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After the talk with Tom, Ceaser couldn't wait a minute longer to execute his plan. He told Claire tocancel all his appointments before he made his way towards the elevator.

"Get the car Patrick." Ceaser told his driver when he picked up the call.

"Right away sir." Patrick said.

A minute later the elevator dinged open into the lobby. Ceaser stepped out and headed outside. Allheads turned to his direction. It had always been like that for Ceaser. He was an epitome of perfectionand the ladies couldn’t keep their eyes off of him.

"Have a nice day sir" Clarence – the doorman - said as he opened the door for him.

Ceaser gave him a curt nod as he exited the building spotting Patrick and the car waiting for him infront of the building. Patrick held the door open and closed it after he got in.

"Where to sir?" Patrick asked after he got in and started the car.

"Freddie and Co." Ceaser replied.

Ceaser arrived at Freddie and Co a few minutes later. He got out of the car and made his way into thebuilding and towards the elevator. As he entered, the receptionist couldn't utter a word, she just gapedat him. Ceaser knew the effect he had on people and he would never get tired of it.

He pushed the button to the elevator and waited for it.

Oh, how he hated waiting.

It didn’t take long for the elevator to arrive and Ceaser stepped aside as people exited the elevator.When the last person stepped out gawking at him like the rest of the female population. When Ceaser

moved to enter staring down at his phone just at the same time Jules stepped out, their shouldersbumped which made her bag fall to the ground. Ceaser was already on the edge of losing it because ofthe wait and this woman made him angry. He was about giving her a piece of his mind when Jules bentto pick her purse but then the sleeping child in her arms caught his attention. She had brown hair justlike the woman carrying her; different shades though. She looked so adorable. He hated children butsomething about this child right here just made him melt at sight of her.

He bent to help her gather her things and when she looked at him, he froze.

“Thank you.” Jules smiled at him when they got her things.

“You’re welcome.” He said as they both rose from the ground.

Coffee brown eyes. Hair in a simple bun. Work clothes that were sexy yet professional.

Ceaser never thought he’d ever be attracted to a woman who was plain and simple but somethingabout her was different.

He was about to introduce himself when she gave him a final smile and walked away. He stood therewatching her as she stepped out of the company building. He considered going after her but theelevator was shutting and he had to get in quick. He got into the elevator before it closed shut.

Still thinking about her – the woman he had bumped into, he made it to the top floor and walked intothe lobby spotting Freddie Danfort’s assistant. She was pretty with her blonde hair wild around her.

She saw him approaching and quickly got up, her eyes gone wide.

"Mr... Mr. Thompson." she stuttered.

The Thompson’s never had any business dealings with Freddie and Co. so he never had a reason tocontact him. But now he wanted to make a proposal which Danfort had to accept.

"Mr. Danfort here?" Ceaser asked her.

"Yes sir." She answered regaining her composure. "I’ll inform him of your presence."

Ceaser waited...again.

"Sir, Mr. Thompson is here to see you." The assistant said into the intercom on her desk.

"Mr. Thompson?" Danfort sounded surprised.

Why wouldn't he? Ceaser couldn't blame him.

"Hmm, let him in." He said

"Yes sir" she said then smiled up at Ceaser. "He’ll see you now." She smiled seductively at him.

Ceaser ignored her making a mental note to get rid of her when he got the company as he walkedstraight into Freddie Danfort's office shutting the door behind him.

"Mr. Thompson." Danfort stood. "What a surprise."novelbin

Ceaser walked towards his desk

"Definitely is."

"Please, have a seat."

Ceaser sat down.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Danfort asked.

"I'm here for business Mr. Danfort." He answered.

Danfort looked confused "I don't see how we can help you with that Mr Thompson. We're not in thesame line of work."

"I know. But still, I have a proposal for you." Ceaser told him.

He clenched his jaw.

"Let's hear it." he said

"I know Freddie and Co. has gone bankrupt and you need people to invest to help you out. I'd like toinvest, but I'd love it more if you're looking for a buyer." Ceaser paused. "So, name your price."

"I'm lost." Danfort leaned forward, resting his elbow on the table. "You're saying you want to buy mycompany."

"That's right Mr. Danfort." Ceaser also leaned forward.

"Why would you suddenly want to divert to my line of business? You own construction companiesaround the world and you want to buy my publishing company. Can I ask why?"

"Personal reasons." Ceaser answered. "So, numbers?"

Danfort sighed.

"I don't think I’m ready to sell Mr. Thompson."

"You need investors to save your company Mr. Danfort and everyone in the business world knows yourcompany has gone bankrupt. I’m pretty sure I saw no one lining up outside your office and you don’twant to sell?"

"It's not my call...”

"Of course, it is. You'll just have to pay back your previous investors to get the upper hand." Ceaserpaused. "Mr. Danfort, I'm willing to buy this company and pay your investors back, just name yourprice."

Danfort looked shocked and happy. He smiled.

"We have a deal Mr. Thompson." He stood up and stretched his hand.”

Ceaser got up, buttoned his suit jacket before reaching for Danfort’s hand. He smiled at him andnodded.

"I'll have my lawyer draw up a contract and have it delivered to you. I want to end this as quickly aspossible"

He sighed "Your reason must be very important."

"It is." Ceaser said and walked out.

On his way out, Ceaser called his lawyer and told him to draw up the contract and have it delivered toMr. Danfort today. He wanted to end all tides by tomorrow.

The week had gone by in a blur for Jules. It was fun because of lunch time but everything else was thesame. Everyone at the company knew they had a new CEO even though they weren’t informed. Butnews spread like wildfire and it was only confirmed when Freddie Danfort’s assistant – Violetta – wasfired and Freddie Danfort himself no longer came to work.

Jules walked into the building with Ivy in her arms, she made her way towards the elevator and saw itclosing.

“Hold it please.” She yelled and hoped whoever was inside would oblige and she sent a prayer abovewhen it opened up.

“Thank you.” She smiled as she stepped inside.

Ceaser had been going out of his mind trying to find the right approach to the woman that had hisdaughter and with over-taking Freddie and Co., it hadn’t been easy. He had also had his mind on thewoman he had seen his first time there. He had thought about her and he was surprised when shestepped into the elevator.

“No dropping bags?” He couldn’t help asking.

“Excuse me?” Jules looked at him.

“Last time we met, you dropped your bag.”

It took Jules a few seconds to remember and she smiled.

“It was you.”

Ceaser couldn’t help smiling which took him by surprised because he hadn’t smiled since forever. Hecouldn’t remember the last time someone made him smile.

“Your daughter is beautiful.” He said sincerely.

“Thank you.” Jules didn’t know why she felt weird talking to this stranger in an elevator. She didremember him from a few days ago and she remembered thinking he was good looking. But she hadn’ttalked to a man in a while much less one that looked like he just walked out of a magazine. Santos wasthe head of her department so, he didn’t count.

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