Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 158
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Chapter 158

Chapter 158

When the door opened, Landon slid into the living room speedily, worried that Alyssa might change hermind. “Gosh, it’s so hard to visit you. The entrance fee is pretty exorbitant.”

Under the lights, Alyssa’s curves were accentuated by the tight robe on her body. Her tiny waist andbuttery skin were luscious. He swallowed hard upon casting his eyes on her.

“Mr. Harper, your eyes are wandering elsewhere,” Sean reminded him with much hostility.

“It’s human nature to love beauty. I’m looking at her with the sole intention of admiring an artwork,” hegrinned and talked his way out of it shamelessly.

It was the first time Sean had come across a man who’d reframe his inappropriate behavior intosomething noble.

“Is LAN’s sculpture in this box?” She stared keenly at the box in his arms.

“Yes. I bought two sculptures from her–one for Jasper’s grandpa and the other for you.” His eyessparkled with enthusiasm. “Alice, LAN’s artworks are handmade. She’ll only put ten items on sale everyyear. You know how rare her works are, don’t you?”

Alyssa coughed softly. “Um, have you had dinner? If you haven’t, would you like to join me?”

“I haven’t! I didn’t even take a drop of water because I waited at the hotel entrance for you since 5:00pm! I’m famished.” Landon’s voice quivered in excitement.

Sean rolled his eyes at Landon, who was overly eager and unabashed.

“Sean, get him another blue cheese chicken sandwich. Go heavy on the blue cheese, Alyssa instructedSean while carefully taking the box from Landon and walking to the living room.

“Uh, blue cheese?” Landon paled. Not only that, she had specifically requested for more cheese. Wasshe planning to make him suffer?

“Looks like you’re unhappy with our hospitality,” Sean mocked the ashen–faced Landon. “I bet ourmenu is too plebeian for you. You must have been eating caviar and truffle with your meals.”

“No! That’s nonsense! Don’t slander me. I’ll take the sandwich.” Landon bit the bullet but tried to reasonwith Alyssa with a bitter smile, “C-novelbin

Can I have the sandwich without the extra blue cheese?”

His voice faded. He looked like a pitiful little girl.

She turned around and chuckled with narrowed eyes. “Sure. Whatever you like.”

Landon almost stopped breathing at the sight of her smile as fireworks went off in his mind. He finallyunderstood the power of a beautiful


While Sean was busy getting dinner ready, Alyssa and Sean admired LAN’s artwork in the living room.It was an exquisite sculpture of a

hand holding a flower in full bloom.

The artist added the water splash effect, making the flower appear as a fountain. The sculpture wascarved from a complete piece of crystal that created the illusion of movement in a static artwork.

“Wow, it’s gorgeous,” Alyssa gasped at the artwork’s beauty. She fell her soul being cleansed fromwithin. She carefully lifted the flower from the hand, a move that made Landon gawk.

Unbelievably, Alyssa’s hands were more exquisite than the crystal sculpture carefully created by anartisan. The crystal flower paled in

comparison to her delicate hands.

“Alice, do you like it?” He rested his cheek on his hand and stared at her in a daze.

“Of course! LAN is my favorite contemporary artist, among many others. Her works are breathtaking.”Unable to contain her joy, Alyssa smiled broadly.

“I like

He wanted to tell her he liked her.

“Thanks, Mr. Harper. That’s very thoughtful of you.”



She suddenly straightened her tace and declared, Butic effort and money to get this item. Give me aprice, and

tuke receiving gifts without returning the tavot. You must have spent a tot It from you”

Tsk. You’ll only make me angry with all the talk about money. It’s hurtful” Pouting, he rubbed his chest.

I really like LAN artwork. I had planned to visit Kontina to buy a piece, but I didn’t have the time to doso. You gave me the perfect gift Let’s agree on this–I’ll buy the gift from you to make your trip worth it.Plus, I won’t feel guilty for accepting this sculpture. Isn’t that a

win situation?

She smiled softly and added, “I really hate owing favors.”

“No! I will never take your money!

“How about asking me for a favor? til do it if it’s within my ability.”

He was delighted to hear that. Grinning wide, he leaned forward and suggested, “Jasper’s grandpa’sbirthday falls next week. Will pos attend the event as my plus one?”

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