Can't Win Me Back

Chatper 1482
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Chatper 1482

Tessa conveyed everything that she knew. She had just let out her anguish and frustration, which she

had suppressed for 20 years. After that, she slumped back into the chair. She was drenched in sweat.

At this moment, she felt guilty. She regretted it from the bottom of her heart. She hated herself for being

20 years late in revealing the truth.

If only she hadn't been so greedy at the time. If only she could've been brave enough to withstand

Sophia's threats and testify that she had murdered Anne.

If so, Anne could've rested in peace. As for herself, she wouldn't have had to be away from home and

suffer for 20 years.

She was really foolish back then. Sophia was just Javier's mistress at that time. Why did she have to

fear such a lowly woman?

If Javier and Anne reconciled, there was no way that Sophia would've become Javier's wife. She

wouldn't even have remained in the Beckett family.

Sophia might have been carrying Javier's child, but she would've ended up having to leave. Only her

child would be allowed to stay.

That being said, it was all too late.

The Taylors were seated in the gallery. They heard the cruel truth and empathized with Jasper and

Anne. It was as if they had just witnessed the entire process of Jasper's mother's death.

Mandy, Colene, Lyla, and Tatiana already had tears streaming down their faces. Cyrus had a glum

expression on his face. Even Jonah, who was usually as cool as a cucumber, was also on the verge of


He and his brothers, along with Alyssa, lost their mother at a young age. However, they were more

blessed compared to Jasper. It wasn't the most painful thing to experience losing their mother to


The greatest pain was when one's mother died an unjust death and couldn't rest in peace.

"Judge Lynch, I have a few questions for the witness regarding this case." Simon stood up. His gazenovelbin

was dark.

Alyssa and Jasper guessed that he was surely going to create trouble. In order to secure his own

future, he had to do all he could to side with Sophia. This was something that they had already

expected. Even so, they still felt their chests tighten.

Steven nodded with a serious look on his face. "Go ahead."

Simon walked to the front of Tessa. The way he stared at her was enough to send chills down one's

spine. "Ms. Flores, you accused my client of being Anne Bartley's murderer. May I ask if you have

actually witnessed her pushing Anne Bartley down?

"You only have to answer yes or no. There's no need for further elaboration."

Sean knitted his brows together tightly. He clenched his fists.

Tessa could only answer with honesty, "No, I didn't. But I clearly heard that..."

Simon slammed the table, making Tessa jump. "There will be a sound whenever objects knock into one

another. People outside could have heard me slamming the table. Would they also assume that I am

committing a murder?"

Sean lifted his hand and interrupted in a deep voice, "Judge Lynch, I object! The defense just made a

call for speculation using the straw man fallacy!"

Steven responded, "Defense, please refrain from speculative questions.

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