Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 1027
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Chapter 1027

Chapter 1027

“It’s no big deal. What good am I if I can’t even help you with this?” Jeremy looked a little bashful whenAlyssa thanked him profusely.

At that moment, he received a call from the Tsulian king, which he immediately answered. During thecall, his expression turned somber, worrying Alyssa.

After Jeremy hung up, Miley quickly asked, “Jeremy, is there a problem?”

“Inigo Montoye is no longer in Tsulu. He left the country,” Jeremy replied flatly with a deep look.

“He left? Did he escape through the night after he received a tip-off?” Alyssa wondered aloud withfurrowed brows.

“No. He has always been in Cyrris, long before the attack of

“Where in Cyrris?” Alyssa gasped.

“Solana City.”

Hearing that, Alyssa was left dumbstruck. She rolled her fists,

recalling what Jonah had shared with her. Before the attack, Jaspe had revealed to Jonah that forces inSolana City had conspired with the Tsulian authorities, and he was 90 percent sure about the identity ofthe mastermind in Solana City.

Why was Jasper so confident about his guess? The only plausible explanation was that he wasacquainted with the suspect and knew them inside out.

“Lyse.” After some hesitation, Miley whispered, “I did not bring this up yesterday because things werechaotic. Since Jeremy’s here, let me ask you something. How’s your relationship with the youngestnovelbin

“Jimmy and I are just friends.” Alyssa looked bitter. “We were playmates when we were kids. He wentto Kontina with his mother later on and lived there for ten years. It was pure coincidence that we raninto each other when he returned to Cyrris. He has helped me a lot this year. He saved me twice whenI was in trouble.”

“I won’t dispute his feelings for you, but Lyse… you’d better stay away from him. When you’re back toSolana City, you should distance yourself from him whenever possible.”

Looking troubled and concerned, Miley added, “Besides, I can tell that Jasper matters to you the most.I believe that your relationship with Jasper has withstood the test through this incident. Isn’t it time toput the past behind you and start over with him?

“Jasper has made many sacrifices for you. Even if you refuse to get back with him, you need to stayaway from that Schmidt guy. He not hold a candle to Jasper.”

“Does the Schmidts have a fourth son? Who is he?” Jeremy as inquisitively.

“Jeremy, he’s Jameson Schmidt.”

Upon hearing that, Jeremy’s smile froze. He said frostily, “Oh, he’s from the Schmidt Group. He’sconsidered an ‘old acquaintance’ of ours.”

He betrayed an unmistakable hatred as he spoke of Jameson.

“Do you know him very well? Did you get into any conflict with him when he was in Kontina?” Alyssaasked in shock.

Sighing, Jeremy shook his head indignantly. “Jameson Schmidt is also nicknamed ‘The Dark Lord’ andKing of the Underground’ in Kontina. He is leading a famous private equity firm in Kontina, bribing

“Not only did he establish an underground casino to bribe the officials with money and sexual services,but he is also suspected of drug trafficking. It’s a pity we couldn’t find evidence against him yet. He’sbeen pulling the strings from afar, and we have no way of subjecting him to the law

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