Can't Win Me Back

Chatper 1476
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Chatper 1476

Without Sophia's strategies, Betty could not survive, like a parasite who had left its host.

Meanwhile, Sophia and Jeffrey were attacking each other in court, bringing Javier so much shame that

he wanted to leave the scene.

After the plaintiff and the defendant delivered their opening statements, the trial entered the most

crucial round of witness examination and questioning.

It was Simon's time to spring into action. Chuckling, he stretched and stood up relaxedly. "Mr. Snyder,

you claimed that the defendant paid you off to get rid of Ms. Carle, but there's no evidence to back up

your claim. I have a reason to suspect that you're lying and framing my client to get away from your


"I did not lie! I told the truth. I never had any exchange with the maid at all. Why would I kill her for no

reason?" Jeffrey nervously defended himself.

Sean fixed a stern gaze on Simon's animated face and silently clenched his fist. The secret recordings

by Nina were in Sean's possession. She had lost her life precisely over the recordings.

Simon must have been aware of the fact as well, but he remained unfazed because he knew that

Nina's stealth recordings did not qualify as evidence.

Simon continued his attacks. "You claimed that my client paid a huge sum to you. May I know the

whereabouts of the payment?"

Jeffrey could not come up with an answer. He had requested cash from Sophia and later kept the

money in the basement of his home in Tsulu. Therefore, there weren't any transaction records to prove

his claim.

At this point, Sophia's men had probably moved the cash away from his house in Tsulu under her


"My client's transaction records displayed a large transfer after the incident, but it was due to a propertynovelbin

purchase in Mosgravia." With that, Simon handed the judge a document and explained, "This is the

record of the property transaction. The amount matches the outflow of funds from my client's account."

Steven accepted the document and examined it. Just as Simon claimed, the purchase amount

matched the figure on Sophia's bank transfer record.

Sophia frowned as she maintained an innocent expression, but she was secretly snickering at Simon's


"You accused my client of instructing you to kill the victim, but it did not make any sense. My client is

Mrs. Beckett of the Beckett Group. Given her wealth, she had no motive to kill a maid who had served

the family for five years.

"Before Nina Carle worked for the Becketts, she had served as an HR department employee in my

company. She had no connections to the Beckett Group at all."

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The judges' negative impression of Jeffrey would play to Sophia's advantage.

"Your Honor," Sean interrupted, "I have a question regarding the defense attorney's argument."

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