Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 301
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Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Now that Eddy’s support was quaranteed, Layla found herself very much at ease.

Her smile widened, and she purposely planted a kiss on his cheek in front of all the people watching

them. “Thank you, Eddy.”

That said, she stared at Caroline as it she were trying to challenge her.

However, Caroline had gotten used to Layla’s tricks a long time ago and was able to maintain her


What Layla did meant something to the others in the room, and their eyes locked on Eddy.

At first, he was stunned by her kiss, but later, he felt annoyed. In fact, he was pissed at her for doing


The strange thing was that he had never felt this way toward her. Still, he didn’t show much of it on his

face. His brows merely knitted together.

The other people took this as him giving her silent permission to do as she pleased. This also meant

that he admitted to having a relationship with her.

Those who believed that Layla would win the election became even more confident about their decision

to give her their support.

Layla and Eddy then approached Caroline, who looked away from them to stare at the documents in

her hands..

Seeing her ignore him somehow made Eddy feel frustrated again.

He silently swore to himself that he would give up everything and give her the CEO position at Evans

Group if she could just smile at him novelbin

like she used to in the past.

He would do anything, even if her smile only lasted for a split second.

Much to his disappointment, Caroline didn’t smile at him as she continued reading the documents with

her head bowed. Clenching his hands, Eddy sat down on the chair that one of the employees had

brought him.

The two shareholders on Caroline’s side felt their hearts palpitating wildly in their chests at Eddy’s


Initially, they had been confident in her abilities when they saw her take out the ledger.

Now, though, even Eddy was on Layla’s side.

“Don’t fret.” Caroline’s head was still lowered when she spoke.

“This is a meeting between the shareholders of Evans Group, not Morrison Corp. Nothing will change,

even with Eddy here.”

Her voice had a certain power to it, although she spoke softly. “Of course, I’ll hand the ledger over to

you if you want to change your mind


The two beside her stared at each other for a moment and fell silent at her words. Just then, Eddy

checked his watch and said, “it’s 9:00

am already. Shouldn’t the meeting start already?”

No one else had the guts to speak aloud until the silence in the air was punctured by Liam’s voice.

“There are only a few of us shareholders here, so we can skip the formalities. We should just start

voting now.”

“Who’s going to be the first to cast their vote?” Eddy’s gaze swept over the faces of those sitting around

the table and paused briefy when he saw Caroline. She still hadn’t met his eyes.

The first to rise from his seat was Luke, one of those who sided with Layla. “I vote for Layla. Even

though she’s inexperienced, her network is vast, and I believe that Evans Group will have a brighter

future with her leading us.”

As soon as he finished his sentence, the room erupted with applause.

Next, Tom, the man beside Luke, started to speak with enthusiasm. “I agree with Luke. I’ve seen how

she fares in management and in learning new things. She might not have much experience, but I have

faith in her. Give her some time, and she’ll surely restore Evans

Group to its former glory.”

Hence came another round of applause. There wasn’t a third person to voice his or her support for

Lavia after quite some time.

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