Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 294
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Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Quentin’s hair was messy and frizzy, and he had dark, heavy eyebags. It looked like he hadn’t slept in

many days.

Adrian lugged at him.

It was then that Quentin noticed Caroline. But his expression was frozen, and he couldn’t even smile at


“No, I can’t anymore. I’m exhausted. I need to sleep first.” With that, Quentin slumped to the ground.

Neither Gwen nor Caroline had ever seen him like this before. Curiously, they asked, “What happened t

o him?”

Adrian gave the passed–

out Quentin a kick. Then, he called some of the employees to move Quentin to the third floor.

Alter that, he answered, “He’s been investigating something. He hasn’t stopped for three days and has

n’t slept in all that time. Now he needs to catch up on sleep. You.

Adrian shot a glance at Caroline’s shopping cart. “Do you still have any more books to buy?”

Gwen quickly answered. “There’s one more: ‘The Essence of Management.”

Since he was familiar with the layout, Adrian led them to the C section and pulled out a book with a red

cover. He handed it to Caroline.

Caroline and Gwen both looked over. Indeed, it was “The Essence of Management.”

Gwen was stunned. “You didn’t even look. How did you know where the book was?”

Adrian smiled. “This is my bookstore. Of course, I know where the books are. As for Caroline

He glanced at “The Essence of Management” in

the shopping cart. “Few people know about this book. How do you know about it?”

“Caroline’s husband told her about it.”

Gwen held a measure of unconscious pride, the kind a mother would have for her son–in–

law. “He recommended all of these books.”

Adrian regarded the books in the shopping cart. After a long while, he looked back up. “He’s an old han

d at this. Can I ask what company he’s the director of?”

Gwen and Caroline exchanged a glance. In the end, Gwen said, “He’s not a director. He’s just a regular

office employee.”

Adrian raised a brow. “Really?”

“Why would I lie to you?”

Then, Gwen took out her phone and glanced at it. “It’s getting late. Carol, we should be getting back.”

There were still a couple of latchkey kids waiting at home for them for dinner.

Caroline nodded before saying to Adrian, “Thank you, Mr. Sorkin. We’re going to pay now.”

Adrian’s frown disappeared. “Consider these books a gift.”

Caroline blinked. “That wouldn’t be right.”

“It’s fine. Just consider it

Adrian chuckled and said, “My wedding gift to you.”

Caroline took another glance at the books before looking at Adrian again.

Adrian said, “If you think this gift is too cheap, I-*

“No, no! This gift is too valuable. I will take good care of them.”

A brilliant smile appeared on Adrian’s face. “Good.”

Once they got out of the bookstore, Gwen couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Carol, I would bet a bag of chips

that Adrian likes you!”

Caroline put the books in the backseat of the car. “Gwen, don’t joke about this.”

“I’m not joking. Didn’t you see the way he looked at you? It’s so tender! It’s definitely the way someone l

ooks at their crush.”



Caribe hard. When did you get the special ability to know at a glance whether someone likes me or not


“Hey, don’t knock it I had already wanted to ask you about it when we first met.”

Caroline pulled on her seatbell. “When we first met, we were about seven years old? Or eight years old


Yep. Back then, there were already rumors about Adrian liking you.”

This time, Caroline laughed even louder. “Alright, stop leasing me. Does a seven–year–

old even know what liking people is about?”

Gwen shrugged.

“Besides, I don’t even remember what happened back then.”

Caroline started the car. Then, she asked Gwen, “Gwen, do you remember the stuff that happened whe

n you were a kid?”

“Vaquely, I don’t remember it all very clearly.”

Caroline sighed. “I can’t remember a thing.”

“Maybe something happened to you when you were small, so you automatically blocked it all out?”

Caroline shot a glance at Gwen. “Which novel did you read about that one in?”

“Hey, you have to believe it. There’s a scientific basis to it!”

Thus, Gwen spent the car ride informing Caroline about how people could have different reactions after

going through certain stimuli.

By the time they got home, it was already past 6:00 pm.

Sean and Kirk were at home playing some games. When they heard Caroline and Gwen return, they b

oth turned their heads.

Seeing these two overgrown kids, Gwen couldn’t help but turn to whisper in Caroline’s ear, “Honestly, y

our husband’s pretty capable. He

can get along with Sean like they grew up together. I’m impressed.”

“That’s why I’m not worried about him starting his own business.”

“What are you two talking about?‘ Seeing Caroline and Gwen chatting so secretively, Kirk discarded his

game controller. He walked up and

pulled Caroline into his embrace, claiming her as his own.

Gwen pouted. “We were saying you could be a courtesan.”

Kirk raised an eyebrow, but he didn’t get mad. He kissed Caroline’s earlobe. “Is that a compliment, darli


Caroline couldn’t help but feel

her face heat. Even though they were her friends, there were still other people here. She shoved Kirk a


What kind of compliment is that?”

“Saying that I could be a courtesan means that I’m good–looking.”

Caroline gripped Kirk’s hand. “You’re shameless.”

“Alright, alright. Can you two

stop showing off? I’m hungry. Don’t tell me you’re feeding us with that show?” Though Sean sounded di

sgusted, he learned from Kirk and went forward to hug Gwen’s waist.

Yet Gwen pushed him away.

“Don’t touch me. You haven’t passed your probation yet.”

Sean was speechless.

Kirk looked at Sean with pity.

After dinner, Gwen and Sean finally left. Once they did, Kirk picked Caroline up and carried her upstairs


Caroline hugged Kirk’s neck, looking at him smilingly. “Do you know what you are?”




Kirk laughed. “I can’t help it. A man’s gotta eat.

Alright then. It seemed that Kirk really couldn’t help but be inappropriate.

Right then, on the other end of the city, Adrian was looking at the document before him, unable to sleep


He was looking at the Information Quentin had found about Jack. According to this, Jack was a UFC chnovelbin

ampion. He had been living a all this time. But after Caroline had returned to the country and started

working, he started driving her to and from work

Jack was an athlete. Why did he have to be Caroline’s driver?

Adrian looked at Quentin, who was still fast asleep, and resisted the urge to wake him. Adrian could tell

that Quentin was already


There was no way Jack’s identity was so simple.

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