Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70

hapter 70

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you,” Caroline apologized.

She nervously sat Kirk down on the couch and turned the lights on. Her heart ached when she saw his

injury, and she hurriedly looked for

the first aid kit.

Kirk wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to worry about a minor injury.

Before he could get the words out, he caught sight of a bra in the suitcase out of the corner of his eye, and his mind went blank. He’d

asked someone to pick up some clothes and bring them to Caroline. He hadn’t seen them, not even on


Kirk frowned. His desire for Caroline was burning like lava. At this moment, Caroline found the first aid

kit and sat beside him. Her sweet

scent filled Kirk’s nostrils, stimulating his senses.

Caroline didn’t notice it at all. She took a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to dab the wound on Kirk’s fore

head. “This will hurt a little, so you must bear it.” She cleaned his wound with gentle and delicate move


Kirk swallowed with difficulty. His eyes couldn’t move away from the sight before him, and his ears turn

ed red.

His intense gaze startled Caroline, and only when she looked down did she realize how suggestive thei

r position was. “1–I’m done — She

blushed, putting some distance between them.

There was still a suggestive and romantic atmosphere in the air.

Caroline felt like she had to say something to break the odd silence. “How did you come up here?”


Caroline glanced at

the balcony. They were on the second floor. She wondered if he’d climbed up the pipes on the walls.

Kirk answered, “I climbed up here.”

His answer dumbfounded Caroline. He really did climb up the pipes.

“But this is the second floor!”

Kirk grinned. He didn’t have an issue climbing something this high. He asked, “How are you feeling?” H

e looked at Caroline’s ankle, trying

to ignore the clothes in the suitcase.

“My ankle still hurts a bit, but I

can walk now. I’ll probably be discharged from the hospital in a few days, Caroline said. She couldn’t st


in the hospital with peace of mind, thinking about the expensive hospital bills she had to pay the longer

she stayed.

“Okay.” Kirk’s voice was hoarse. He couldn’t handle sneaking around just to see Caroline.

Caroline scratched her nose, voicing her concern: “Did Eddy suspect you?”


Caroline asked curiously, “How do you avoid him?”

In Osbury, Eddy could always find any person he sought, especially someone as outstanding as Kirk.

Kirk raised an eyebrow with a faint smile on his lips. “Do you know what a blind spot is?”

Caroline nodded, listening carefully.

“Everyone has a blind spot. No matter how capable Eddy is, he can’t search every corner of Osbury. I’

m simply hiding in his blind spot.

That’s why he can’t find me. For example, he definitely wouldn’t expect me to climb over the wall to see

you tonight.”

Caroline partially understood his words. She said, “As long as he doesn’t find out, it should be fine.”

Looking at the bright smile on Caroline’s face, Kirk’s lips curled into a smile, and he slowly relaxed.

Suddenly, there was an urgent knock on the door. Caroline’s heart skipped a beat, and she lowered her

voice. “Is it Eddy?”

Kirk frowned slightly and held Caroline’s shoulders. He reassured, “Don’t panic. I’ll go and have a look.”

“No, I’ll go.” Caroline’s voice trembled, but she walked ahead of Kirk.

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picked up a chair with his other hand.

“Who is it?” Caroline asked nervously, leaning against the door.

“It’s me, Carol!” Gwen’s voice came through the door.

Caroline’s nerves relaxed in an instant. She opened the door and said, “You really scared m-

Seeing Gwen’s hesitant expression, Caroline stopped talking. She looked down to see Kirk’s hand tight

ly holding her welct. Both of them looked like lovers. She blushed, her cheeks burning.

Gwen smiled at Kirk, then turned to Caroline and teased, “… You called me here on purpose to let me

watch the show, didn’t you?

“No!” Caroline argued, “We were just…”

“This must be him…” Gwen looked at Kirk carefully. Her gaze was sharp as she tried to find any flaws i

n him. However, she couldn’t find anything and said unwillingly, “He doesn’t look too bad.”

Caroline was relieved to hear her best friend’s acknowledgement of Kirk. (1)

In Gwen’s eyes, even God didn’t deserve her best friend. She’d never even bothered to pay attention to

Eddy back then. Gwen’s positive comment proved that Kirk was indeed attractive.

Caroline introduced them, saying, “This is my best friend, Gwen, and this is Kirk.”


frowned. He hadn’t relaxed from the moment Gwen entered the room. Still, for Caroline’s sake, he gave

Gwen a curt nod.

Meanwhile, Gwen was interested in the man in front of her. Caroline had told her that

Kirk was just an ordinary office employee. However, looking at him now, she noticed

that he had an elegant bearing, which a normal employee wouldn’t have.


took note of this discrepancy. She asked, “Carol told me you work at Morrison Corporation. What are y

ou in charge of?

“Research and development.”

“The work must be difficult.”

“Not really. I work from nine to five.”

“But I heard that Morrison Corporation has been busy researching and developing new

products for the past few months. How can you be working from just nine to five?” Gwen asked.

Kirk raised his eyebrow. Looking at Gwen smiling courteously, he said flatly, “That’s just fake news.”

The smile on Gwen’s face froze. She asked unhappily, “Do you know someone narned Cameron Rose

in your department?

“There isn’t anyone with that name.”

Gwen smiled subtly. “Then, I must be remembering wrongly.”

Kirk remained silent.

Caroline silently watched

their interaction. She could tell that Gwen was testing Kirk. She smiled awkwardly at Kirk and said to G

wen, “Did you bring the tools, Gwen?”

Gwen handed the tools to Caroline, still staring at Kirk.

Worried that Gwen would upset Kirk if she kept testing him, Caroline came up with an excuse and drag

ged her friend to the bathroom. She asked, “What are you doing, Gwen?”

“He doesn’t look like an ordinary employee to me. He looks like a wealthy man. Carol, I’m afraid that yo

u’re being tricked.”

Caroline knew that her friend had good intentions.novelbin

She asked Gwen, “He answered all your questions correctly, didn’t he?”

Gwen nodded unhappily.

“That means he isn’t tricking us. He really works at Morrison Corporation. How

would he know so much about the company otherwise?”

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