have prepared for Lauren. Please have a look."

Cornelius opened the notebook. At the same time, Preston couldn't help but peer at it, too.Good lord!It was a crowded list. It was one that would make anyone dizzy just by looking at it!

Cornelius took out his reading glasses and put them on. He went through items on the list one by one. As he did so, his frownbecame deeper and deeper, and the look of his face became more serious.

Was Landon trying to empty their house just to please that woman?

Preston clicked his tongue. Hecommented by the side, "Landon istruly devoted to osLaarers ght He?Thigis, ea) Move than the overallamount of gifts that Mr. Taylor fromBelbanks prepared when he marriedhis four wives, isn't it?" The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"You're exaggerating, Uncle Preston. It is a bit more than usual, but it's not that much."

Landon chuckled coldly, "Moreover, these are all things that I've accumulated over these years. Don't worry, | won't be touching asingle cent from the corporation.”

Preston froze. He swore, "Fuck, you bastard. Are you showing off your wealth to me?""It's just some wedding gifts. Is it necessary to make such a big deal out of it?" Cornelius sounded a little unhappy."Yes. Lauren deserves it."

Landon answered without anyhesitation. "| actually even feel al tbatit's quite rushed anertkar thepkeparat he are quite simple. Butthat's okay. | will provide for her bit bybit in the future." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Anger rose within Cornelius, and a lump formed in his throat. In a low voice, he said, "Alright. I'll leave it to you to arrange yourown marriage matters."

"Thank you for that, Grandpa." Landon's face was filled with joy as he took a bow.

"Landon, it will soon be your big daywith Ms. Lauren. Aren't you going-togive me ani vitation dad fo5? I'mthinkin: fQiving you a fair amountof congratulatory money," Prestonasked unctuously. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"Save it. | don't need your money. You can just congratulate us from afar."

Preston's expression turned dark. He was speechless.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be taking my leave, Grandpa."

Landon and Preston exited the study one after another.

Landon looked up at the sound of clacking heels. Right after that, his gaze became glum.

Zoe was walking toward them slowly from the right opposite him. She was carrying a tray with both hands.

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