Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 221-230
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Chapter 221-230

Chapter 221

“You fool.” Kirk sald fondly, “This Information may be useless for most people, but it’s very important for



Kirk kissed her lips. “Have I ever lied to you?” I

Caroline thought about it, and surprisingly, he hadn’t.

Seeing the trusting expression on her lace, Kirk had mixed feelings. He didn’t know whether to be happ

y or sad.

“All right. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee,” he said, letting go of Caroline.

Only then did Caroline realize that many people were looking at them. She blushed, remembering how

she had been crying in Kirk’s arms Just now. She wished she could dig a hole to hide in.

Kirk quickly returned with two cups of coffee and sat down beside Caroline. “I’ll take you back later, oka


“It’s okay.”

Caroline pouted slightly and whispered while hiding beside Kirk, “You can never lie to me, got it?”

Kirk’s hands froze. After a while, he nodded slightly.

Caroline looked up at Kirk with bright eyes. “What will you do if you lie to me?”

Kirk took Caroline’s hand, planting solt kisses on it. He asked tentatively. “What do you think I should d


“Well…” Caroline thought for a moment, then shook her head. She smiled and said confidently. “I’m sur

e you won’t lie to me.”

“You trust me that much?” Kirk asked, tapping her on the nose.

Caroline said without thinking. “Of course.”

Suddenly, Kirk couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye. He stirred his coffee, his body tense.

He asked, “What if I lied to you?”

“I told you. You wouldn’t do that.” Caroline didn’t notice the change in Kirk’s behavior.

After glancing at the time, she picked up her bag and said hurriedly. “Oh no. I have to go back to work!”

Kirk grabbed Caroline’s hand. “Are you just going to leave like that?”

Caroline asked in return, “What else am I supposed to do?”

“Give me a kiss.” Kirk tapped his cheek.

Caroline discreetly glanced at the people around them. Noticing they were all looking at them with a gri

n, she felt the heat return to her


“I’m leaving!” she said, flustered. Then, she ran away in a hurry.

Kirk smiled gently as he watched her dash away. What an adorable woman!

As he turned back, he noticed that everyone was also looking at Caroline, and his face turned cold. He

ordered. “Get back to work!”

Everyone quickly stood up, secretly complaining in their hearts. Their boss seemed like a chameleon, j

udging by how he switched attitudes so quickly.

Seeing how Caroline had left happilly, Charles let out a sigh of relief. He asked, “I don’t have to

go to the mountains anymore. Right, sir?”

Kirk glanced at him. “What’s wrong? Do you regret missing your chance?”

Charles groaned, “Sir…”

Kirk Interrupted him with a wave of his hand. “Make a permanent lesson for all of this. Tell Brittany that i

f she wants to work with me, she’d better be cautious around Caroline!”



At Morrison Manor. Jude asked. ‘Are you sure? Bettany Emerson really doing PR work for Carrie?

was there. Grandean definitely sure

Ey was still unset at Caroline’s attitude toward him. He grumbled, “Caroline is op van Brittany sins for

Do you really believe what Brittany Lad that the helped Canine herause the caught her eye?

snarled. “Of course not put anatoms. I cant our offer

Jute glared at body and reminded ham impatiently “Bettany has really high standards, Een you may be

way for but here’s one person who’s capable of doing that

“Who?” Eddy asked in confusion

“Think about ”

Sudents, Eady stood up from his chair as if he had been electrocuted, he and shock “Uncle Kaw

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 222

“But why would Uncle Kirk ask Brittany to help Caroline?” Eddy asked Jude in confusion.

Jude was angry, but he didn’t have conclusive evidence about whether Kirk and Caroline were married.

So, he swallowed back his anger and said, “What do you think?”

Eddy thought for a moment before saying hesitantly, “Because Uncle Kirk likes Caroline?”

Jude nodded, pleased at his answer. But Eddy’s following words upset him even more.

“But that’s normal. Caroline is especially fond of elders like you both. Don’t you like her too, Grandpa?”

Seeing that his grandson didn’t understand, Jude simply stopped talking about it. “Call Brittany over, an

d I’ll ask her myself.”

Brittany had just received a call from Charles, telling her to be cautious around Caroline from now on. J

ust as she’d recovered from her shock, she got a call from Eddy, saying Jude wanted to see her.

Brittany stared at the phone, impressed. Caroline was really amazing.

Brittany went to visit Jude.

Jude got straight to the point. “I heard you’re handling Caroline’s case. I’m surprised. Didn’t you only ha

ndle PR cases for A–

listers, and they had to have a certain reputation for them? Caroline isn’t any of those, so why did you h

elp her?”

Brittany smiled. She explained, “Since you’re asking me, I won’t hide it from you. I heard rumors that Mr

. Eddy’s second uncle is planning to get into the entertainment industry.

‘I know you still dote on Caroline despite her no longer being engaged to your grandson. If I can help s

olve her predicament, it would definitely help me build some bridges.”

Jude looked at Brittany with sharp eyes and asked, “So, you’re helping Caroline, so I would help you?”

It wasn’t because Kirk had asked her, like he suspected.

Brittany’s expression remained neutral as she replied, “That’s right.”

Jude looked at her attentively but didn’t notice any signs of her lying. So he waved his hand and let Brit

tany leave.

Was he overthinking things? Was there nothing between Caroline and Kirk?

When Caroline got off work, she called Gwen to ask if she wanted a big meal.

Gwen had just been discharged from the hospital. She had been eating lightly for the past few days an

d wanted something big. “Sure.”

“Do you want Sean to come along?” Caroline joked.

Gwen blushed. She hesitated for a while before saying, “Suit yourself.”

Caroline said merrily, “All right. I’ll make an extra serving.”

Gwen didn’t refuse, so Caroline knew that she agreed to Sean coming.

It was already 6 pm when Caroline finished buying the ingredients for dinner. Fortunately, Jack helped

and saved her the trouble of carrying them. When she arrived home, she invited Jack to have dinner wi

th them.

Jack refused without thinking. He wouldn’t dare eat the food made by his boss‘ wife. That would just be

asking to get fired.

Caroline went into her house and changed her shoes. As she was washing the ingredients, Kirk returne

d home.

When Kirk saw her busy in the kitchen, he put on his apron and helped her.

Caroline smiled at his domestic appearance. She was realheal


Chapter 223

“Ignore his Gwen coldly swatted Sean away, but her face was slightly red

She said. “We’re still not boyfriend and girfriend.”

“Then, what are you both doing?

“Were on three–month probation. If we pa** the probation, we’ll be boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“How Interesting.” Caroline lowered her head and chopped the vegetables

She ordered. “You guys should talk outside. You’ll get in the way if you stay crowded in hars.”

Kirk refused. “I can help you

Caroline pushed him out of the kitchen. “No thanks”

Kirk refused to let un, but Caroline heartlessly kicked him out of the kitchen, closing the door behind her

“Darling” Kirk opened a gap in the door and asked, “just want to ask one question, wave you one after t



“Did you buy the grapes?”

Caroline blinked in contusion. She said. “Yeah, I did. Why?

Kiri smirked. He said nothing else, but Caroline could tell he was sinaset. She didn’t understand him. M

en would be any with the simplest things.

Not long after slet Gwen came in

“Can you just wait outside? Caroline asked

Gwen chuckled before moving closer to Caroline. She asked worriedly, Carol about your mother**

Caroline’s expression remained neutral as she said, “Yean? What about her?

Gwen boldly asked. “Do you need help dealing with ?

As her best friend for over a decade. Gwen knew what kind of person Caroline was. Pears she could h

elp her trend by dartying Things Publict

Caroline selused. “It’s okay. I’ve already desired to deal with L‘

“Aready? Gwen asked in surprise

“Year” Caroline said. “You just need to sit back and watch the show

Gaven couldn’t believe her. She just thought that Caroline didnt want to get her friend involved.


this a big scandal? Carol, don’t shoulder the burden alone. Although I’m not a celebrity and my words c

arry ittle weight, someone will defusely notice as long as i speak out

r’s really okay Caroline looked at Gwen resolutely

She said, “just wall in three days, you’ll see now all of this ends.”

Gowen looked at Caroline in astonishment, feeling like she had changed a lot. Caroline was su longer t

he young wohan who brought herself down for love. She had changed for the better

Geen locked over at Kirk with eyes full of gratitude

Noticing Gwen’s eyes on them, Sean waved at her

Geen inmediataty tooked away Sean was speechless at her actions

Noticing this, Kik leased his friend, Tm afraid you

able to make II through This arest

well for him.

Kirk glared at him. He growled, “Do you want to get hit?”

Sean hid behind Gwen. He complained, “Honey, he’s going to hurt mel”

Gwen was speechless.

“Oh, he’s calling you ‘honey‘ now?” Caroline looked al Gwen with a smile. She said teasingly, “You guynovelbin

s are making great progress, Gwen.”

Chapter 223

“Ignore him.” Gwen coldly swatted Sean away, but her face was slightly red.

She said, “We’re still not boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“Then, what are you both doing?”

“We’re on three–month probation. If we pa** the probation, we’ll be boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“How Interesting.” Caroline lowered her head and chopped the vegetables.

She ordered, “You guys should talk outside. You’ll get in the way if you stay crowded in here.” (1)

Kirk refused, “I can help you!”

Caroline pushed him out of the kitchen. “No thanks.”

Kirk refused to let up, but Caroline heartlessly kicked him out of the kitchen, closing the door behind her


“Darling.” Kirk opened a gap in the door and asked, “I just want to ask one question. I’ll leave you alone

after that.”


“Did you buy the grapes?”

Caroline blinked in confusion. She said, “Yeah, I did. Why?”

Kirk smirked. He said nothing else, but Caroline could tell he was pleased. She didn’t understand him.

Men would be happy with the simplest things.

Not long after Kirk left, Gwen came in.

“Can’t you just wait outside?” Caroline asked.

Gwen chuckled before moving closer to Caroline. She asked worriedly, “Carol, about your mother…”

Caroline’s expression remained neutral as she said, “Yeah? What about her?”

Gwen boldly asked, “Do you need help dealing with it?”

As her best friend for over a decade, Gwen knew what kind of person Caroline was. Perhaps she could

help her friend by clarifying things publicly.

Caroline refused. “It’s okay. I’ve already prepared to deal with it.”

“Already?” Gwen asked in surprise.

“Yeah.” Caroline said, “You just need to sit back and watch the show.”

Gwen couldn’t believe her. She just thought that Caroline didn’t want to get her friend involved.

“But isn’t this a big scandal? Carol, don’t shoulder the burden alone. Although I’m not a

celebrity and my words carry little weight. someone will definitely notice as long as I speak out.”

“It’s really okay.” Caroline looked at Gwen resolutely.

She said, “Just wait. In three days, you’ll see how all of this ends.”

Gwen looked at Caroline in astonishment, feeling like she had changed a lot. Caroline was no longer th

e young woman who brought herself down for love. She had changed for the better.

Gwen looked over at Kirk with eyes full of gratitude.

Noticing Gwen’s eyes on them, Sean waved at her.

Gwen immedi


Kirk leisurely answered the call “Bad news, sir.”

Charles said anxiously, “Someone must have altered the trending searches, and the news about you h

as lost traction. Now, the medati s news is the most trending topic online. Everyone is cursing and critici

zing her. Ms. Emerson asked me to call you. Do you want her to help clear the madam’s name now?”

Kirk glanced at Gwen, who was walking over. He calmly walked to the balcony. He asked, “What did m

y wife say about this?”

“She said to start her plan to clear things up in three days.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking of a solution.

He ordered. “Ask Brittany to discuss things with my wife tomorrow. Don’t disturb her today!”

Charles was startled by his order. “Yes, sir.”

“Also, find a way to improve the security around her tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.”

After giving orders to Charles, Kirk returned to the living room with the phone in his hand. His expressi

on was dark

Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 224

“What’s wrong?” Sean asked.

Gwen also noticed that Kirk wasn’t in a good mood. She asked, “Is it about Carol?”

Kirk glanced at them and said calmly, “It’s nothing. Don’t tell Carrie anything if you hear something on t

he phone. She’s been tired all day. and I want her to rest.”

Gwen and Sean looked at each other and nodded obediently.

When Caroline yelled that dinner was ready, everyone enthusiastically set the table with plates and cutl


“Eat up,” Caroline said. She was the last to sit down.


was the first to move. He picked up a piece of halibut and put it on Caroline’s plate. “Good job, darling.”

Caroline glared at him. She said, “Sean and Gwen are still here.”

Gwen and Sean said in unison, “Don’t worry about us. We’d rather eat crap than let him give us food.”

Caroline couldn’t help laughing at how in tune they were with each other. “It seems that Sean’s probatio

n will be over pretty soon.”

Sean said proudly, “Look, Kirk, Carrie has a way with her words.”

The four of them enjoyed a lovely meal, and time pa**ed quickly.

After dinner, Gwen and Sean were in charge of cleaning up. They left after they were done.

Before they left, Gwen had initially wanted to tell Caroline she could ask her for help dealing with Sarah

if she needed it. However, when she remembered what Kirk had said, she remained silent and got into

Sean’s car.

Back in the villa, Caroline was lying in Kirk’s arms. They were watching the stars from the third–floor balcony.

Kirk had just brought up the grapes after washing them.

The lights painted the balcony a warm yellow. It looked very romantic under the night sky.

“What took you so long?” Caroline pointed to the stars in the sky, asking. “Hey, does that look like the C

a**iopeia constellation?”

Kirk followed her line of sight to look at the sky while he kept busy. “Probably not.”

Caroline turned to look at him, only to realize that he was peeling grapes. Kirk’s fingers were slender an

d beautiful, and his movements were elegant and graceful. She looked away, blushing.

Kirk fed Caroline a grape. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he kissed her. Hugging her, he sat up o

n the chair.

Caroline kicked him in embarra**ment as the heat spread between both of them. “How did you learn to

seduce someone?” she asked, her voice as quiet as a mouse’s.


clearly heard her in the quiet night, but he still teased her, “Huh? What are you talking about, babe?”

Caroline pinched his waist, knowing that he was teasing her. Then, seeing that he was indifferent, she

bit his arm angrily.

She wasn’t too hard or too soft on him. It didn’t hurt at all. But he still hissed and pinned Caroline under

neath him.

When Caroline tried to retort, Kirk kissed her on the lips. Her whines and protests died

down as the stars glittered in the sky.


Gwen returned home, she finally understood why Kirk had told them not to tell Caroline anything, no m

atter what happened.

After two days, the video of Sarah accusing Caroline had become even more popular.

Now, everyone was criticizing Caroline for being a disloyal daughter. Their criticisms were so unpleasa

nt that even a bystander like Gwen couldn’t handle them.


“Are you worried about Caroline?”

Gwen sat up in bed in surprise. “You can tell?”

“Yeah, but you don’t have to worry. Kirk and Caroline will take care of it,” Sean replied.

Gwen typed, “But this is a huge deal!”

“Kirk can handle anything, even If heaven turns upside down. So, go to sleep,” Sean a**ured her.

“You seem so confident in Kirk. You don’t sound like you just met him. You sound like a friend who grew

up with him.”

Sean was speechless. This was the disadvantage of falling in love with the friend of his friend’s wife. N

ot only did he have to hide his own secret, but he also had to help his friend hide his secret.

“No, we really just met.” Sean turned over in bed

as he typed, “I’ll sing you a nursery rhyme if you can’t sleep.”

Gwen’s text came soon enough. “No thanks. I’m going to sleep.”

Seeing her reject him so quickly, Sean smiled slightly. With him and Gwen’s relationship, it was as if he

had switched roles.

In this relationship, Gwen was always in the lead, and he could only join the fray whenever she did.

In the past, he had always called the shots in the relationship. He decided when

to start his relationship and when to end it.

Now that Gwen was taking the lead, he finally experienced what it was like to be on the edge.

Gwen was unpredictable, just like Sean had been before. God was probably punishing him, but he was

kind of happy.

Seeing that Gwen wouldn’t reply, Sean curled his lips into a small smile.

Meanwhile, Gwen still couldn’t sleep. She was worrying about both Caroline and herself. Sean seemed

to be serious about her. Those earnest feelings made it surreal for her.

He was a gifted prodigy in the medical field, while she was just a child from an ordinary, well–

off family. It would be great if Sean was just a regular employee like Kirk.

The night slipped away quietly.

At 8 am the following day, Caroline received a call from Brittany. She had picked the correct time to call

Caroline since the latter was just resting after breakfast.

*Ms. Evans, have you seen what’s happening online?”

Caroline opened Google and saw that her name was the most trending name in the entire app. When s

he opened a forum, it was filled with insults directed at her.

Caroline hurred, “Yeah.”

“Do you want to speed up your plans, Ms. Evans?”

“No.” Caroline had thought about this situation a long time ago.

She said, “There should be a lot of people forming an angry mob at my workplace today. Are you and y

our people ready to film it Ms. Emerson?

Brittany was shocked once again. Caroline was ruthless. She had even gotten her own PR manager in

volved in the crossfire.

“I got it,” Brittany said.

When Kirk walked out with coffee, he saw Caroline ma**aging her temples. He put down the coffee and

squeezed Caroline’s hands. He even gently rubbed her temples for her..

Caroline exhaled. “I’m going to work.”

“Do you want some time off?”

Chapter 225

Kirk looked at Caroline, feeling bad for her. But he had to let her go. If he wanted to keep Caroline by hi

s side, he had to make her stronger.

In this world, only love between two equal people could last.

Kirk kissed her forehead and asked. “When all of this is over, I’ll buy you a gift. It can be whatever you


Caroline thought for a moment before saying, “I haven’t thought of what I want yet. I’ll let you know whe

n I do.”


Caroline left her house with a smile. As soon as she reached the door, she put on a mask and frowned

as if she were really sad.

When Kirk saw her actions from the window, he wanted to chuckle.

As Caroline approached the car, she noticed two other cars parked behind Jack’s. She got into the car

cautiously and asked Jack, “Mr. Jack, why are there two cars behind us?”

Jack was getting better at lying now. He said smoothly. “The company saw many people slandering you

online. They were worried about your safety, so they sent some bodyguards to protect you.”

Caroline was moved. The people at Thorne Corporation were too thoughtful.

However, she was still very cautious and looked around occasionally to see if there was anything unus


She had heard that skilled paparazzi could find where the person they were looking for lived just by se

eing a photo of a tiny portion of the house.

Although Caroline didn’t like posting photos on social media, she was worried that the paparazzi would

find this villa. She didn’t want it to affect Kirk’s sense of security.

Jack knew what Caroline was thinking and said, “You don’t have to be

so cautious, Ms. Evans. No one will find this place.”


Jack wanted to tell her that Howard’s people hadn’t been able to find this place even after following the

m for half a month.

However, when he remembered Kirk’s many warnings to be cautious around Caroline, he paused and

said, “The security here is top–notch. Even

if the paparazzi find this palace, they won’t be able to enter.”

Caroline thought his words made sense. So she decided to close her eyes and rest in the car.

Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Neither of them talked further during the drive.

Caroline woke up when she was about to arrive at Thorne Corporation. She immediately saw people cr

owded at the entrance of the building.

There were a bunch of reporters and people who had come to watch the show.

Just as Caroline was about to get out of the car, Jack stopped her. “Please wait a moment, Ms. Evans.”

Caroline looked at Jack curiously. Just then, the car door opened. She was surprised to see a strong b

odyguard standing outside the car, wearing sungla**es.

“You can go now, Ms. Evans,” Jack said, pulling her from her thoughts.

Just as she was about to leave the car, the reporters and onlookers spotted her and rushed over.

The bodyguards from the two cars behind them formed a circle around Caroline.

Despite that, the reporters frantically snapped pictures and pointed their microphones at Caroline.

“Ms. Evans, do you have any comments about your parents‘ accusations?”

“You’ve supposedly cut ties with your family since you got married. Can you explain why you did this?”

“Ms. Evans, you know that one should

things like this.


Seeing that she was about to walk into the building, the crowd tossed several water bottles at her. Notic

ing this, the bodyguards quickly raised their hands to block them.

Caroline paused in her tracks and pulled the bodyguard In front of her. “Don’t block them.”

The bodyguard froze for a moment, allowing one of the water bottles to hit Caroline on the head.

The water

bottle was light and emply, so it didn’t hurt at all. But she still covered her head with a pained expressio

n on her face.

Although all this happened very quickly, many reporters managed to film it. Soon, this clip spread all o

ver the Internet.

“Good job! You people threw that bottle well! Make her whine in pain! Why can’t that bottle be a stone?

If it were, the world would be rid of an unsightly thing like her!”

“I feel bad for Sarah and Dan. They devoted themselves to raising Caroline, but they ended up raising

a snake.”

“It’s terrible. If my daughter were to abandon me like this, I would be so mad!”

“Seeing how she can still go to work, she doesn’t seem affected by this. I feel so bad for Sarah and Da

n for having such an ungrateful daughter!”

No matter how vicious the comments online were, Caroline didn’t care because she hadn’t read any of


After entering the elevator, Caroline went straight to the design department. As soon as she walked in,

she saw everyone looking at her.

Some looked at her gloatingly, while others looked at her with disgust. As always, she wasn’t afraid bec

ause her conscience was clear.

When Caroline walked by Vivian’s office, someone stopped her. “Caroline.”

Caroline could immediately tell that the voice belonged to Layla. She turned around, and sure enough,

Layla was in Vivian’s office.

Layla got up from the couch. Noticing Caroline covering her forehead, she smiled

slightly. “Oh, no. You’re hurt.”

Caroline asked, “Isn’t this what you want?”

Layla said innocently, “Caroline, why why would I want that?”

Caroline turned away and walked to her office.

Layla followed behind her. She said, “Aunt Sarah and Uncle Dan have already told me. As long as you

apologize, all of this will be over.”

Her voice

wasn’t too loud. It was just enough for everyone in the office to hear her. Her words basically confirmed

that Caroline was an unfilial daughter.

Caroline paused in her tracks and looked back at Layla. She asked, “Weren’t you so sick

that you needed a kidney transplant to survive? Why are you up and around right now?”

Layla replied casually, “It’s all thanks to you sending me to jail. I met an impressive doctor there who cu

red my illness.”

She discreetly listed another one of Caroline’s crimes. Those who didn’t know the truth would only think

that Caroline was cruel and merciless to even her relatives.

Sure enough, Susan, who had followed Layla out, said exaggeratedly, “Goodness. Caroline! I can’t beli

eve you’d be so cruel as to send your relatives to jail. How terrifying! Not even the renowned Brittany E

merson can save you from this.”

“Once a traitor, always a traitor,” Vivan sneered.

“She could even betray her own family. Who knows? She may even betray us, her colleagues.” Vivian’s

words made everyone in the office shudder.

Layla smirked slightly before defending her. “Come on, don’t talk about her like that. Caroline just went

down the wrong path, I’m sure she’ll realize her mistake soon. Right, Caroline?”

She looked at Caroline with innocent eyes.

Chapter 226

“Ms. Evans, we have arrested the man who attacked you the other day.”

“Oh, so soon?” Caroline was quite surprised. She thought it would take the police three days to solve th

e case.

“Yes. The policeman on the phone chuckled.

He’d had no choice. His superiors said that this case was important

and that the suspect must be caught as soon as possible. Yet he didn’t know what was so important ab

out it.

“All right. Thank you.” Caroline hung up and sent a message to Brillany.

Then, she looked up at Layla. She said, “This is a workplace. Unauthorized personnel should leave im


Vivian look

Layla’s hand and argued, “Caroline, how can you say such heartless words to your cousin? She came t

o visit because she was worried about you. It’s rude of you to kick her out like this.”

The smile

on Caroline’s face faded. She said dismissively. “This doesn’t concern you. You’ve overstepped again a

nd again. It’ll be bad if I

don’t give you a warning.”

“Warning?” Vivian scoffed. “What kind of warning?”

“Cheryl, If I recall

correctly, the company has a rule saying that we’re not allowed to bring unauthorized personnel into the

premises. How

much is the penalty for doing so?”

Cheryl glanced at Vivian and swallowed. “One hundred dollars.”

“Okay. Inform the accountant to deduct one hundred dollars from Vivian’s salary this month.”

Vivian was livid. One hundred dollars was a drop in the bucket of her salary. What really embarra**ed h

er was that Caroline had announced it in front of the office.

This was tantamount to telling everyone that Caroline was the boss, not her!

“Caroline!” Vivian yelled. She charged forward, wanting to slap Caroline, but Layla held her back.

Layla gave her a look of warning.

Vivian snapped out of her anger and looked at Caroline calmly. “Go ahead and deduct my salary. You w

on’t be in Thorne Corp for much longer, anyway.”

“What’s going on here?” As soon as Jules walked in, he saw them standing in the hallway.

Vivian said, “Are you here to see this ungrateful bitch too, Mr. Hawkins?”

Jules immediately frowned at her words. “Vivian, you’d better watch what you say. What happened with

Mr. Corvin last time proved that you’re not as good as Caroline. How can you still be so rude?”

Even though Jules normally lectured Vivian, he usually did it in private. This was the first time he had re

primanded her in front of so many


Caroline had just told Vivian off, and now Jules was lecturing her too. Vivian Immediately felt hurt. “Am I

wrong, Mr. Hawkins? Isn’t Caroline ungrateful for not supporting her parents?”

“That’s old news. Don’t you people check the news?” Jules spoke sullenly.

*Just now, Caroline asked Star King PR to announce why she

had cut off ties with her parents. If you ask me, her parents deserve what’s coming to them! Hmph!”

It was rare for a composed person like Jules to be so angry.

Everyone was stunned, arid all of them took out their phones. Star King Public Relations‘ post about Ca

roline was pinned on their

Facebook account.

This behavior was unprecedented. In the past, even if they

cleared a celebrity’s name, they would simply post their evidence on their account. They wouldn’t pin it





It turned out that the two people who had abducted her had been hired by Sarah.

The post didn’t reveal what exactly happened to Caroline at the hotel. But the surveillance tapes showe

d that she was forced into a vehicle and taken to Saint Pierre Grand Hotel.

It was clear that they had kidnapped her.

Sarah’s bank transaction history proved that she was the person behind it.

No one had expected things to turn around like this. After all, a parent shouldn’t hurt their own child.

The comments online immediately showed sympathy toward Caroline.

“She kidnapped her own daughter? I–I must be seeing things!”

“I’ve met some irresponsible parents in my long life, but this is the first time I’ve met someone so terrifyi


Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 227


“That explains why Caroline cut them out of her life. If it were me, I would’ve moved to another country I


“I feel so bad for Caroline. Now I understand why she married an ordinary person. When you

have crazy parents, one of the best ways to get them out of your life is to get married.”

“That’s right! Even though her husband is an ordinary person, at least he won’t harm her!”

Netizens weren’t the only ones who expressed compa**ion for Caroline.

Everyone in the office also looked at Caroline sympathetically. They hadn’t expected things to turn out li

ke this.

Realizing that the atmosphere in the office had changed, Vivian panicked. She grabbed Susan’s phone

and read the post. When she was done, she looked at Caroline with a pale face. “No!”

Layla also read the post on Facebook, and her expression was dark.

She said grimly, “You’re really amazing. Caroline. You hired Star King PR to handle your case. They ca

n clear the name of even the most

scandalous celebrities.”

Caroline chuckled. “You know better than anyone whether all this is true.”

Layla was shocked. Looking at Caroline’s gaze, she had a feeling the latter knew something.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. But Aunt Sarah and Uncle Dan are still your parents. Even if th

ey did something wrong, you


Caroline leaned over and whispered in Layla’s ear, “They won’t be my parents much longer!”

Layla froze again, looking at Caroline in disbelief. She felt as If she had fallen into a trap Caroline had

carefully set up.

Caroline straightened up with a smile and asked Jules, “Mr. Hawkins, what are you doing in the design


Jules gave Layla a glance, then turned to Caroline with a smile. “Nothing important. I’m just here to tell

you about an international design contest called the Rosebow Contest. Have you heard about it?”

Caroline shook her head and walked into her office with Jules.

Vivian dug her nails into her palms as she watched them leave. “It seems that your

plan has failed, Ms. Layla!”

Layla’s face darkened. She declared, “It’s not over yet.” With that, she stormed off.

Vivian glanced toward Caroline’s office before storming away with a huff.

Everyone in the office looked at each other briefly, then hurriedly got back to work. They were afraid of

being caught in the crossfire.

In Caroline’s office, Jules briefly explained the details of the Rosebow Contest to her.

It was a design contest run

by women in the design industry. Both the competitors and the judges had be women. It was a

competition made by women, for women.

“Getting a ranking in this contest will give you a boost in your career, Caroline. After all, the Rosebow C

ontest plays an important role in the design industry. After winning an award, you may be included in th

e list of experts. How about it? Are you interested in participating?”

Caroline considered the offer for a moment but still refused. “I’m really tempted to join, but I may not pla

n to advance my career in design


Jules was surprised to hear that. “Caroline, are you-”

“I’m going back to run my company.”

Jules said in surprise, “You’re talking about Evans Group.”

“That’s right.” Caroline didn’t say anything else. She got up and sald, “By the way, I have to thank you,

Mr. Hawkins.”

“For what?” Jules asked in confusion.

Chapter 228

Caroline was confused now. “But Jack said that the company had sent those bodyguards.”

Jack? Who’s Jack?”

Caroline asked. “Didn’t you hire a driver for me?”

Jules stared at her, puzzled.

“You didn’t hire him?” Caroline asked, frowning.

Jules‘ mind was muddled at the moment. He only knew that Caroline was Eddy’s fiancée and nothing e


As he thought about it, he felt like Kirk might be involved, but Caroline wasn’t aware of who handled thi

ngs behind the scenes. Perhaps Kirk didn’t want Caroline to know about it.

Jules understood it now, but he didn’t know how to turn the situation around.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, “Oh, I must be getting old. You’re right. I did hire a drive

r for you. His name must have slipped my mind. That’s why I didn’t realize who you were talking about.

So his name is Jack.”

Jules‘ explanation was quite reasonable, so Caroline said nothing else.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave. Is that okay?” Jules looked at Caroline cautiously.

Caroline nodded with a smile. “Okay.”

Seeing that she had no suspicions, Jules left.

However, as soon as he left, Caroline sat on her chair, lost in thought. Just then, the phone rang. It was

a call from Brittany. “Ms. Evans. can we post those videos to garner sympathy now?”

Caroline said, “Go ahead.”

“All right.” Brittany nodded.

After hanging up the phone, Brittany suddenly felt like Caroline was her superior instead. She

hadn’t felt this way for years.

Then, she sent a message to her subordinates to continue with the plan.

As soon as the video of Caroline’s house being pelted with paint and dung was uploaded, many netize

ns sympathized with Caroline.

Her parents had kidnapped her, beat her up, and even spread lies about her online. It was really pitiful.

After the police announced that someone had tried to stab Caroline In front of her home, the backlash a

gainst Sarah and Dan peaked.

‘As a mother, I was really angry looking at this. Didn’t Sarah and Dan consider that this would happen

when they came forward to accuse their daughter?”

“They must have thought of it, and I think this is what they wanted. They want Caroline’s reputation to b

e ruined. That way, no one would

know the awful things they have done!”

“I’m utterly disgusted. That’s your daughter out there! What were you both thinking, letting some mania

c hunt her down?”

“I wonder if Caroline is Sarah and Dan’s real daughter. I can’t believe someone would actually treat thei

r child like this!”

“That’s right! They’re bastards!”

“They’re worse than that! Even bastards wouldn’t treat their child like this!”

The netizens became increasingly agitated. Soon enough, Sarah and Dan’s names trended on the Inte


Some people thought it wasn’t enough and left awful messages on the Evans Group’s official blog.

No one had run this blog since the downfall of the Evans group, but now the website started

trending along with Sarah and Dan.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Caroline sent another video to Brittany.


She said miserably. “I didn’t want things to turn out like this, so please don’t blame Sarah and Dan any

more. Although I don’t want to acknowledge them as my parents, they’re the ones who brought me into

the world. I only wish for us to go our separate ways and stay out of each other’s business.”

When Brittany saw Caroline crying in the video, she wanted to ask the latter if she wanted to join the en

tertainment industry. Her cries were much more emotional than an amateur’s. But Immediately afterwar

d, she calmed down.

The reason Caroline was so calm was because she had been hurt countless times.

When she cried, there were some signs that she was acting, but the pain from her experiences was the


Today’s Bonus Offer

Chapter 229

Sure enough, everyone sympathized with her aller that video was released. No one blamed her for her

actions at all.

“Caroline is too kind. She’s still speaking up for her parents at a time like

this. She wouldn’t break ties with her family If she hadn’t been

hurt like this.”

“It’s even more terrifying when you put it that way! Sarah kidnapped Caroline and tried to ruin her reput

ation, causing her to be hated online. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if the truth wasn’

t revealed!”

“Caroline is right for leaving her parents. She should sever tles with them. They’re too scary!”

‘I strongly urge her to do that as well!”

“I really want to give Caroline a hug. She’s been through so much!”

Looking at the comments online, Kirk curved his lips into a smile.

Charles breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. His time at work today had many twists and turns.

At first, he’d thought Kirk would give him

a dreadful scolding, but unexpectedly, his boss just had a dark expression.

Charles had tried to say something, but then, the air in the room turned cold immediately after.

Now, he could finally see a positive emotion on Kirk’s face. He boldly asked. “Is the madam’s issue res

olved, sir?*

Kirk nodded and glanced at Charles. He asked, “Why are you sweating so

much? Your clothes are wet.”

“What do you think?” Charles retorted ment*lly.

In the end, he only said, “I’m just feeling a bit hot.”

Kirk lightly tapped on his table. “Have you brought the Information about the Evans group?”

“It’s already being prepared as we speak. They will bring it here later.”

Charles asked curiously, “Why do you want their Information all of a sudden, sir?”

Before, Evans Group had still had

a**ets that interested them. But now it was just an empty shell controlled by

Morrison Corp. Charles didn’t understand what was so interesting about that company.

Kirk looked at him and said lazily, “Enough nonsense. Just bring the documents here.”

“Yes, sir.” Charles hurriedly left the room.

He soon returned with a large stack of documents. “Here you go, sir.”

Kirk spread the documents on his table and looked at them in detail. His seriousness made Charles su

spect whether he wanted to buy Evans Group. But it wasn’t necessary to do that.

At this time. Kirk’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen. It was a call from Ivan.

“Kirk.” Ivan’s voice was a bit serious on the phone.

“What’s wrong?”

“I heard that you and Caroline divorced.”

Kirk tugged on his tie and asked, “Who told you that?”

“That doesn’t matter. Just tell me if it’s true.”

“No,” Kirk said immediately.

“That’s good. But what’s going on between you and that actress?”

Kirk paused. “What actress?”

“Don’t play dumb. I’m talking about the actress on the news with you. I saw it online.”



*Then, why are you both trending on the internet?”

Kirk didn’t want to explain. He changed the subject. “I’m looking through the Information about Evans G

roup right now, so call me later if

you need anything.”

“Evans Group?” Ivan was a little anxious.

He asked hurriedly, “Are you talking about the company run by the Evans family, one of the former

big four families?”

Kirk put the documents in front of him aside, taking the lime

to relax. “Dad, didn’t you say you don’t pay attention to matters in Easton?”

Ivan’s expression changed even more. He murmured Caroline’s name, the gears turning in his head.

Then, he said in shock, “Caroline is from the Evans family?“

Chapter 229


Sure enough, everyone sympathized with her alter that video was released. No one

blamed her for her actions at all.

“Caroline is too kind. She’s still speaking up for her parents at a time like this. She wouldn’t break tles w

ith her family if she hadn’t been hurt like this.”

“It’s even more terrifying when you put it that way! Sarah kidnapped Caroline and tried to ruin her reput

ation, causing her to be hated online. I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if the truth wasn’

t revealed!”

“Caroline is right for leaving her parents. She should sever ties with them. They’re too scary!”

“I strongly urge her to do that as well!”

“I really want to give Caroline a hug. She’s been through so much!”

Looking at the comments online, Kirk curved his lips into a smile.

Charles breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. His time at work today had many twists and turns.

At first, he’d thought Kirk would give him a dreadful scolding, but unexpectedly, his boss just had a dark


Charles had tried to say something, but then, the air in the room turned cold Immediately after.

Now, he could finally see a positive emotion on Kirk’s face. He boldly asked, “Is the madam’s issue res

olved, sir?”


nodded and glanced at Charles. He asked, “Why are you sweating so much? Your clothes are wet.”

“What do you think?” Charles retorted ment*lly.

In the end, he only said. “I’m just feeling a bit hot.”

Kirk lightly tapped on his table. “Have you brought the information about the Evans group?”

‘It’s already being prepared as we speak. They will bring it here later.”

Charles asked curiously. “Why do you want their information all of a sudden, sir?”

Before, Evans Group had still had a**ets that interested them. But now it was just an empty shell contro

lled by Morrison Corp. Charles didn’t understand what was so interesting about that company.

Kirk looked at him and said lazily, “Enough nonsense. Just bring the documents here.”

“Yes, sir.” Charles hurriedly left the room.

He soon returned with a large stack of documents. “Here you go, sir.”

Kirk spread the documents on his table and looked at them in

detail. His seriousness made Charles suspect whether he wanted to buy Evans Group. But it wasn’t ne

cessary to do that.

At this time, Kirk’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen. It was a call from Ivan.

“Kirk.” Ivan’s voice was a bit serious on the phone.

“What’s wrong?”

“I heard that you and Caroline divorced.”

Kirk tugged on his tie and asked, “Who told you that?”

“That doesn’t matter. Just tell me if it’s true,”

“No,” Kirk said Immediately.

“That’s good. But what’s going on between you and that actress?”

Kirk paused. “What actress?”

“Don’t play dumb. I’m talking about the actress on the news with you. I saw it online.”


“Then, why are you both trending on the Internet?”

Kirk didn’t want to explain. He changed the subject. “I’m looking through the information aboul Evans G

roup right now, so call me later if you need anything.”

“Evans Group?” Ivan was a little anxious.

He asked hurriedly, “Are you talking about the company run by the Evans family, one of the former big f

our families?”

Kirk put the documents In front of him aside, taking the time to relax. “Dad, didn’t you say you don’t pay

attention to matters in Easton?”

Ivan’s expression changed even more. He murmured Caroline’s name, the gears turning in his head.

Then, he said in shock, “Caroline is from the Evans family?”

Chapter 230

Ivan’s voice was sharp. It was a little out of control.

Kirk held back the smile on his face. He said proudly, “Of course she is.”

“But you never told me that she’s Giselle’s granddaughter!”

“Giselle? Giselle Ca**idy?” Kirk narrowed his eyes and deduced, “You know Caroline’s grandma?”

Ivan let out a long sigh. “If I remember correctly, Caroline is the wife your uncle had arranged for his gra

ndson. And you married…*

Kirk’s face darkened as he cut Ivan off. “Carrie has nothing to do with the Morrisons. She’s married to

me. She’s not someone else’s


Ivan protested, “Your uncle will never agree to your marriage with Caroline!”

“How do you know that?”

Ivan sighed, “Because Caroline is very important to him.”

“She’s more important to me than my own life.”

Kirk said coldly. “I won’t let anyone take her away from me, even if it means I’ll lose my life.”

Seeing his son’s devotion to Caroline, Ivan stopped trying to persuade him.

After hanging up the phone, he sighed helplessly. Looking at the direction of the sunset, he murmured,

“They’re doomed! They’re really doomed…”

He prayed that Kirk wouldn’t end up like him. He didn’t want his son to turn against his family and lose t

he only family he had.

At Evans Group, a gloomy atmosphere permeated the conference room. Evans Group’s shareholders

were sitting at the table with Dan.

The company’s share prices had fallen due to Sarah’s accusations. The shareholders had already been

unhappy with how Dan handled the company and how it wasn’t bringing in profits. Now, they were fight

ing with him even more.

“Mr. Evans, shouldn’t you give us a reasonable explanation for this?”

Dan’s face turned pale from everyone’s aggressive attitude. He said, “I–I have nothing to say.”

“Then, go home and take a break! At any rate, we’ll appoint a new CEO next month, so we’ll let

him handle it!”

Dan looked at the shareholders in disbelief. He asked, “Are you kicking me out?”

“You’ve barely contributed to the company after being in office for many years.” No one had been

able to stand him for a long time.

“If the Morrisons weren’t backing us, we wouldn’t have bothered ourselves with you. Besides, If there’s

still someone capable in your family, ask them to replace you! That’ll make all of us happy!”

“But Morrison Corp is backing our company because I’m Eddy’s father–in–law!”

“Not anymore! Your daughter has already cut ties with you. Even if she decides to marry Mr. Eddy in th

e future, you won’t be his father–in-


These words hit the nail on Dan’s head. He slumped down on his chair, regretting listening to Layla’s s

uggestion to accuse Caroline.

When he returned home, he found it covered with red paint and dung. What happened

to Caroline was now happening to him.

Worried that someone would try and kill him, he hurriedly opened the door and entered the villa.

However, the atmosphere at home was even more depressing.

Sarah continued crying until her voice became hoarse. “How could she do this to us? No matter what,

we were the ones who raised her…”

Dan was a little annoyed. He scolded, “You were the one who agreed to Layla’s plans, weren’t you?”



Both of them argued and almost got into a light.

Dan realized that this couldn’t go on. He gritted his teeth and urged Sarah, “Apologize to Caroline and t

ell her we were wrong! We need her to come back! We will never force her to marry Eddy again!”

Sarah refused. “I’m not apologizing! I’m not in the wrong!”

“If you don’t apologize, the company and this villa will all be gone!”

Sarah was stunned by his words. “W–what did you say?”

“Those people have long wanted to replace

me. They have an annual CEO election as a mere formality, but this year, they want to choose

the successor. They will support the new CEO. Do you know what that means?”

Sarah’s face was pale. She couldn’t say anything.

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