Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57


Chapter 57

Eddy’s body shuddered

violently with anger. He looked at Caroline as she stumbled away. Suddenly, he felt that the distance be

tween them was getting larger. It felt like they were worlds apart.

He felt a strange sense of pani

Caroline to hurry up and announce the wedding soon. Come back once you fix your makeup. Don’t mis

s out, continued Sarah.


Silence fell over the bathroom. Except for the screeching of a wheelchair. Caroline’s hands

trembled with fury. She couldn’t hold it any longer. She pushed open the cubicle door and saw

Layla, whose face turned white.

“Caroline …”


Caroline had slapped Layla. Layla’s face swelled up almost immediately.

“Caroline, you crazy bitch!” Layla stood up from her wheelchair and waved her arms around hysterically


Not one to back down easily, Caroline shoved Layla. The force of which was so great that

it sent Layla and her wheelchair tumbling.

Lying on the floor, Layla held a hand over the bruise on her forehead. She turned to Caroline, saying, “

Caroline, you’re crazy. Is this how a daughter of the Evans family behaves?”

“I’m crazy because

of you.” Caroline’s eyes turned red. “I tolerated you, but you took it for granted. Tell me–my

parents threatened me with their lives. Was it your idea?”

Layla gave a sly grin. “Is there a problem?”

It had indeed been her idea. She’d persuaded Sarah and Dan to guilt–

trip Caroline with their lives, all so that Caroline would marry Eddy.

If Caroline wanted anyone to blame, she could blame Eddy’s second uncle for

it. He’d said he’d find her a kidney donor abroad. On top of that, he’d asked Sean to oversee this matte

r–the one man Layla hated to see.

Hence, Layla had taken it upon herself to make Caroline marry Eddy before Sean

could find a donor. That way, Caroline could die in the surgery, and her death would put everything to a

n end.

Caroline pulled Layla’s hair so forcefully that her knuckles turned white. Yet the searing pain did nothing

to curb Layla’s smugness.

“Even if you know it was my idea, it won’t change anything. Can you defy your parents? Will you let you

r parents die before you? Can you live with that kind of guilt? Ah-”

Caroline pulled even harder, almost tearing Layla’s scalp.

Chapter 57

Caroline’s furious glare sent chills down Layla’s spine. For the very first time, Layla saw so much hatre

d in someone’s eyes. It was so overwhelming that it could kill someone.

“Caroline, what are you doing?”

Caroline laughed and let go of Layla’s hair slowly. “You

want me to marry Eddy, don’t you? All right then. I’ll

tell everyone about it now. And I’ll say that you’re my bridesmaid. You’ll bear witness to my becoming E

ddy’s rightful spouse.

“All that love, happiness, and blessings will forever be out of your

reach. You swore that oath in front of everyone. If you want to marry Eddy, Grandpa would be the first t

o oppose it.”

Layla’s face tumed even paler. Still on the floor, she tried to grab Caroline’s heels. “You bitch! You crazy


Caroline ignored Layla’s insult and left. She walked along the corridor until she’d finally

reached a quiet spot.

Then, that tough facade of hers cracked. She slumped against the

glass wall. The glistening surface reflected a defeated woman. Her eyes were scarlet, and her hair

was disheveled. Soon, the image became blurry, like fogged–up

glasses. The light turned dim, just like her loveless world.

Her parents did not care about her. They

only wanted her to be Eddy’s wife. Eddy hated her. Layla wanted her dead.

All of a sudden, one of the doors opened. Light escaped from the gap

in the door. Caroline lifted her head out of reflex, and her presence was caught by a pair of captivating


“You’re crying again.” Kirk noticed the tears at the corner of

Caroline’s eyes. This was the second time he saw a teary–

faced Caroline today. Caroline wiped her tears away. She didn’t want Kirk to be

worried. She wanted him to remember her fondly. “It’s

nothing. Dust got into my eyes. Um… Can I tell you something?”

At first, Caroline thought that she’d let Kirk find out about her engagement with Eddy through

the news. However, that seemed a bit cruel. And so …

“Wait.” Kirk decided not to debunk Caroline’s obvious lie. “Before you do anything, can I show you


Kirk had already wanted to give it to her a few days ago, but he hadn’t known how to bring it up.

No one had ever thrown a tantrum at him. No one dared to

give him the cold shoulder. Everyone was eager to get on his

good side. Kirk also regretted what he said to Sean the other day.

Caroline had already cried twice today, and Kirk just wanted to see her smile again.

“Show me what?” asked Caroline, piqued. Something welled within her.

Kirk grabbed her hands gently and led her back to the lounge. Caroline’s heart was pounding. Her pinki

e caressed Kirk’s thumb. “You…” Was Kirk trying to continue their “unfinished business” from earlier?

Kirk pulled Caroline to a couch and retrieved a red bag from a locked drawer.

“This is …?” Caroline was confused.

“Open it,” Kirk said as he knelt next to Caroline. His eyes glimmered with anticipation.

. Instinctively, he wanted to run after her.


—“Layla’s voice made him stop. She rushed to push her wheelchair forward from where she’d hidden a

nd listened to them.

Eddy turned around. He saw Layla’s swollen left cheek. It was then that he remembered he’d wanted to

get back at Caroline for it.

“Sorry, I

Layla cut him off. It seemed like she was trying to hide something. “Eddy, can I Can I ask you for a favo


Eddy was feeling guilty for forgetting about getting justice for Layla. When he heard this, he nodded qui

ckly. “Tell me.”

“Caroline said she wants to announce your marriage at the birthday banquet. She said it was a surprise

for Grandpa.”

Eddy frowned. “What does she mean by that?”

Layla shook her head. There were tears in her eyes. “Most people won’t understand what she’s thinkin

g. Maybe she finally sees how bad I have it.”

Thinking of Caroline saying that he didn’t deserve her, Eddy couldn’t agree with Layla,

Layla was pressing her nails into her flesh to force more tears down her face.

“So I hope you and Caroline can get married. I’ve already sworn that I’ll never marry you. Since my hea

lth is getting worse, I don’t think I will be able to live

much longer. I only want to see you happy before I die.”

“Stop taking nonsense. I’ll never marry Caroline Evans!”

Layla finally relaxed when she saw the same hatred in Eddy’s eyes that

she’d seen before. She said weakly. “No, you have to

marry her. I’ll only rest in peace knowing that you and Caroline are together.”

“I won’t let you die” Eddy clutched Layla’s hand in his. After some struggling, he finally made a painful d

ecision. “Okay, I’ll marry Caroline. But after we many, I’ll arrange your surgery immediately! I won’t wait

for Uncle Kirk. I need you to live a healthy life!”

When Layla heard this, she finally relaxed completely. She smiled in satisfaction.

Caroline was dead for sure now!

In the banquet hall, Caroline had just taken a seat when Sarah came over.

Then, she dragged Caroline into a comer. There, she lamented, “Where did you go? I was looking all o

ver for you!”

Caroline leaned on her good foot and supported herself on a chair. Pushing down the pain, she said, “I

went out for some air.”

“It’s almost time. You have to go onstage and announce your marriage with Eddy soon!”

Caroline took a sharp look at Sarat. “And if I don’t?

Sarah’s expression changed. “Care, you promised us. If you don’t do it, we’ll be done for.”

Caroline didn’t get upset. Instead, she laughed. When she smiled, the glittering lights made her made–

up face stunningly beautiful. “Did Layla teach you to threaten me?

Sarah was enraged by Caroline’s stare. “What threat? As your parents, we only want what’s best for yo


Again with what was best for her. Caroline didn’t want to say anything more. She turned around and stu

mbled back over to her seat.

it was then that Sarah noticed Caroline’s injured foot. Yet since the announcement was coming soon, s

he went back to

her seat too. She didn’t want more trouble. Instead, she waited excitedly for Caroline’s announcement.

Caroline sat next to Jude.


so long?”

All that had happened tonight flashed in Caroline’s mind like a reel. She was exhausted.

“Grandpa, do you remember when you asked me what reward I wanted?”

Jude answered. “Of course I do.”

Caroline smiled wider. She pushed herself up from

her seat. “Grandpa, I want you to give your blessing.”

As she said this. Eddy was pushing Layla back into the room.

Jude’s gaze fell on Eddy. He frowned slightly but still smiled. He said, “Sure. What do

you want me to give my blessing for?”

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