Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 241-250
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Chapter 241-250

Chapter 241

After checking a few times, she confirmed that it was the same email address as the Rosebow Contest


Caroline’s expression changed. She clicked on her recently sent emails. There, she saw the design tha

t had been sent from her email.

At the same time, Susan entered the office next door.

She exclaimed, “Viv, your idea was simply

too wicked! Using Caroline’s emall to send your entry to the Rosebow Contest was brilliant!

“Once the maller slews, you can announce that it was your deslun and frame Caroline for plagiarism. C

onsidering how much the company prioritizes its repulation, Caroline will definitely be fired.”

Vivian smirked. “I’m sure that idiot must still be confused. She probably has no idea that this is a trap.”

“What can she do even if she finds out? This is checkmate. The email was sent from her account. Unle

ss she can prove that she didn’t

send it, she can’t do anything.”

Vivian smiled even brighter at that. She really had to thank Layla for helping her out. Otherwise, she wo

uldn’t have succeeded in winning first place with her design so smoothly.

“Viv, when do you plan on exposing Caroline for plagiarism?”

“Don’t be so anxious. Let her have a good night’s sleep first, This will be the last good day she has.”

When Susan heard this, she started smiling too.

Caroline returned to her office from the security department. Frowning, she inserted the pendrive into h

er computer. She adjusted the footage to the point where Vivian had entered her office that day.

At 7 am or so, Vivian and Susan had arrived at the office. At 8 am, Cheryl had arrived at work and unlo

cked Caroline’s office door. Right aller Cheryl had gone to the lounge, Susan had snuck Into Caroline’s


After about ten minutes, Susan had snuck back out of her office. Then, she had ordered Cheryl to run

an errand for her before going back

into her office. She had only left after 40 minutes of 50.


To wonder Cartine had felt uneasy that day and ma**ed wher

cared susmine code

vols, tusen had been the one to send that

wann were to check that the tall had tem

Cartine inhated deeply. She saved this part of the tunsink forda

Although she dide’t know what Van was trying to do, the knew it definitely thin94

That night, Caroline didn’t

attend the dinner Instead, che transferred the money to Jules and told him to take the design departme

nt out

She hadn’t won the prize in the first place, so going would only he made her uncontentacle

Coincidentally, Gwen had also said she would treat Caroline to dinner

After getting into the car, Caroline called Kirk

Tve arrived. How much longer will you take? Do you want me to pick you up Kik asked.

“Sean called me,” Kirk said with a low laugh.

Caroline’s face flushed when Kirk’s husky laugh resounded in her ear. She replied. “So that means they

’re both treating us to this Could that mean they’re together?

“I’m not sure,” Kirk replied. “Sean’s still keeping it a secret from me. He said it hasn’t been three month

s yet so he doesn’t dare say


“Was he always so careful when he dated in the past?

It was just a casual question on Caroline’s part, but Kirk unexpectedly sobered. He looked up at Sean a

nd said. “I’m not sure.”

Caroline replied, I’m almost there, Let’s Talk when I arrive.”

After Caroline hung up, Kirk finally turned to look at Sean.

Sean fell discomfited by the way Kirk looked at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.

“You didn’t tell Gwen about me after getting together with her, did you?

“Of course not,” Sean answered without thinking. “Relax. We’re friends. Do you think I stab you in the b

ack just to date Gwen?

Kirk took a sip of his drink. “It’s hard to say.”

“If you say that, then I’ll tell Gwen about your identity. Sean was just joking around.

He wanted more than anyone else for Caroline and Kirk to stay together for the long run and be happy.

After all, it was rare for Kirk to be in love. Sean wanted to see Kirk henpecked by Caroline.

“Tell me about what? Gwen asked teasingly. She had overheard the last bit of the conversation when s

he entered.

Sean froze. He eyed Kirk, who looked grim beside him, and said quickly, “Why are you so late?”

“There was traffic. Where’s Carol?”

The second Gwen said this, the door opened again, and Caroline walked in.

“I saw you at the door, but you were walking too quickly.”

Caroline eyed Sean and continued with a laugh, “Seeing how fast you were walking, there must be so

mething precious waiting here.

Gwen’s face heated. “Carol, you’ve become mean,”

Caroline laughed as she walked over to sit beside Kirk.

Gwen hesitated a moment before sitting next to Sean. At this, Sean’s expression became overjoyed.

Chapter 242

At once, Sean looked over at Kirk.

Kirk leaned in his seat casually, with one arm stretching out over Caroline’s shoulder. The threat was cl

ear in his smile.

“What are you looking at me for? Your wile’s asking you.”

“What wife?” Gwen glared at Kirk.

Then, she turned to look at Sean. “Is my question so tough to answer?”

“Alright.” Sean glanced at Kirk, his expression pained.

“Sorry, bro. For my wife, I have to throw you under the bus.”

Kirk only looked at Sean with a smile.

Sean braced himself and said, “Actually, before meeting Carrie Kirk, he was a vir-

Caroline had been taking a sip of her drink. When she heard this, she couldn’t help but spray the drink out in surprise. The droplets landed on Sean.

Sean, an innocent who had suffered unjustly, glanced over at Caroline dejectedly.

Caroline quickly pulled out some tissues and gave them to him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I really didn’t expe

ct –

She glanced at Kirk as she spoke. “Were you really?”

Kirk’s face was pale as he smiled fakely. “Good going, Sean.” 1

Sean raised his hands. “I mean to. Gwen forced me to say it.”

With that, the room became more lively. Soon, the food was served too.

As she ate, Gwen suddenly thought of the gossip she’d heard today. She asked Caroline, “Carol I hear

d Eddy’s second uncle married

Daphne Dawson. Is that true?*

Caroline’s expression remained unchanged. On the other hand, Sean shot a quick glance at Kirk. As hi

s friend, Sean knew about this

matter too.

“It’s true. Mr. Morrison Senior told me about it himself.”

“F*** me.” Gwen couldn’t help but swear.

“I have to say, the Morrisons really don’t have much taste. Eddy fell for that two–

faced bitch, Layla, and his second uncle is in love with someone with a plastic face. Goodness me, do

all rich people have such weird taste?”

The person whose taste was being questioned quietly served Caroline some seconds.

Caroline said. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone likes something different.”

“But-“Gwen cut herself off before finishing.

She suddenly looked toward Sean. “Aren’t you that guy’s friend? Do you have insider knowledge?”

Sean replied, “I haven’t seen him all this time I’ve been back in the country. Where am I supposed to ge

t insider knowledge?”

Gwen didn’t believe him. “But you’re good friends. It’s not like you have to make an appointment with hi

s a**istant to see him.”

Sean looked at Kirk helplessly. He wanted to cry. This wasn’t a dinner at all. It was more like an interrog


Luckily, Kirk’s phone rang right then.

He picked it up and gave it a glance before saying, “I’m going to answer this.”

“Okay.” Caroline watched Kirk leave and continued gossiping with Gwen.

Kirk only answered the call after he closed the door.


Kek checked the time. Tonight at tand her show up.”

Grandmises 12 am, tanenter to make Howard clear the place out. Otherwise, I won’t

“Yes, se

After hanging up. Charles

immediately want to answer Dachine When Dachine received the news, she quickly told Howard.

When Howard heard that the meeting hat been arranged he instant Morrison. I’ve tried many times, but

M Momson never agreed to dinner

hanged his opinion of Daphne. “Indeed, you’re the one to ask, Mrs.



ist never pa**ed the message to him”

15fast Abs Aansu tur welle hold suums newly released bags recently. I’ll have my stall send

*** Roskou you so accept feel bad about getting to meet Mr. Montson

cheb was wonderful fust wondeth food days were finally coming for her!

Fat the same car house On the way back, she laid her head on his shoulder,

Fyou sensed

cated up at him nervoush. Could it be that it’s laked?

Ad Nx head and kahed baht. He tilted his head to put his forehead against Caroline’s.

waw and husk tok he sat Odn’t you feel that Ive been starving all night

was too late. Kick had already clamped his hands around her waist.

A shed box px actx Caroline’s and teased “Come on, let me just kiss you to tide me through

xaxes were controlled and gentle, like butterflies landing on her skin.

sat Sean had said. She didn’t believe that someone so inherently seductive as Kirk didn’t even have a

athwad bet tha

ikuks shot and asked, “Were you really

kika hand hate

here it held the back of Caroline’s head. He chuckled. “You don’t believe it?”

“When we were abroad many people gave you their number. And Avery

At the mention of Avery, Caroline became very displeased. Although she knew that Kirk wasn’t interest

ed in Avery, he had still grown up with her. That thought made her feel uneasy

Are you jealous? Kik sat upiaht as he looked at her calmly.

“Hardly Caroline pouted.

kak smiled as he took Caroline’s hand.

He said, “There are some things that I’ve seen a lot of before I met you, although I’ve never experience

d them myself. After I met you, you pushed me, lemming me into my best sell

Caroline was stunned by this

Meanwhile, Kirk played with her hair. So if you think I’m good, it’s not because I was good all along. It w

as you who made me better.”



When the car stopped, Caroline abruptly realized that there was a third person in the car, the glanced a

t Kid with reddered eyes as the hurriedly opened the car door and got out

She’d really gone crazy, Kirk was too good at messing up her thoughts.

Seeing Caroline rushing away, the look in Kirk’s eyes cooled, devoid of their initial


Jack hadn’t heard anything just now!

“After a few days, you won’t be driving Caroline around anymoret Kirk

fChapter 243

ast Abs Aansu tur welle hold suums newly released bags recently. I’ll have my stall send

*** Roskou you so accept feel bad about getting to meet Mr. Montson

cheb was wonderful fust wondeth food days were finally coming for her!

Fat the same car house On the way back, she laid her head on his shoulder,

Fyou sensed

cated up at him nervoush. Could it be that it’s laked?

Ad Nx head and kahed baht. He tilted his head to put his forehead against Caroline’s.

waw and husk tok he sat Odn’t you feel that Ive been starving all night

was too late. Kick had already clamped his hands around her waist.

A shed box px actx Caroline’s and teased “Come on, let me just kiss you to tide me through

xaxes were controlled and gentle, like butterflies landing on her skin.

sat Sean had said. She didn’t believe that someone so inherently seductive as Kirk didn’t even have a

athwad bet tha

ikuks shot and asked, “Were you really

kika hand hate

here it held the back of Caroline’s head. He chuckled. “You don’t believe it?”

“When we were abroad many people gave you their number. And Avery

At the mention of Avery, Caroline became very displeased. Although she knew that Kirk wasn’t interest

ed in Avery, he had still grown up with her. That thought made her feel uneasy

Are you jealous? Kik sat upiaht as he looked at her calmly.

“Hardly Caroline pouted.

kak smiled as he took Caroline’s hand.

He said, “There are some things that I’ve seen a lot of before I met you, although I’ve never experience

d them myself. After I met you, you pushed me, lemming me into my best sell

Caroline was stunned by this

Meanwhile, Kirk played with her hair. So if you think I’m good, it’s not because I was good all along. It w

as you who made me better.”



When the car stopped, Caroline abruptly realized that there was a third person in the car, the glanced a

t Kid with reddered eyes as the hurriedly opened the car door and got out

She’d really gone crazy, Kirk was too good at messing up her thoughts.

Seeing Caroline rushing away, the look in Kirk’s eyes cooled, devoid of their initial


Jack hadn’t heard anything just now!

“After a few days, you won’t be driving Caroline around anymoret Kirk announced

moth. He looked up at lark, making the latter feet

Chapter 244

meeting, he’s probably just messing with you, trying to play with your head.”

“If it weren’t for how successful his new enterprise is and how it has taken up 90% of the market share.

I wouldn’t even want to meet him?

As he said this, rushed footsteps came from outside. Someone called. “Sir. Mr. Morison is here.”


But when he saw that Kirk had only brought an a**istant with him, he was stunned.

“Mr. Morrison, you’re here.”

if he hadn’t seen Kirk before, Howard would never think that such an ordinary–

seeming person could be Kirk Morrison himself.

Kirk walked directly into the room and sat on the couch, casually propping his feet up on the coffee tabl

e. “Let’s cut to the chase. My free

time is limited.”

Howard was instantly taken aback by the way Kirk carried himself. It took a long moment for him to coll

ect himself.

He said ingratiatingly. “Alright. I heard you’re planning to make headway in the entertainment industry,

Mr. Morrison.

I was thinking, since the Collins family has some influence in that industry, we could partner with you.”

lo you want

Kirk smiled deviously. “Partner? Or do you want me to help you make money?”

The smile on Howard’s face became awkward. “Um Of course you would be leading us to make money

. But, Mr. Morrison, our company is a homegrown business in Easton. This will be beneficial to you too.

“That’s right. But I don’t care for what little benefits you can bring me.”

Kirk straightened arrogantly in his seat, eyeing Howard. “It’s not

impossible for me to help you make money. But you must agree to one condition.”

Howard quickly said, “What is it? I’ll agree to anything.”

Kirk didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he played with the pot of coffee on the table.


Chaper 245

Tangised by slow. As it did, Howard became so nervous that he started sweating.

Ate a lag Gang, Kirk sand unhurriedly. “I heard you’ve had someone following Caroline Evans?”

Mowed’s expression shifted when the topic suddenly turned to Caroline. He didn’t know what Kirk mea

nt by this.

Aked up at Howard “Don’t dare to admit to it?

“It’s not that Howard felt pained.

Tim goly having Caroline followed because my daughter’s condition has something to do with her husb


Kirk lapped the ashtray against the table, creating a crisp noise.

“Cm not here to listen to your sob story. My uncle is exceedingly fond of Caroline. If you’re looking to gi

ve her trouble, you should be more

howard’s face tumed white

Kirk was making himself very plain now–Caroline was someone Kirk was protecting.

Yes, I won’t dare to do such a thing again.”

you’d like to partner with me and make money, that can be forgiven. However, you must remember not

to offend those you shouldn’t.”

Since his goal was achieved, Kirk got up. “Charles, give him the contract.”

“Yes, sir. Charles handed Howard the contract.

Howard only took a glance at it and immediately became overjoyed. “50% I can get half of the profits.” I

t was a split in profits that he had never dared to expect.

Kirk signed the contract indifferently. After putting the company’s stamp on it, he left.

A long time after Kirk’s car lett, Howard couldn’t hold it in anymore. He threw his head back and laughe



his side, his butler said, “Congratulations, sir. With Mr. Morrison’s help, you will soar even higher. I’m su

re it won’t be much longer until the Collins family becomes the top second family in Easton!”

Howard chortled. “That Daphne Dawson sure is capable. When you send the bags over tomorrow, mak

e sure to give her a few extra. We have to make good use of this connection.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ah, right” Howard added. “And about Caroline. Stop having men follow her. Nothing has come out of it


“Yes, si

Later that night Caroline turned in bed and Hopped into an empty space. She forced her eyes open to s

ee that Kirk wasn’t on his side of

the bed

Fighting sleepiness, Caroline climbed out of bed and searched every floor of the villa. Even so, she did

n’t see any sign of Kirk

She quickly called him. But his phone had been switched off. Next, Caroline called Sean.

Sean answered the phone blearity. When he found out that Kirk was missing, he had a few guesses of

his own. Kirk had probably gone out

to settle some business matters.

“The company probably called him in with an emergency,” Sean said, comforting Caroline.

As he did he was using his other phone to call Kirk, but to no avail.



Gested whead s lied by dispel the tense atmosphere by saying jokingly. Maybe

it’s nothing serious and he’ll be back

odles to book for him

Caatuations. But when he heart mis, he was so scares that started sweding was for

leaned back in his seat “You haven’t done anything wrong. But after tonight, Howart Colins wont nem p

eople falling Carpine

your usua dost”

aly relaxed. Yes, sir.”

tuning this time has been good. Once you get back, reward you generously for it. But remember, you m


toout everything that happened during this time.”

xreales. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”

epped out of the car. By the time he got inside the villa. Carmine hat already turned on her computer

Slate. Wity arent you going to seep? What are you looking at?”

at on the arrest of the chair Carmine was in. He ma**aged her neck gently coking at the screen.

Crone cont even look up. However, she didn’t hide anything from him. I’m looking at Evans Group’s tha

nca se

as available on the internet, so it was easy to find.

osoned Why are you looking at such a thing?

Vincitven stange how can Evans Group surfer so many losses when Morrison Cora invests so much in

1 Besides so many people

sness because of Morrison Corp, too.”

e’s Chin up. “Daring, you never cared about all this before.”

boste Chiqued. Do you remember how you said you’d support me in starting my ow ompany

Srce mouent he company would go broke it started my own with my abilities. But ater starting my job,

my coinion changed. Since

Bars Goue is ready in such dire stats, how much worse can it get it tak



austed Mou have a cont

ecced to compere for the position of CBC at Evans Group next term.”

not severed hes with Saran and Dan, she was still a member of the Evans family in fact Momson Corp

had only started

Sans Group because of her..

erintery hot me ght to compete for the position of CEC.

When you become Evans Group’s CEC. I have to rely on you for my livelihood.”

Then, he said “Caning, m hungry.”

With mat for sset Caroline, searing a path down from her ear

manight at Saint Pierre Grand Hotel Howard checked the time on his watch. Alter a moment of hesitatio

n, he turned toward his

“Note the butter sa


termson said he would come, he’ll

definitely come. Since it’s your first official meeting, he’s probably just

Trying to play with your head.”

uccesstil his new enterprise is and how it has taken up 90% of the market share, I wouldn’t even want t

o meet s

Ne sad This Tister polstres came from outside. Someone called. “St. Mr. Morison is.

Chapter 244


Jack had been through a lot of life–or–

death situations. But when he heard this, he was so scared that what have I done wrong?”

Kirk leaned back in his seat. “You haven’t done anything wrong. But after tonight Howard Colles wont h

av anymore. So you can also go back to your usual post.

Jack finally relaxed. “Yes, sir.”

started sweating bullets. “Sc

pls talling Caroline

“Your performance during this time has been good. Once you get back П reward you

generously for it. But remember, you must keep quiet about everything that happened during this time.”

“Thank you, sir.” Jack replied. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything

After that, Kirk stepped out of the car. By the time he got inside the villa. Caroline had already tumed

on her computer

“It’s already so late. Why aren’t you going to sleep? What are you looking at?”

Kirk sat on the armrest of the chair Caroline was in. He ma**aged her neck gently, looking at the screen

Caroline didn’t even look up. However, she didn’t hide anything from him. ‘T’m looking at Evans Group’

s financial report

Such information was available on the internet, so it was easy to find.

Kirk smirked. “Why are you looking at such a thing?”

“I find it very strange. How can Evans Group suffer so many losses when Morrison Corp invests so mu

ch in it? Besides, so many people give them business because of Morrison Corp, too.”

Kirk tilted Caroline’s chin up. “Darling, you’d never cared about all this before.”

Caroline chuckled. “Do you remember how you said you’d support me in starting my own company?”

“I do.”

“Before, I thought the company would go broke if I started my own with my acilities. But after starting m

y joc, my coinion changed. Since Evans Group is already in such dire straits, how much worse can it ge

t if I take over?”

Kirk laughed. “You have a point.”

“That’s why I’ve decided to compete for the position of CEO at Evans Group next term.”

Although she had severed ties with Sarah and Dan, she was still a member of the Evers family, in fact.

Morison Corp had only stated investing in Evans Group because of her.

Thus, she definitely had the right to compete for the position of CEO.

Kirk said. “I’ll support you. When you become Evans Group’s CEO. I have to rely on you for my velhoo


Then, he said, “Darling, I’m hungry.”

With that, Kirk kissed Caroline, searing a path down from her ear.

At midnight at

Saint Pierre Grand Hotel Howard checked the time on his watch. After a moment of hesitation, he tume

d toward his butter.” Is he not here yet?”

“Not yet,” the butler said.

“Sir, don’t be so anxious. If Mr. Morrison said he would come,

Chapter 244

meeting, he’s probably just messing with you, trying to play with your head.”

“If it weren’t for how successful his new enterprise is and how it has taken up 90% of the market share.

I wouldn’t even want to meet him?

As he said this, rushed footsteps came from outside. Someone called. “Sir. Mr. Morison is here.”


But when he saw that Kirk had only brought an a**istant with him, he was stunned.

“Mr. Morrison, you’re here.”

if he hadn’t seen Kirk before, Howard would never think that such an ordinary–

seeming person could be Kirk Morrison himself.

Kirk walked directly into the room and sat on the couch, casually propping his feet up on the coffee tabl

e. “Let’s cut to the chase. My free

time is limited.”

Howard was instantly taken aback by the way Kirk carried himself. It took a long moment for him to coll

ect himself.

He said ingratiatingly. “Alright. I heard you’re planning to make headway in the entertainment industry,

Mr. Morrison.

I was thinking, since the Collins family has some influence in that industry, we could partner with you.”

lo you want

Kirk smiled deviously. “Partner? Or do you want me to help you make money?”

The smile on Howard’s face became awkward. “Um Of course you would be leading us to make money

. But, Mr. Morrison, our company is a homegrown business in Easton. This will be beneficial to you too.

“That’s right. But I don’t care for what little benefits you can bring me.”

Kirk straightened arrogantly in his seat, eyeing Howard. “It’s not

impossible for me to help you make money. But you must agree to one condition.”

Howard quickly said, “What is it? I’ll agree to anything.”

Kirk didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he played with the pot of coffee on the table.


Chaper 245

Tangised by slow. As it did, Howard became so nervous that he started sweating.

Ate a lag Gang, Kirk sand unhurriedly. “I heard you’ve had someone following Caroline Evans?”

Mowed’s expression shifted when the topic suddenly turned to Caroline. He didn’t know what Kirk mea

nt by this.

Aked up at Howard “Don’t dare to admit to it?

“It’s not that Howard felt pained.

Tim goly having Caroline followed because my daughter’s condition has something to do with her husb


Kirk lapped the ashtray against the table, creating a crisp noise.

“Cm not here to listen to your sob story. My uncle is exceedingly fond of Caroline. If you’re looking to gi

ve her trouble, you should be more

howard’s face tumed white

Kirk was making himself very plain now–Caroline was someone Kirk was protecting.

Yes, I won’t dare to do such a thing again.”

you’d like to partner with me and make money, that can be forgiven. However, you must remember not

to offend those you shouldn’t.”

Since his goal was achieved, Kirk got up. “Charles, give him the contract.”

“Yes, sir. Charles handed Howard the contract.

Howard only took a glance at it and immediately became overjoyed. “50% I can get half of the profits.” I

t was a split in profits that he had never dared to expect.

Kirk signed the contract indifferently. After putting the company’s stamp on it, he left.

A long time after Kirk’s car lett, Howard couldn’t hold it in anymore. He threw his head back and laughe



his side, his butler said, “Congratulations, sir. With Mr. Morrison’s help, you will soar even higher. I’m su

re it won’t be much longer until the Collins family becomes the top second family in Easton!”

Howard chortled. “That Daphne Dawson sure is capable. When you send the bags over tomorrow, mak

e sure to give her a few extra. We have to make good use of this connection.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ah, right” Howard added. “And about Caroline. Stop having men follow her. Nothing has come out of it


“Yes, si

Later that night Caroline turned in bed and Hopped into an empty space. She forced her eyes open to s

ee that Kirk wasn’t on his side of

the bed

Fighting sleepiness, Caroline climbed out of bed and searched every floor of the villa. Even so, she did

n’t see any sign of Kirk

She quickly called him. But his phone had been switched off. Next, Caroline called Sean.

Sean answered the phone blearity. When he found out that Kirk was missing, he had a few guesses of

his own. Kirk had probably gone out

to settle some business matters.

“The company probably called him in with an emergency,” Sean said, comforting Caroline.

As he did he was using his other phone to call Kirk, but to no avail.



Gested whead s lied by dispel the tense atmosphere by saying jokingly. Maybe

it’s nothing serious and he’ll be back

odles to book for him

Caatuations. But when he heart mis, he was so scares that started sweding was for

leaned back in his seat “You haven’t done anything wrong. But after tonight, Howart Colins wont nem p

eople falling Carpine

your usua dost”

aly relaxed. Yes, sir.”

tuning this time has been good. Once you get back, reward you generously for it. But remember, you m


toout everything that happened during this time.”

xreales. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”

epped out of the car. By the time he got inside the villa. Carmine hat already turned on her computer

Slate. Wity arent you going to seep? What are you looking at?”

at on the arrest of the chair Carmine was in. He ma**aged her neck gently coking at the screen.

Crone cont even look up. However, she didn’t hide anything from him. I’m looking at Evans Group’s tha

nca se

as available on the internet, so it was easy to find.

osoned Why are you looking at such a thing?

Vincitven stange how can Evans Group surfer so many losses when Morrison Cora invests so much in

1 Besides so many people

sness because of Morrison Corp, too.”

e’s Chin up. “Daring, you never cared about all this before.”

boste Chiqued. Do you remember how you said you’d support me in starting my ow ompany

Srce mouent he company would go broke it started my own with my abilities. But ater starting my job,

my coinion changed. Since

Bars Goue is ready in such dire stats, how much worse can it get it tak



austed Mou have a cont

ecced to compere for the position of CBC at Evans Group next term.”

not severed hes with Saran and Dan, she was still a member of the Evans family in fact Momson Corp

had only started

Sans Group because of her..

erintery hot me ght to compete for the position of CEC.

When you become Evans Group’s CEC. I have to rely on you for my livelihood.”

Then, he said “Caning, m hungry.”

With mat for sset Caroline, searing a path down from her ear

manight at Saint Pierre Grand Hotel Howard checked the time on his watch. Alter a moment of hesitatio

n, he turned toward his

“Note the butter sa


termson said he would come, he’ll

definitely come. Since it’s your first official meeting, he’s probably just

Trying to play with your head.”

uccesstil his new enterprise is and how it has taken up 90% of the market share, I wouldn’t even want t

o meet s

Ne sad This Tister polstres came from outside. Someone called. “St. Mr. Morison is.

Chapter 244


Jack had been through a lot of life–or–

death situations. But when he heard this, he was so scared that what have I done wrong?”

Kirk leaned back in his seat. “You haven’t done anything wrong. But after tonight Howard Colles wont h

av anymore. So you can also go back to your usual post.

Jack finally relaxed. “Yes, sir.”

started sweating bullets. “Sc

pls talling Caroline

“Your performance during this time has been good. Once you get back П reward you

generously for it. But remember, you must keep quiet about everything that happened during this time.”

“Thank you, sir.” Jack replied. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything

After that, Kirk stepped out of the car. By the time he got inside the villa. Caroline had already tumed

on her computer

“It’s already so late. Why aren’t you going to sleep? What are you looking at?”

Kirk sat on the armrest of the chair Caroline was in. He ma**aged her neck gently, looking at the screen

Caroline didn’t even look up. However, she didn’t hide anything from him. ‘T’m looking at Evans Group’

s financial report

Such information was available on the internet, so it was easy to find.

Kirk smirked. “Why are you looking at such a thing?”

“I find it very strange. How can Evans Group suffer so many losses when Morrison Corp invests so mu

ch in it? Besides, so many people give them business because of Morrison Corp, too.”

Kirk tilted Caroline’s chin up. “Darling, you’d never cared about all this before.”

Caroline chuckled. “Do you remember how you said you’d support me in starting my own company?”

“I do.”

“Before, I thought the company would go broke if I started my own with my acilities. But after starting m

y joc, my coinion changed. Since Evans Group is already in such dire straits, how much worse can it ge

t if I take over?”

Kirk laughed. “You have a point.”

“That’s why I’ve decided to compete for the position of CEO at Evans Group next term.”

Although she had severed ties with Sarah and Dan, she was still a member of the Evers family, in fact.

Morison Corp had only stated investing in Evans Group because of her.

Thus, she definitely had the right to compete for the position of CEO.

Kirk said. “I’ll support you. When you become Evans Group’s CEO. I have to rely on you for my velhoo


Then, he said, “Darling, I’m hungry.”

With that, Kirk kissed Caroline, searing a path down from her ear.

At midnight at

Saint Pierre Grand Hotel Howard checked the time on his watch. After a moment of hesitation, he tume

d toward his butter.” Is he not here yet?”

“Not yet,” the butler said.

“Sir, don’t be so anxious. If Mr. Morrison said he would come,

Chapter 246

irk lapped the ashtray against the table, creating a crisp noise.

“Cm not here to listen to your sob story. My uncle is exceedingly fond of Caroline. If you’re looking to gi

ve her trouble, you should be more

howard’s face tumed white

Kirk was making himself very plain now–Caroline was someone Kirk was protecting.

Yes, I won’t dare to do such a thing again.”

you’d like to partner with me and make money, that can be forgiven. However, you must remember not

to offend those you shouldn’t.”

Since his goal was achieved, Kirk got up. “Charles, give him the contract.”

“Yes, sir. Charles handed Howard the contract.

Howard only took a glance at it and immediately became overjoyed. “50% I can get half of the profits.” I

t was a split in profits that he had never dared to expect.

Kirk signed the contract indifferently. After putting the company’s stamp on it, he left.

A long time after Kirk’s car lett, Howard couldn’t hold it in anymore. He threw his head back and laughe



his side, his butler said, “Congratulations, sir. With Mr. Morrison’s help, you will soar even higher. I’m su

re it won’t be much longer until the Collins family becomes the top second family in Easton!”

Howard chortled. “That Daphne Dawson sure is capable. When you send the bags over tomorrow, mak

e sure to give her a few extra. We have to make good use of this connection.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ah, right” Howard added. “And about Caroline. Stop having men follow her. Nothing has come out of it


“Yes, si

Later that night Caroline turned in bed and Hopped into an empty space. She forced her eyes open to s

ee that Kirk wasn’t on his side of

the bed

Fighting sleepiness, Caroline climbed out of bed and searched every floor of the villa. Even so, she did

n’t see any sign of Kirk

She quickly called him. But his phone had been switched off. Next, Caroline called Sean.

Sean answered the phone blearity. When he found out that Kirk was missing, he had a few guesses of

his own. Kirk had probably gone out

to settle some business matters.

“The company probably called him in with an emergency,” Sean said, comforting Caroline.

As he did he was using his other phone to call Kirk, but to no avail.



Gested whead s lied by dispel the tense atmosphere by saying jokingly. Maybe

it’s nothing serious and he’ll be back

odles to book for him Caroline sald as she found some clothes to put on. In any case, it wasn’t like she

could go

Chan 240

ansiour. Tent tal me go instead it’s so late at night, it’s not sate for a woman to go out alone.”

Before Careline could finish speaking, she heard the sound of a car downstairs.


ony to see that

as Kirk’s car. With that, her heart linally dislodged from her throat. “Kirk’s

When he heard this, Seas slabed

The other end of the line.

The cond

went downstairs and saw kirk coming in, she threw herself into his embrace. “Where did you go?”

stoned by the sudden impact. Then, he lightened his arms around Caroline’s waist.

Laughing, he said. “Thad to deal with something at the company. What is it? Did you have a bad dream


Caroline’s pyes stund as she sniffed. “Why didn’t you leave me a message?”

AA’s heart softened, his tone becoming gentler. “Did I scare you?”

“You didn’t answer when I called, and you didn’t leave a message. Of course I was scared.” Caroline’s

voice trembled as she spoke.

Kak’s heart felt like it was being shattered into pieces. “I’m sorry,” he said.

Caroline looked at Kirk, who was bathed in moonlight. After a moment, she buried her face in his chest

and rubbed against him.

Kak laughed bitterly. “Darling, when you’re like this, I

Kak laughed bitterly. “Darling, when you’re like this, I

Caroline looked up, her gaze bright and clear as she regarded him. “You what?”

“I want you.” Kirk bent down and gently captured Caroline’s lips. He treated her softly, as if she were a novelbin

precious gem.

The warmth seeping into her skin swept Caroline into the depths of pa**ion, making her forget her fears


She reached out to hook her arms around Kirk’s neck. She wanted badly to stay

in this moment forever, with the moon shining upon them.

After a while, Kirk finally let go of Caroline. “Be good. It’s too late at night now. Let’s go to bed.”

But Caroline didn’t let go of his shirt.

Kirk smiled dotingly. “I won’t go out anymore. Next time, even if there’s a disaster going on, I’ll still stay


“Aren’t you afraid of losing your job?” Caroline mumbled softly.

Kirk bopped Caroline’s nose lightly with a finger. “I’m a sugar baby with a very wealthy sugar mommy ta

king care of me.”

“You’re a menace.”

Caroline tumed to head upstairs, but Kirk hugged her from behind. “I had Charles contact a professiona

l photography team. Tomorrow night–

no, tonight after work, we can meet them and discuss getting our wedding photos taken.”

Caroline wanted to say yes to going, but she suddenly thought of the meeting with Adrian. She frowned

. “I might not be able to do it

tonight. Can we go tomorrow night?”

“Do you have an appointment arranged?”


Kirk didn’t ask about it any further. Since Caroline trusted him, he would trust her as well.

“Let’s go. Time for bed.” He picked Caroline up and headed to the second floor.

The next day, Caroline saw Cheryl looking pained by the door the second she entered the office. “What

is it? Come in and tell me.”

Caroline tumed on her computer.


Chapter 247


entered the office slow and hesitated toy a moment before saying, Caroline, I was at the lounge at now,

and heard Swean say

Caroline pained what she was doing and asked Did she really say that?

‘Yes‘ Cheryl couldn’t believe it either.

“What she said is indeed true,” said Caroline, crossing her aims

“What else did she

Astonished, all Chers could


Caroline merely smiled at the speechless woman before her. Just as she opened her mouth to speak,

Susan barged into the room, buffing and putting like a volcano that was about to empt

She pointed at Caroline and yelled, “Caroline, you’re so

st How could you take Viv’s design for yourself to join the design

contest? This is plagiarism! You’re trying to take away what’s supposed to be hers!”

Behind her, the hypocrite, Vivian, stepped in to say, “Susan, that’s enough. Maybe it’s just a coincidenc

e, Caroline isn’t someone who would do that. After all, she experienced having her designs stolen when

she joined other contests in the past

She added, “I’m sure she knows full well what it feels like for a design to get plagiarized, So she wouldn

’t do something like that.”

“Viv, your design’s been stolen! Why are you still delending her? Susan’s voice was loud, and all the pe

ople around them heard everything

and gathered around to watch the show.

Nobody had expected a small

matter like winning the contest to escalate into something entirely different like this.

“What’s wrong? I remember Caroline once saying that her cousin stole her design. Logically speaking,

she wouldn’t do something like that.

“Never judge a book by its cover. Besides, her position in our company isn’t that secure. Maybe she did

this to get the fans‘ recognition.”

“Yeah! That’s possible! No matter what her motive was, she shouldn’t have claimed someone else’s wo

rk as her own. To think that Viv was kind enough to wish her luck that day. She must think that Caroline’

s a jinx.”

Despite all the accusations from those around her, Caroline remained calm and composed. Smiling, sh

e looked at Susan and said, “Are

you done?”

Susan was so angry that she was shaking. “Everyone, look at herl How can she smile right now? She’s

so shameless!

Caroline stood up from her seat. Slowly, she said, “To be honest, I wanted to tell you people that I didn’t

join any contests.”

Susan snorted derisively. “You’ve been caught, so now you’re trying to get off the hook by telling us that

you didn’t take part in it.”

“Take it easy. I haven’t finished talking yet.”

The corners of Caroline’s lips tilted upward ever so slightly. “I didn’t join the contest, but they managed t

o receive my design somehow.

Don’t you lind it strange?”

Her stare was so intent that Susan started to fret. Soon, though, she recalled that the design was sent

out through Caroline’s personal email. Hence, she told herself that she had nothing to lear

“How am I supposed to know that? Regardless, you stole Viv’s work,” Susan retaliated.

“You’re a thief!”

The smile on Caroline’s lips widened. “You didn’t know, but I did.”

Susan’s and Vivian’s expressions turned to dread when they heard that.

“I went to the security department yesterday to get the surveillance footage for the past few days. Base

d on the footage, you and Vivian


foto by her sides

Hance footage!


because wanted to hand you some documents. I’ve

he is some focaments too. You can’t accuse us of sending the emal just

Ho va the concey’s computer to send emals. You could’ve used your personal computer to do so?”

wide the could’ve started laughing at them already.”

tes dotc won and their tencere lies her sende was

rolnes mouth. Super’s and Villar’s faces saled even further.

Chapter 248

The onlookers around them locked their eyes on Susan and Vivian’s pate faces. There was something i

n their eyes that unsettled the two


“How could this be? Did Vivian purposely send her design using Caroline’s email just to accuse her of p

lagiarism?” Someone pondered aloud.

Another person clicked her tongue and said. “This is creepy. It gives me goosebumps.”

Someone else asked. “Was it truly necessary? Didn’t Vivian claim that Caroline was totally inexperienc

ed back then? Why Is she using foul play?”

Vivian heard what her subordinates said. Their words were like blades

cutting at her back. She clenched her lists, her fingernails digging

into her palms.

“I really don’t know what happened. I only came to your office to place some documents,” she said, un

willing to give in to the pressure.

“If you don’t believe me, you can check the surveillance footage again. I’m sure of it.”

A small smile appeared on Caroline’s face, and she stared at Susan. “If it isn’t Vivian, it should be

Frightened, Susan glanced at Vivian for help. However, the latter acted as if she didn’t notice it and sai

d, “I don’t know about it then.”

“Viv, you actually-”

Vivian barked a scornful laugh and glowered at Susan as a warning. “Susan, tell me, did you do it?”

Susan had worked for Vivian all these years. Naturally, she understood what that glare meant. If she sp

oke the truth, Vivian would never let her go.

“I–it was me,” Susan stuttered, admitting the mistake.

Needless to say, Caroline didn’t buy it. Susan wasn’t competing with her for anything, so she had no re

ason to do something like this. The person behind this was definitely Vivian.

“Alright then. Since you’re the one behind this, let me ask you something. Why did you do it?”

Caroline’s question made Susan

speechless. After a long moment of hesitation, Susan mumbled, “II was doing it for Viv. I didn’t want oth

ers to pick on her.”

“And so, you tried to frame me?” Caroline asked, and Susan fell silent once more.

“I’ll give you one last chance. You’d better think it through before answering me.” Caroline told her.

“Were you truly the one who did this?”

Susan gritted her teeth and looked in Vivian’s direction, but the latter averted her gaze.

“It was me.”

“Okay.” Caroline glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of everyone here who wanted the gossip.

“Did all of you hear that?”

Taken by surprise, the crowd nodded in unison at her sudden question. Caroline then crossed her arms

and said, “Susan, do you know what consequences you’ll face for framing your superior?”

‘I’ll be dismissed,” Susan murmured.

“Very well you’re aware of it.”

Caroline approached her and stopped right in front of her. “However, I’m not a kind person. Besides dis

missing you, I’ll sue you for

defamation and slander.” With that said, she took out her phone and called the cops.

Susan swayed and stumbled, almost collapsing to the ground, but Caroline was there to

support her. Smiling, Caroline patted her shoulder and said. “You admitted that you intentionally set this

up to frame me. The cops will arrive soon. Do reflect on your sins when

Chapter 249

Dismissal was the worst thing that could happen in one’s career. Gelling sent to fall meant that she wou

ld never get a chance at another job in the future.

Vivan crouched and helped Susan up, with

sympathy written all over her face. Yet her eyes had a sharp and sinister gleam to them,

“When you’re in there, remember that there are things that you should and shouldn’t say,” she whisper


Then, Vivian raised her voice and said, “Susan, you’ve been by my side for so many years. How could

you do this?

Sighing, she added, “Follow the rules when you’re in there. When you’ve turned a new leaf and are rele

ased in the future, Ill surely give you a new job so that you can start anew.”

By saying this, Vivian emphasized her position as a superior who was kind and gracious,

The police officers came soon alter and took Susan away with them. Peace was linally restored in

the office. No one dared to stay and watch any longer, and all of them went back to their spols lo contin

ue their work.

Caroline called out to Vivian, “Vivian, please slay.”

Vivlan balled her hands and tried to push away the burning rage within her. Slowly, she turned to lace C

aroline with a smile on her face,

“What’s the matter, Caroline?”

“Susan’s your subordinate. She wouldn’t have done this without your order.”

“What are you saying?”

“You and I know full well that she’s a scapegoat.”

“Oh really? Are you going to fire me then?”

Caroline smiled. “Well, I’m all about proof and evidence, so I won’t frame others to achieve my goals.”

Vivian’s eyes spat fire when she looked at her.


taking several deep breaths, she sneered. “Stop blabbering. Just lire me if you want to. Other compani

es will hire me even if I leave

Thome Corp!” Vivian had nothing to fear.

Smiling, Caroline replied, “Indeed, you can go to some other place after leaving this company, but what

goes around comes around. I suggest you know your place and stop scheming.”

“You-” Vivian was so furious that her words failed her. Just as she thought of something to retaliate with

, they heard Jules’s voice

coming from the door.

“What’s going on? I heard that the police came not long ago,” he said.

The scowl on Vivian’s face instantly vanished, and she started protesting, “Mr. Hawkins, Susan made a

blunder, but Caroline made a fuss out of it. She keeps saying that I was involved in it. Don’t you think s

he’s being unreasonable?”

Jules knitted his brows and looked at Caroline. “Is that true?”

Caroline briefed him about what had happened and added, “Vivian and I were simply discussing ways t

o handle our subordinates in the future. Even though this issue had nothing to do with her, Susan was

her subordinale. Besides, the problem happened in the office, so she can’t shirk her responsibility.“!

Jules heartily agreed with Caroline. “That’s right. Even though it wasn’t your fault, Vivian, you were too

lenient with Susan,” he said.

“You should reflect on this. If something like this were to happen again, I’d have to reconsider your posi

tion as a director.”

Vivian paled at his words. In truth, Jules was well aware of the battle between Caroline and her, but he

chose to turn a blind eye to it.

Today, his words served as a warning to remind her that if she stirred up a problem again, she’d be kick

ed out of her position as the a**istant design director.

After so many years of knowing each other, Vivian and Jules could be considered friends already. His s

tern tone made her feel humiliated


Chapter 250


taking over your family business?” Jules asked, stupefied Wasn’t Evans Group gone for good? it shoul

dnt even round as a congrany

now, right?

“Yes.” Caroline confirmed

“Um, Caroline, don’t be impulsive. To be frank, I don’t like the way she does things either, but you shoul

dn’t be giving up your career

because of someone insignificant.” Jules tried to persuade her to stay

“Vivian is only a small part of the reason. The main reason I’m leaving is because Evans Group will be

electing its new CEO next month Fm

thinking of reviving the company.”

She might not be able to restore it to its former glory from her grandfather’s time, but she’d be content

enough to pick it up from the ashes

and give it a chance.

For a moment Jules was stunned. “But I heard that Evans Group was in a constant state of loss. Are yo

u sure about this?

“I’ve made up my mind about it.” Caroline handed the resignation letter to him and added. “It is my wish

that you’ll give me your approval.”

Jules stared at the letter before him. He didn’t want to accept it, but he couldn’t refuse it.

A moment later, he

said, “How about I keep this letter first and wait until you’ve successfully become Evans Group’s CEO b

efore accepting it? What do you think?”

“Great minds think alike. I don’t intend to leave right away. After all, it’d take some time for the design d

epartment to look for a suitable new design director. I’ll continue working here until the new design dire

ctor comes.”

“It seems to me that you’re absolutely determined to take up the role of Evans Group’s new CEO, eh?”

Jules said, to which Caroline smiled

in reply.

“Alright then. I wish you all the best.”

“Thank you.”

After chatting with Caroline for a bit, Jules returned to his office and called Charles. “Charles, I’ve broug

ht bad news for you. Caroline wants

to resign.”

She was the wife of Jules‘ boss’s nephew. Needless to say, he had to tell them about this to seek their

advice on his next course of action.

Charles, too, was stunned when he learned of this.

He stole a glance at Kirk, who sat on a chair, listening to a report by the head of the finance department

. From the frown on Kirk’s face, Charles deduced that he was highly unsatisfied with the report.

The head of the finance department noticed it too. But he anxiously carried on with explaining the repor

t while tossing a look at Charles as

a plea for help.

Seeing this. Charles took a deep breath and approached Kirk, stopping beside him. He bent over slightl

y to tell him about the matter regarding Caroline’s resignation.

The gloom on Kirk’s face dissipated, and he quirked an eyebrow. His eyes had a hint of a smile in them

when he spoke. “Really?”

“Yes. Mr. Hawkins wanted me to ask you what he should do next.”

“How did he handle this?”

“He accepted the madam’s resignation letter but told her that he’d only approve it

after she managed to secure her position as Evans Group’s next CEO.”

“He did a good job.”

Kirk then stood up from the chair and turned to the head of the finance department. “Your report is rubb

ish. I don’t want to see it again. Go back to where you came from and have it redone!”

The man wiped the cold sweat off his brow and watched as Kirk left the office with Charles. Right alter t

hat, his knees gave out, and he sat



The heads of the other departments crowded around him with sympathy and admiration. “You’re so luc

ky, James! What did Charles tall him? And why did he look so happy all of a sudden?”

‘I don’t know. I’ll ask Charles about it later”

“Okay. I want to try the same trick too next time

Meanwhile, Charles followed Kirk back to his office and asked, “Sir, should we ask Mr. Hawkins to hold

on to the resignation letter?

“Why would he do that?” Kirk asked.

His question came as a surprise to Charles, who then spent a bit of time contemplating the matter from

a business point of view.

After finishing his analysis, he said, “The madam has zero experience in managing a business. Evans

Group only lasted this long because of Morrison Corp.

“If she manages to become Evans Group’s next CEO, Morrison Corp, which is under Mr.

Eddy’s control, will withdraw it’s investments. By then, Evans Group will be overwhelmed by losses. It

will fall for good.”

“If the madam doesn’t take over the company, she can simply watch from

afar,” he continued. “However, if she insists on

joining t company, she’ll be throwing herself into danger.”

Kirk stared at Charles with an unreadable expression. The latter asked, “Was I wrong?”

“You’re right, but you missed a point. Eddy has Dan Evans‘ back. Who said SY Group couldn’t have my

wife’s back? Not to mention, Evans

Group is just a small business.”


Chapter 251

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