Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 1545
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Chapter 1545

Landon had shamed Preston straightforwardly.Preston was embarrassed.

Preston knew Landon as someone ruthless, careless, and rude. He was someone who was about to become president of theircorporation.

Moreover, Cornelius was present with them. Preston assumed that Landon would have practiced some restraint.In the end, he didn't hold back at all!

As the head of the family, Cornelius wanted to rebuke Landon. But on second thought, he figured that there was nothing wrongwith what Landon had said. He wasn't too fond of the useless bunch that Preston had befriended anyway.

So, he simply cleared his throat in an attempt to break the tension.

Penelope, on the other hand, couldn't stand it anymore. She frowned and chided, "Landon, how could you speak to your UnclePreston like that? Don't be rude!"

Preston chuckled. "Oh, don't say that to Landon, Penny. He's just a child in our eyes."Sylvia Jansen, Preston's wife, tried to diffuse the situation quickly.

She smiled warmly at Landon and said, "Landon, that's how Preston usually is. Otherwise, how did he end up with just a fewfriends? His other friends left because they got mad at him. He wasn't targeting you specifically. Don't misunderstand him."novelbin

Landon relaxed his brows. He swiveled the wine glass in his hand.This wasn't the first time that Preston and Landon had gotten into an argument.

Preston was impotent. As a result, he was unable to satisfy Sylvia sexually. So, for years, they only seemed close on a surfacelevel. Even so, he always provided for her materially. As such, she continued staying by his side.

Rather than being husband and wife, they were more like Bonnie and Clyde. They were a couple who schemed to make theHarper Group their own. They were like two blood-hungry leeches.

Landon glared icily at Preston and Sylvia. He clenched his teeth. He vowed to land a powerful smack on these two pests andsquish them to death.

Scrumptious-looking dishes were served. Everyone started to eat. However, Landon was only tasting the red wine. He didn'ttouch the food on his plate at all.

Who would have thought that Lauren would feed him so well? It was as if she was afraid that he'd starve. He was so full that histrousers could barely stay buckled when he was in the car. He felt so uneasy.

Allin all, the delicacies outside still could not compare with the home-cooked meals he had at Sage Manor.Everything tasted bland to him without Lauren by his side.

"Why aren't you eating, Landon?" Sylvia asked in a concerned manner. She smiled. "This is a top-grade steak, speciallyimported from Furancia. Cornelius chose it especially for you. This shows how much he really loves you."

Landon replied coldly, "Beef is difficult to digest. | get indigestion if | have too much of it. Thank you, Grandpa, for thinking of me."

"Indigestion? You've always been healthy. When did you start having stomach problems, Landon? Did Angie even care for youproperly?" Penelope's expression was full of worry. She was really concerned for Landon.

"It has nothing to do with Angie, Mom."

"You're usually a disorganized person. You've been so busy every day. On top of that, you have to look after that woman from theBeckett family. Wouldn't these take a toll on your health eventually?"

Penelope deemed Lauren to be the daughter of a murderer. The thought of her own son being entangled with someone like thatmade her furious. At the same time, she knew that this wasn't a good time for her to rant.

Instead, she insinuated, "It's not healthy to have food from elsewhere. It'll be too late once it affects your health!"

"Mom, you can address Lauren by her name. You can also call her Ms. Lauren. But please don't refer to her as ‘that woman.

Landon became serious-looking. Hisvoice was deep. "Lauren has nevertalked bad about you. When shementions you, she's never beendisrespectful either. | hope that youcan also be respectful toward theperson | love." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Penelope was silenced. Her hands that were holding her cutleries started shaking.If this were to continue, Lauren would end up stealing Landon!

Preston observed as Landon lashedout at Penelope, his own mother,without discrimination. The tensiondisappeared from his face. Hebecame more at ease and sniggeredto himself silently. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Lauren was Landon's weakness.

He simply needed to find a suitable opportunity. He could probably make use of Lauren to get control over Landon. Then, hecould turn the tables.

“Landon, Preston mentioned that you brought your girlfriend to the previous horse racing competition. Everyone met her there."

Sylvia started to stir things up again.She sighed, "| was unwell that day, so| wasn't able to attend. It's a pity that| didn't get to meet Ms. Lauren. We'regathering to have dinner as a familyhere tonight. You should've broughther along." The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Landon disregarded Sylvia. He turned his gaze toward Cornelius and asked, "May |, Grandpa?""May you what?" Cornelius was taken aback.

“May | bring Lauren, your granddaughter-in-law, to our family dinner next time?"

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