Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 349
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Chapter 349

Chapter 349

The design department didn’t have any objections, so Caroline held a meeting with the higher–

ups of the other departments. None of them had any issues after seeing the drafts either.

“I think the most crucial issue here now is,” the new marketing director said, pained, “how to classify ou

r products.

“I’ve gone through every season of Evans Group’s products. There are high–

end products and low- end ones, even middle–

end ones. It can be seen that we were trying to cover all the layers of the market, but the outcome was

n’t ideal.”

“I’ve thought about this issue.” Caroline spread out the documents in her hand.

“For the current Evans Group, it’s tough to get into the high–

end market due to our lack of funds and capabilities. That’s why we’re choosing to go with the middle–

end market.

“With this horoscope theme, we’re targeting the middle and low–end markets. The main thing is to

put our name out there.”

The advertising director said, “If we do that, advertising will be difficult. Famous celebrities wouldn’t wa

nt to be ambassadors for such a product, while lesser–

known celebrities don’t have the popularity to help us gain a reputation.”

Caroline looked at the advertising director and said, “Take some time to think about who to pick as our

ambassador. Forget about the famous celebrities. We can’t afford them.”

The advertising director was speechless.

“Are there any more questions?” Caroline looked at everyone else. They all kept silent.

“Alright, then there are no more issues.” Caroline’s tone turned heavy.

“Then let’s start. This is the first move this company is making after its new start. I hope we can all work

together to see this through. I don’t want anyone to cause any problems on this team.”

After saying this, Caroline picked up the documents and walked out of the conference room in

large strides.

Once Caroline left, many of the higher–ups in the conference room frowned.

“Will this plan work?”

“How are we supposed to make a name for ourselves if we don’t hire a famous celebrity as our


“Goodness, will this company fail after just a few days?”



Everyone was worried and pessimistic about Caroline’s plan to target the middle and low–end


After all, there were only a few fashion companies in the middle and low–

end markets, and those companies took up all the market share.

They had thought that the company could still hire a

famous celebrity so that they would stand a chance. But now Caroline had made it clear that they couldn’t afford it.

Things were completely hopeless at this point.

Back in her office, the moment Caroline put down

her files, she thought of Kirk again. She didn’t even know where he had gone for his business trip or h

ow things were going. Had he eaten?

Caroline massaged her temples and forced herself to focus on her work. But once the floodgates

opened, she couldn’t concentrate at all.

She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a breath.

If it weren’t for that mysterious person’s text, she would have called Kirk right now.

Caroline took her phone out and recalled Quentin’s words. She could just head to City Hall tonovelbin


Right, she could investigate! She would find it out once and for all!

Taking a deep breath, Caroline took out her phone and went through her contacts.

She had studied in

Macldo, so she knew quite a few people there. She remembered that one of her classmates had worke

d at City Hall after graduation. Maybe that person could help.

After looking for a long time, she finally found that person’s contact. Holding onto the idea that she was

just going to try, she sent that person a text.

Unexpectedly, she got a response in seconds.

Caroline didn’t go straight to the point. Instead, she chatted a bit. After finding out that her friend was in

deed working at City Hall, she asked tentatively, “Then can you

find out through your internal system if someone is married?”

Caroline’s classmate was called Marina Fuller. She was from Easton too, but she had grown up in Macl

do. Marina replied, “Of course. As long as they’re Macldan, I can find out.”

“Then can you help me do a search?” After sending this, Caroline kept staring at her screen. Marina re

plied, “Sure. But I need you to give me some details on that person.”

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