Bye, My Ex-husband

Chapter 21: Something Happened In The Company
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Chapter 21: Something Happened In The Company

Janessa had moved to her own apartment before her marriage.

Although she hadn't lived there for some time, the apartment became fit for occupation after a simpleclean-up.

That night, she lay on her bed, but she did not feel sleepy.

Larry's condition kept playing in her mind.

Should she agree to it or not? She tossed and turned all night, only drifting off finally as the gray light ofthe dawn came.

In her sleep, she was unaware of the cataclysmic changes going on in the Qiu Group.

The Lu Group had withdrawn their capital investment.

With this development, the Qiu Group was thrown back to their starting point.

As the new CEO, Aydin had absolutely no capability to deal with this matter.novelbin

Some of the friends he had made during his social activities had disappeared.

Janessa was woken up by the sudden ringing of her phone.

She groggily reached for the phone and peered at the screen.

The name she saw instantly sobered her up.

Why was Aydin calling her? "What's the matter?"

"What is the matter? Don't you know? Something happened to the company!"

Aydin's angry voice barked into her ear, but she could hear the underlying desperation in his tone.

"Something happened? Mr.Qiu, are you talking in your sleep? Aren't you forgetting something? The QiuGroup had me removed from the company, and I am not even qualified to enter the company premisesat this point.How would I know what happened?"

Janessa knew her uncle very well.

It was okay for him to eat, drink, and enjoy the perks of being a company's CEO.

When it came to actually managing a company, he was absolutely useless.

Unfortunately, the major shareholders of the company had united to elect such an incompetent personto become the company’s head.

Aydin wanted to say something, but the words became stuck in his mouth after Janessa turned hisprevious statements against him.

After a while, he took a deep breath and continued to speak, "The Qiu Group was founded by yourparents.You can't just let it go like this."

"It was fine when I gave it to you.Now, the company’s state, whether good or bad, has absolutelynothing to do with me."

After those cold parting words, Janessa pressed the button to end the call and turned on her laptop tocheck today's news.

In order to force her hand and get his divorce, Rayan withdrew all the money his company had investedon the Qiu Group.

Well, he really was something.

Janessa was surprised when her uncle and her wife came to find her in her apartment.

How did he know that she had moved out of the Lu family villa? As soon as he saw her, Aydin startedscolding her.

"Janessa.Not that I'm blaming you, but how could you offend Mr.Lu? He was the only person that couldhelp the Qiu family survive.Why can't you just take care of your husband and stop fighting oversomething so useless? Now, the whole Qiu family will suffer because of your willfulness!"

"Yes, your uncle is right," her Aunt Norma said in agreement.

"Janessa, it's a woman's duty to take good care of her husband at home and make it easy for him towork hard outside.Go and apologize to Mr.Lu and ask him to give back that money to the company!"

The couple admonished her like the concerned, loving relatives that they were not.

Didn't they remember how they made things difficult for her at her mother's funeral? "I've told you thatthe company has nothing to do with me anymore.I've already signed over the company to you.As forthe company's operation, that's all up to the CEO, isn't it, Uncle?"

Janessa declared in a sarcastic voice, her eyes full of disdain.

He had the guts to kick her out of the company, but now he came to her to beg.

It seemed like he would do anything to stay in power.

"Janessa, what is with your attitude? Your surname is Qiu, so you have a responsibility over thismatter.Do you think that I'm unaware of what happened? I've heard that you irritated Mr.Lu to the pointthat he was forced to withdraw the investment.Come to think of it, our company is in such a crisisbecause of you, so why don't you care about it?"

Norma's caring demeanor evaporated.

Now, she scolded Janessa in a harsh, imposing manner.

Janessa sneered inwardly and stared at the shameless couple with eyebrows raised dismissively.

With a cold glare, she spoke out in slow, deliberate tones, "You are the ones who are asking me forhelp.

How could you beg in this manner?"

"You..."Aydin blustered out.

"Janessa, we are just discussing countermeasures to save your marriage.Even your aunt is concernedabout the outcome.After all, you haven't been married for long.We are more experienced in the mattersbetween husband and wife.We're just trying to teach you how to make you and Mr.Lu live a happierlife.Your parents are gone, so as your uncle and aunt, we have the responsibility to teach you well."

Aydin actually sounded like he believed his words and that there was nothing wrong with them. Teachher?

"Where were you when I stuck all alone in the Lu family without any help? Now you come here and tellme that you are responsible for teaching me? How shameless could you be that you could say suchdrivel and even use drag my parents into this?"

Fuming, Norma stood up and raised a hand to hit Janessa.

Janessa stepped back and dodged, and the older woman's impetus sent her to the floor instead ofhitting her niece.

"You...How could you do this to your aunt? If you can't save the Qiu Group, I'll never forgive you!"

Aydin pulled up his wife and ushered her toward a chair.

Then, he carefully checked her body for any injuries.

Janessa retorted, "Well, if you want me to attract investment for the Qiu Group, give up the CEOposition.Otherwise, no negotiation!"

The timing was just right to take back the CEO position from Aydin.

Her uncle would do everything to have more money.

"You...You are plundering a burning house!"

Aydin was trembling with anger.

How could he let go so easily of the company he had worked so hard to gain? The couple discussedsomething in low tones, and then Aydin said in a markedly softer tone,

"Janessa, I'm sorry.We were both so worried just now.As the saying goes, it's better to break tentemples than to destroy a marriage.We don't want you to have any regrets in the future.Since you don'tget along well with your husband and Mr.Lu has another woman, you are well within your rights todivorce.However, you have to ask for more money as alimony.You can't let him go easily since he wasthe one who was unfaithful."

Aydin earnestly told Janessa his analysis of the state of her marriage.

When discussing money, his eyes lit up with a complacent expression, as if the funds were already intheir hands.

Then, the couple started talking about how to divide Janessa and Rayan's assets after they divorced.

Evidently, the only thing on their minds was how they could get more out of it.

It was the last straw for Janessa.

"Enough! Get out of my house, or I'll call the police!"

She was so angry that she bodily shoved the two through the door.

Then, finally, the apartment was silent.

How could she let those two in? Was she out of her mind? Despite her brave words earlier, she couldnever ignore the plight of the Qiu Group.

With the exception of the Lu Group, there was only one person in City A who held enough power tohelp her out.

She already knew that the Lu Group wouldn't help.

This person was the Qiu Group's only hope.

Janessa took out a gilded business card from her pocket and dialed the number on it.

"Hello, is this Mr.Chen?"

"It's me.Have you made up your mind?"

It seemed like Larry knew she would call and went straight to the point.

"Yes.We have a deal."

"Excellent,"the man replied in a satisfied tone.

"Miss Qiu, check your account.The money has already been transferred."

Janessa checked her account balance on her phone's banking app and ended the call.

Rayan Lu, since you have been so heartless, don't blame me for being unkind.

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