Can't Win Me Back

Chapter 1011
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Chapter 1011

Chapter 1011

Had it been a second longer, Alyssa would have been trapped in the cage like an animal waiting to beslaughtered.

Then, she heard a sinister laugh coming from the shadows.

“Jeffrey! Come out here this instant!

Having tagged along with Jonah and Axel for training since she was young, Alyssa possessed superbhearing.

In an instant, she identified the direction of the sound, gripping her gun with both hands.

Aiming at the barely visible shadow, she pressed the trigger.

She was surprised to find that she had run out of ammunition. She had used up all her bullets duringthe intense gunfight earlier on.

Before she knew it, she was drenched in sweat, and her shoulders were trembling.

She promptly felt around her back, only to discover that her backup cartridge clip wasn’t there.

Panicking, she glanced around her and saw that the cartridge clip had fallen to the ground a few stepsaway from her.

She accidentally dropped it while dodging the trap a moment ago.

Right when she was about to pick it up, two shots were fired at her. feet. She froze, not daring to makeany abrupt movements!

“I’ve seen your skills in action before, Ms. Alyssa. You are indeed an outstanding woman.”

Following his evil laughter, Jeffrey emerged slowly from the shadows. a faint glint.

He pointed the arrow at Alyssa and said, “From wild rabbits to large. wolves, no one has ever dodgedthis cage of ours.

“I do have to hand it to you, Ms. Alyssa. You’re attractive, rich, and capable of fighting. No wonder aproud man like Jasper Beckett would fall head over heels for you.”

“Shut your trap!”

Alyssa’s expression turned cold. She employed her fierce and frosty gaze to conceal her overwhelmingterror.

“Jeffrey, you only have one option. Return with me to Solana City to expose Sophia’s crimes and facethe lawful punishment you deserve! Otherwise, tonight, you will be dead meat!”

Jeffrey erupted in laughter. “Ms. Alyssa, why is it that you’re just like Jasper? Both of you are relentlessas long as you believe you still have a chance. Or, do all you plutocrats possess such arrogance tothink that I wouldn’t dare to kill you?”

“If you dare to lay even a finger on me, the rest of the Taylor family will wipe the entire Shelland Islandout. Trust me!” Alyssa sneered through gritted teeth, each word delivered with powerful conviction.

Jeffrey was speechless.

“If you were to fire a single bullet at me, my brothers will go on a shooting spree at you in the future.They will blow your limbs off and leave you to die. Would you like to have a taste of that?”

Alyssa’s impactful threat truly made Jeffrey think twice.

He figured that Alyssa was different from Jasper, an illegitimate child. She wasn’t hurling empty threats.The other Taylor family members were not to be angered.

Moreover, there was also Winston. He was someone that even the royalties had to show respect to.

Just as Jeffrey was distracted, Alyssa leaped forward and picked up the cartridge clip from the ground.She loaded her gun speedily.

She moved with the swiftness of the wind, leaving a remarkable impression!novelbin

Jeffrey had a shock. Without giving any extra thought, he fired an arrow straight at Alyssa’s chest!

The arrow glided through the air.

Alyssa became stiff on the spot, just like a rabbit ensnared by a hunter. She didn’t have time to avoidthe arrow, let alone fire her gun!

She shut her eyes in fright, her entire body paralyzed.

However, out of nowhere, she felt a forceful embrace around her. Someone with a burning boldnesshad shielded her from the arrow.

Alyssa’s eyes shot wide open in shock. She saw Jasper’s pale face dripping with sweat.

Through his bloodshot eyes, he gazed deeply into hers. He event looked as if he was doting on her fora moment.

“Are you alright, Lyse?”

Alyssa stared at him dumbfoundedly. Tears began streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably.

“Please don’t cry. I’m fine. I’m alright…” Jasper comforted her in a low voice, caressing her tremblingback.

In the next second, she felt the weight of his entire body on her. He had used up the last of the strengthin him and fell unconscious. “Jasper! Jasper!”

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