Can't Win Me Back

Chatper 1463
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Chatper 1463

Yawning, Cyrus added without thinking, "We received three cases of sexual assault involving males

this year. I do not want a fourth case. The Lovelaces are going to be devastated if Julien becomes a


Julien agreed with Cyrus, making Jonah clench his jaw in frustration.

Not all the guests had left. When Mrs. Rosie cleaned the venue, she found Axel passed out drunk on

the balcony.

Although there was a deck underneath the balcony, Axel could have fallen off it if he flipped and turned.

The fall from two floors might not have cost him his life, but it was enough to severely injure him.

"Good heavens! You crazy child! You've gone mad!" Mrs. Rosie hurried into the kitchen to inform

Alyssa and Jasper, who were busy making tea.

"Madam, your brother Axel is sleeping on the balcony! I dare not wake him up. I can't take the

responsibility if he falls off the balcony from the shock."

Jasper's eyes were filled with worry. Alyssa continued making her tea, unfazed. She drawled, "Don't

worry about it. He'll never fall off the balcony. He's been like this since he was a kid, sleeping on high

and steep surfaces. Rooftops, hills, trees—you name it. I bet he was a monkey in his previous life."

Jasper was dumbstruck by the Taylors' carefree and daredevil attitude. Were the Taylors unconcerned

because they had too many children to spare?

Finally, Alyssa and Jasper caved into Mrs. Rosie's nagging and went to the balcony for Axel.

"Shall I bring him down from the edge?" Jasper whispered in her ear.

"Don't waste your energy. Your arms are only for carrying me. Why would you lift a grown man like

him? Just put a blanket on him."

Then, she snorted and held his arm. "Congratulations on outdrinking Axel Taylor. You're the first to do

so. Maybe you should down another two shots to celebrate it."

He widened his eyes in shock. "Axel isn't drunk, is he? He's sober. I think he fell asleep because he

was tired."

"Oh, you don't know Axel. If he falls asleep after drinking, it means he's hit his limits. Otherwise, he

could keep going until dawn."

Their whispers were interrupted by Axel's ringing phone. After three rings, he shockingly answered itnovelbin

with his eyes closed. He slurred lazily, "Who's this?"

A few moments later, he answered, "Koger that! I ll return to the base!"

While speaking, he sat up straight on the balcony and jumped off the railing.

"Axel, watch out!" Jasper gaped and yelled.

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Jasper shook his head speechlessly. "Axel acts like a boy."

Smiling, she wrapped an arm around his waist and purred, "Yeah, he's just a schoolboy at heart. Don't

mind him."

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