Can't Win Me Back

Chatper 1453
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Chatper 1453


All eyes turned to Maggie, who timidly hid behind Alyssa. They were in awe.

Indeed, the way one dressed had a significant impact on how others perceived them.

Upon her initial arrival, Maggie wore modest attire, appearing charming. However, her passive

demeanor and hunched posture exposed a palpable insecurity that was difficult for onlookers to


Maggie underwent a complete transformation thanks to Alyssa's efforts. A single glance and a stranger

would easily assume she was born into wealth.

"Wow! You're so beautiful!"

Tatiana clapped with a radiant smile on her face. "Maggie was already beautiful. Now, she's practically

sparkling in that dress! She looks absolutely lovely!"

"That dress is quite impressive!" Julien, who typically carried himself with confidence, couldn't resist

offering praise.

"Hmph! I crafted that myself! It's a one-of-a-kind creation. I dare anyone to call it ugly." Rose lifted her

chin with pride, crossing her legs. She gazed at Maggie as if her masterpiece was showcased on annovelbin

international catwalk for everyone to admire.

"I was about to say it looks like one of your pieces, Rose."

Tatiana regarded Rose with admiration. "When it comes to the best designer in the country, you're right

up there after Sharon. Sigh, if only I were lucky enough to meet Sharon once. I believe she is the best

in the design industry! I will definitely get her autograph and take a picture with her!"

Rose took a sip of her tea, glancing at Alyssa with a chuckle.

Julien's eyes widened in surprise. With his overseas downtime often filled with watching fashion shows,

he was well aware of Rose. Nevertheless, he never imagined that Rose would be the woman struggling

with assembling food next to him.

Alyssa's friends were out of this world.

"Ms. Emerson," Julien called her.

"Yes, Dr. Lovelace?" Having heard about Julien from her mentor, she was friendly toward him.

Julien cleared his throat and asked, "Can you help to design an outfit?"

Julien feigned nonchalance and briefly glanced at Jonah's back. "A suit for a man."

"I'm booked for the next six months."

"Oh." Julien seemed to resign to the situation, his eyes reflecting a profound disappointment.


Rose rested her cheek on her hand and smiled at him. "You are a good friend of my mentor. I'll

definitely make an exception.

Julien withdrew his intense gaze from Jonah's back, his lips curling into a smile. "Alright, I'll get the

measurements for you promptly. Thank you."

"Jasper? Xavier? When did you both get back?"

No matter how chaotic the environment was, Alyssa instantly noticed them standing at the entrance.

She was overjoyed.

With Maggie's hand in hers, Alyssa smiled and pulled her along as they approached the two standing

at the entrance.

As Xavier locked eyes with Maggie, a profound intensity overcame him. His body tensed, and his heart

pounded uncontrollably, his emotions spiraling.

Maggie shyly pursed her lips as Xavier's intense gaze lingered on her. She felt unsure of what to do in


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