Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 111 120
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Chapter 111 120

Chapter 111

Damn, they’re giving Caroline tons of privileges, aren’t they?

The first thing a large company like them did was welcome the design director Oh my 60% # starting to

doubt the things I see on the internet

“The boss of

this company is allegedly Mr. Eddy’s second uncle if Mr. Eddy and Caroline have broken up, there’s no

way his second uncle would give her such a big privilege, night

“Exactly. That’s why I’m doubting the authenticity of this post

The netizens were eating up the gossip from this particular post like a buffet.

However, it caused an uproar among the upper–

cla** citizens, especially the bag four families, who had been kept in the dark about this.

The company merger proved that Eddy’s second uncle had already infiltrated Easton’s market However

, none of them had noticed anything before this.

Furthermore, the quick change in public opinion made them even more uncertain about whether Caroli

ne would marry into the Morrison family.

Another shocking thing was that the Evans family members, who had mocked Caroline yesterday, were

now praising her in the group chat as if nothing had happened

“I knew it. There’s no way Caroline would lose to Layla. It turns out she lost to her own design

“Goodness, Layla. We know you want to beat Caroline, but how could you steal her work? You’re both f

rom the same family, but how are you two so different?”

“You’ve embarra**ed the Evans family. Our family is really unlucky to have your

Layla tightly clenched her phone, reading the messages admonishing her Her family was a

bunch of two–faced snakes!

Looking at Layla’s furious expression, the nurse hurriedly took her phone away.

“Don’t be angry, Ms. Layla It’s just how they are. They’ll always back the winning side. You don’t nee

d to bother with them.”

Layla angrily clenched her fists, digging her nails into the flesh of her palms.

‘m not mad at them I’m pissed off at that bitch, Caroline! I destroyed her laptop, so where on

earth did she get those drafts?

She knew that I would use her draft in the competition, so she set me up and embarra**ed me!”

the yelled, agitated. Then, she coughed.

The nurse softly patted Layla’s back and comforted her. “Calm down, Ms. Layla. Caroline is more

cunning than I thought. There’s no way you can beat her like this ”

Layla looked up with a deadly gaze.

She said. “You’re right. There’s no way I can beat a calculating woman like her. I don’t accept that

fact. Hurry up and give me my phone. I’m going to call Ed.”

Right now, only Eddy could save her from this predicament.

“No need to call me.” Eddy walked into the room. His leg had already healed, so he could walk by


“Ed. Seeing Eddy, Layla’s eyes became red. She said, “You’re here…”

“Layla, how could you do something so reckless?” Eddy reprimanded her coldly.

Layla hugged Eddy’s thighs, explaining, “I know I’m wrong, Eddy. I don’t know what came over me. Wh

en Caroline showed her work, I thought it would blow Grandpa away if I got first place. That’s why I stol

e her draft. ”

The nurse helped Layla explain. “Mr. Eddy, Ms. Layla did such a reckless thing for your sake.”

Eddy relented, “Do you really know you’re at fault?”

Layla nodded desperately. “Of course.”

“Good. All you need to do is apologize to Caroline. Then, we’ll put this matter to rest.”

Layla’s eyes lit up, and she hugged Eddy’s legs even tighter. She asked, “T–then, about my lawsuit

At the mention of this, Eddy felt his temple throb in pain.

“Did you really wreck Caroline’s home?”

“No,” Layla said, aggrieved. “It was already like that when I went into her house, but she insisted

that I’d done it. She didn’t believe me, no matter how much I tried to explain.

dare there w

wintasies we os toddy

At what

Whest that happened, she could put on a

Bastion butang ny hards with a stre

pee out that she wasn’t on Carones coelect

S** out

by tax both umber She sniffled, looking at Eddy


lyde den fra sovet at me the blocked my number on everything Can

Fish the g

Sonda Layla

Leyte pusad kay after and called Caroline, but no one answered Then, she tried to 14

casade himigh WhatsAp

City then, du tady realize that Caroline had blocked him as well ‘She removed my number on


Lyle and weil She saw the prompt on the screen saying that Eddy’s number wasn’t on

Carlines catact bat

She also see the last manage Eddy had sent to her “Congratulations on getting second place

Layla Blinked and cinched her fingers tightly When she’d gotten first place, she’d had to beg for Zecogn

ition yen bestemd group. However Casoline hadn’t even done anything and Eddy had


Staked further, “Are are you really going to do that?

Eddy’s expression force, a trace of panic appearing is tus eyes

He explained. There are my Grandpa’s codes, but don’t worry, Layla Once I get her, fll dump her


He was simply willing to accept that the girl whold always followed him like a puppy was gone.

Layla dug her nails into her palms once more. She had a horrifying look on her face.

She couldn’t let Caroline live!

Caroline had won a prize and a job, so she wanted to treat Gwen to a meal. She also wanted to take

this opportunity to thank Kirk for his help.

“Then let’s invite Sean too,” Kirk suggested.

Caroline was okay with it. “Why don’t you give him a call?*

“Okay.” When Kirk took out his phone, he realized it was out of battery. He charged his phone and

turned it back on.

He had several missed calls, and they were all from Sean. He called Sean back.

“You finally picked up!‘ Sean was worried sick. “Spill it. Since when did you have another woman?

“He couldn’t believe that Kirk hadn’t told him anything.

Kirk frowned, thinking that Sean was drunk. He said, “Caroline is treating us to dinner. Are you


His words immediately drew Sean’s attention. He asked, “What are we eating?”

Kirk said, “I think we’re having a barbecue.”


Kirk hung up the phone.

Only then did Sean realize he hadn’t asked Kirk about that woman! He lamented his mistake, but he vo

wed not to make it again tonight.

That night, Caroline and Kirk went to an outdoor barbecue restaurant. The restaurant was filled with pe

ople, and there were many shirtless men cheering and drinking. They were as noisy as a herd of eleph


This was Kirk’s first time in a place like this, and he had a big frown.

Caroline glanced at him, asking, “Are you unwell?”

Kirk looked at the food on the open–fire grill, still frowning “No.”

and the

e here together

wwded wine

force Sharing Gas getting wat of twistat, she asked ‘fnd

“Yeah, bees morised Congratulations is Evans

Calling Geen a rage glance and sad to Sean, Thank you, Dr Yates, but you don’t have to

Just call me Carte frown no on

Asher Bk hummed froas the side

Al gancing at Kirk Sean said. Td better call you Caroline You don’t have to be formal, either

Yapp can‘


As they talked the test of them sat at a table From time to time, Kirk would look down at his

cong 209 actions, Ca**dine asked, “What’s wrong?

Eskal been acting weird from the moment they’d arrived at the restaurant

Sean piked saying. Just ignore ham A rich man like him is lowering his dignity to dine in this

apes ad barbecue salausent it’s normal for hum to be uncomfortable”

Seek was dusked to bear that “Kark has never been to a barbecue restaurant before?

Swan was about to answer when he noticed Kirk’s warning look Feeling a chill, he simply said, ”

ed har glaces like this”

“Domes tothed her attention back to Caroline and said, “Carol, congratulations on becoming

burse Corps deagh director How you’ve got a secure job for life

Carefuse tucked the hair the wind had blown into her face. She said, “I didn’t expect the winner’s

bas to be a job poston it feels like it was made just for me.”

Se glanced at Kirk cadway There wasn’t a single change in his expression

Layla dug her nails into her palms once more. She had a horrifying look on her face.

She couldn’t let Caroline live!

Caroline had won a prize and a job, so she wanted to treat Gwen to a meal. She also wanted to take

this opportunity to thank Kirk for his help.

“Then let’s invite Sean too,” Kirk suggested.

Caroline was okay with it. “Why don’t you give him a call?*

“Okay.” When Kirk took out his phone, he realized it was out of battery. He charged his phone and

turned it back on.

He had several missed calls, and they were all from Sean. He called Sean back.

“You finally picked up!‘ Sean was worried sick. “Spill it. Since when did you have another woman?

“He couldn’t believe that Kirk hadn’t told him anything.

Kirk frowned, thinking that Sean was drunk. He said, “Caroline is treating us to dinner. Are you


His words immediately drew Sean’s attention. He asked, “What are we eating?”

Kirk said, “I think we’re having a barbecue.”


Kirk hung up the phone.

Only then did Sean realize he hadn’t asked Kirk about that woman! He lamented his mistake, but he vo

wed not to make it again tonight.

That night, Caroline and Kirk went to an outdoor barbecue restaurant. The restaurant was filled with pe

ople, and there were many shirtless men cheering and drinking. They were as noisy as a herd of eleph


This was Kirk’s first time in a place like this, and he had a big frown.

Caroline glanced at him, asking, “Are you unwell?”

Kirk looked at the food on the open–fire grill, still frowning “No.”

and the

e here together

wwded wine

force Sharing Gas getting wat of twistat, she asked ‘fnd

“Yeah, bees morised Congratulations is Evans

Calling Geen a rage glance and sad to Sean, Thank you, Dr Yates, but you don’t have to

Just call me Carte frown no on

Asher Bk hummed froas the side

Al gancing at Kirk Sean said. Td better call you Caroline You don’t have to be formal, either

Yapp can‘


As they talked the test of them sat at a table From time to time, Kirk would look down at his

cong 209 actions, Ca**dine asked, “What’s wrong?

Eskal been acting weird from the moment they’d arrived at the restaurant

Sean piked saying. Just ignore ham A rich man like him is lowering his dignity to dine in this

apes ad barbecue salausent it’s normal for hum to be uncomfortable”

Seek was dusked to bear that “Kark has never been to a barbecue restaurant before?

Swan was about to answer when he noticed Kirk’s warning look Feeling a chill, he simply said, ”

ed har glaces like this”

“Domes tothed her attention back to Caroline and said, “Carol, congratulations on becoming

burse Corps deagh director How you’ve got a secure job for life

Carefuse tucked the hair the wind had blown into her face. She said, “I didn’t expect the winner’s

bas to be a job poston it feels like it was made just for me.”

Se glanced at Kirk cadway There wasn’t a single change in his expression

Sauce your end gay por Kely have


Chapter 114

Feeling a headache, Sean bit the bullet and said, “He goes by so many names that I can’t

remember his actual one”

“What name does he go by now? Caroline asked.

“Matthew,” Sean answered.

Then, he looked at Kirk smugly, raising an eyebrow.

He was telling the truth, Matthew was one of Kirk’s aliases.

“Matthew Caroline whispered in a clear voice.

Kirk’s heart skipped a beat when he heard her whisper his name. He looked

at Caroline’s plump lips, feeling the urge to kiss her.

“Here’s the bread. The waiter put the plate of bread on the table, blocking Kirk’s view. When the waiter l

eft, Caroline had already begun talking to Gwen about Layla.

“She must be so pissed right now! I’m happy just thinking about it!” Gwen took a bite of her bread.

“It’s so satisfying to see her suffer! If Layla had gotten the job, she would’ve acted all high and mighty, s

howing it off to you.”

Sean also took a slice of bread. He asked curiously, “Is Layla Eddy’s lover?”

“Oh, you know her too?” Gwen asked.

“I’ve been studying her medical records,” Sean explained. He chewed his bread slowly, in stark contras

t to Gwen, who was gobbling her bread down.

“Why do you need to study them?” Caroline wasn’t familiar with medicine, so she didn’t understand. “Is

there a problem?”

Sean explained, “Yeah, her records were normal for a few days Logically speaking, this shouldn’t even be happening.” (@

“I told you there was something fishy about her illness.” Gwen commented, “If you keep studying those records, I’m sure you’ll be able to find something.”

Sean looked at Gwen with a hint of tenderness. “You’re not even a doctor. How can you tell?”

i may not be a doctor, but I’m a woman before this, whenever Carol and Eddy’s wedding was back

on the agenda, layla would get seriously ill and he hospitalized

This time was even more outrageous because she apparently needs a kidney transplant

Gwen paused momentarily, then continued, “Besides, I’ve never seen a patient dying of an illness

running about and scheming against people. Sometimes, I genuinely think that she’s faking it!”

Sean’s smile froze, and a thought crossed his mind in the blink of an eye

He grabbed Gwen’s hand excitedly. He yelled, “You’re a genius, Gwent

His actions took Gwen aback After a while, she, usually a flirt, blushed when she realized that

Sean was holding her hand tightly “Let go of my hand!”

An Caroline watched from the sidelines, she couldn’t help raising her brows

When Sean realized what he’d done, he quickly let go of Gwen’s hand and apologized. “I’m sorry. I

got too excited. I never figured out why her records were normal. If she’s really faking her illness,

everything would make sense.”

Gwen was shocked. “1–I was just rambling…”

Sean waved his hand. “I’m just speculating as well. If we want to find out whether she’s faking her

illness, she just needs a thorough checkup.”

Then, he looked at Kirk.

Kirk tapped his fingers on the table and asked Caroline, “Do you think it’s necessary?”

When Caroline heard his question, she put down her drink and said, “Yeah. I also want to know if

she’s faking her illness.”

“All right.” Sean flexed his muscles, feeling eager. “I’ll arrange a thorough checkup for her when I

get back.”

Then, they chatted about anything and everything. Gwen and Sean were the ones talking. Caroline

agreed with their words from time to time, while Kirk didn’t talk much.

Noticing the clean table and untouched gla** of water in front of Kirk, she got up. “Go ahead and

keep talking. I’m going to buy something.”

“I’ll go with you.” Gwen and Kirk spoke, both standing up at the same time.

Amused, Caroline looked at them and smiled. “I’m not a child I’m just going to the convenience

store across the street.”

111 go with you too Getting Sean’s signal, Gwen took Caroline’s hand and pouted “Come on, Carol

Don’t leave me behind”

Caroline relented, saying. “Fine, let’s go.”

Then, they left Kirk behind

“Quit staring at them.” Sean waved his hand in front of Kirk. “I have something to ask you.‘”

Kirk responded half–heartedly, his gaze still fixed on Caroline.

Sen asked, “Are you seeing another woman?”

Kirk frowned “Get some help. You’re obviously delirious.”

“Caroline said it herself” Sean said sternly, “Be honest with me.”

Kirk’s expression was sullen “Caroline told you?”

“Not to me, but to Gwen. Gwen said that Caroline saw you with another woman, and she also found lip

stick in your pocket,” Sean explained.

“Did she really say that?”

“Of course. Why would I lie to you?”

Sean said, “Isn’t she giving you the cold shoulder because of this? Kirk, you’d better think this through.

Do you want Caroline or that woman you’re seeing?”

Kirk said irritatedly, “I’m not seeing anyone else!”

“Really?” Sean asked doubtfully.

Kirk looked at him coldly.

Sean shrank back. He said, “If you aren’t seeing anyone else, it inust be a misunderstanding. Everythi

ng will be fine after you talk things through.”

Kirk remained seated in his chair, motionless. The lights shone on his face, casting shadows over his f

acial features.

Chapter 115

At the convenience store, Caroline bought a few pieces of bread and a few bottles of water.

Gwen asked her curiously, “Why are you buying water?” There were cold drinks at the barbecue


Caroline couldn’t help but blush. “I want some regular water.”

Gwen sauntered to her, asking, “Is it for you, or are you buying it for Kirk?”

“It’s for me, all right?” Caroline took

another water bottle before asking Gwen, “What’s going on between you and Sean?”

“Huh? Nothing!” Gwen felt a little sheepish. There really wasn’t anything between her and Sean, so she

had no clue why she was acting like this.

“Oh, really?” Caroline stared straight into Gwen’s eyes, making the latter feel a little awkward.

“Carol, didn’t I promise I wouldn’t pursue him?”

Caroline said, “If you really like him, I don’t mind.”

Gwen waved her hand. “Forget it. Both his work and family are abroad. Who knows when he’ll be leavi

ng this place? Long distance relationships are too difficult.”

Her friend’s words took Caroline aback. Kirk’s family was abroad as well. Would she be separated

from him in the future as well?

“Enough about me. What’s going on between you and Kirk? And who was the woman from before?”

Gwen asked.

On the way here, Sean had asked Gwen about the woman Kirk was with. She’d said she didn’t know w

ho the woman was, but he’d insisted that she find out from Caroline, claiming that he

wanted to clear his friend’s name.

The light in Caroline’s eyes dimmed instantly.

“If you don’t want to say it, forget that I asked,” Gwen said hastily.

Caroline walked out of the convenience store with her bag in her hand, feeling a big weight on her

chest. She took a long breath, bracing herself, and said, “It’s Brie.”

Gwen’s expression shifted “What the actual fuck! Why was he seeing her, of all people? Wait right

here I’m going to give him the scolding he deserves

After talking, she stormed towards the barbecue restaurant across the street.

Seeing this, Caroline hurriedly chased after Gwen, trying to stop her.

However, it was too late Gwen had already let her anger cloud her judgment.

Wanting to stand up for her friend, Gwen pointed at Kirk and yelled, “Are you doing this on

purpose? You clearly know that Carol and Brie don’t get along, but you’re still seeing a bitch like


Sean was stunned for a moment before realizing what Gwen was doing “She’s scolding Kirk! Does she

want to die?” he thought.

Sean stood up and held back the agitated Gwen. “Calm down, Gwen!”

Caroline rushed over as well. She looked at Kirk, out of breath.

Kirk narrowed his eyes slightly. He glanced at the agitated Gwen and then at Caroline. “Brie? Who

said we were together?”

Although Sean had restrained Gwen, he hadn’t covered her mouth. Kirk’s question added fuel to the fir

e, making Gwen even angrier.

She yelled, “I can’t believe you’re still

trying to deny it! When Carol took supper for you at work that night, she saw you two with her own eyes

. Also, the lipstick you brought home must belong

to Brie, right?”

The customers at the restaurant all turned over to look at the commotion.

Caroline blocked Gwen and said to Sean, “Sean, can you please take her away?”

Sean nodded and dragged Gwen away.

The people in the restaurant didn’t take their eyes off Caroline’s table. She quickly went to pay the


“Let’s go.”

Kirk sat still. He only looked at her when she pulled him up, and emotions seemed to be swirling in his


The two walked to the car one after the other After getting in the car. they drove away from the

birby downtown area

Caroline said bitterty, I’m sorry. Gwen is just-

Kirk interrupted her, his attractive voice echoing in the car “Were you there just to bring me

upper that night?”

Caroline frowned and said stubbornly. “No”

Kirk leaned over and gently lifted Caroline’s jaw with his fingers His eyes showed a trace of

liveliness, and he was full of smiles. “But Gwen said you were ”


Caroline felt his lips pressing against hers, and all thoughts left her mind. She had already

forgotten what she was going to say

In contrast to his usual heavy–handedness, Kirk was kissing her gently and delicately this time.

Caroline’s breathing gradually became rapid, and she wrapped her arms around Kirk’s neck She

whispered, “Kirk”

Kirk looked back at her. In the cramped space of the car, his gaze looked ferocious. “Scream my


Caroline bit her lip, shaking her head vehemently.

Kirk placed kisses on Caroline’s delicate collarbone, gently nibbling on it. He looked at her bewitchingly

‘Scream my name. I know you want to.”

Caroline’s lips parted slightly, and she said hoarsely, “You’re bullying me again, Kirk.”

Seeing this, Kirk hugged her dearly. “I’m not bullying you. I just miss you. Listen-*

He hugged Caroline even tighter, and Caroline could feel his body heat and steady heartbeat thanks to

how close their bodies were.

Her body stiffened, and she said sadly, “But I don’t want to fight with Brie over you…”

Kirk bit Caroline’s lips. He said, “There’s nothing between Brie and I.”

Looking at Kirk with tearful eyes, Caroline said, “I saw her wearing a diamond ring that day, and

she said that it was from you…”

A murderous glint briefly appeared in Kirk’s eyes.

Then, he caressed Caroline’s cheek with all the tenderness he could muster and kissed away her

tears “That ring is supposed to be for you.”

Caroline blinked her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she heard.

Kirk said, “We’re already married, but I haven’t bought you a ring. I’m a failure as a husband. That ring i

s still in my office. I’ll get it for you.”

Caroline blushed. She hadn’t expected this to be the truth. In an instant, something filled up her empty heart.

She asked again, “So, there’s really nothing between you and Brie?”

Kirk started the car. “Yeah.”

The weight on Caroline’s chest lifted, and when she quickly glanced at Kirk, her face turned bright red.

Kirk set up the GPS on the console. “Then, let’s go home.”

They were only ten minutes away from the villa, but it would take them half an hour to get to the compa

ny. He didn’t want to wait any longer.

Caroline nodded. After getting her consent, Kirk stepped on the gas pedal. They arrived at the villa withi

n just five minutes.

Kirk parked the car randomly and quickly walked into the villa with Caroline in his arms.

The two of them got started without even turning on the lights. They had waited for this moment for a lo

ng time.

Chapter 116

Meanwhile, Sean took Gwen home Gwen was still protesting at the door, “Let go of me! I will give

that bastard the verbal lashing of his life!”

Sean held Gwen’s waist with one hand and opened the door with the other. After he turned on the

lights, he told Gwen, “If you weren’t Caroline’s friend, you would have been a corpse by now.”

Gwen wasn’t convinced “Hmph Does he really have what it takes to kill me?”

Sean shrugged, saying nothing in response. He walked to the kitchen and poured Gwen a gla** of


Gwen was still sulking “He’s the one who cheated in the first place.”

“I know Kirk very well, so I’m very sure that there’s nothing between him and Brie.”

Gwen took a sip of water. She retorted, “Of course you’ll defend him. He’s your friend, after all.”

“I’m not defending him,” Sean said.

He briefly explained what had happened when Brie tried to seduce Kirk in the private room that day.

“If there were really something between them, Kirk wouldn’t have thrown her out like that. I was the onl

y one in the private room back then. It couldn’t have been just for show.”

Gwen was speechless. After a moment, she asked, “What about the day when

Carol took food for him?”

“There must be some misunderstanding about that.” Seeing that Gwen had finally calmed down, Sean l

et out a sigh of relief.

“Enough about this. Kirk will explain it to Caroline, so we should leave them be. Do you want some mor

e water?”

“Sure!” Gwen ma**aged her throat.

“I was so pissed off just now. My throat is dry from yelling.” As she spoke, she licked her dry lips.

Sean’s throat tightened at the sight. He quickly looked away, saying hastily, “I’ll get you some


When he entered the kitchen he still couldn’t get Gwen out of his mind. He ma**aged his temple

Aset late, be’d been so obsessed with food, and he hadn’t had a girlfriend for a long time. That had

to be the reason he was acting this way

What’s taking so long? Gwen walked to the kitchen seeing Sean staring at the kettle, she

approached him with a smile.

Smelling the flowery scent on her body, Sean nervously jumped back

“What’s wrong with you?” Gwen was surprised by his dramatic actions

Sean stammered “N–

nothing I’m going to give Kirk a call and find out what’s going on “Then, he grabbed his phone and qui

ckly walked to the balcony

Gwen shook her head and poured herself some waternovelbin

When Sean reached the balcony, he felt the gentle night breeze cooking his body

He dialed Kirk’s number Kirk didn’t answer the first time or the second time It wasn’t until the third time t

hat Kirk answered the phone, snarling, “What the hell do you want?

Sean flinched “Don’t tell me you’re doing THAT Are you?”

Kirk gritted his teeth and looked over at Caroline

She was lying on the bed with her back

to him, and he could see the smooth contours of bee body from his spot on the balcony flluminated by t

he moonlight, she looked like a pure and sacred


He hissed, “What the hell are you trying to say?”

“Nothing I just wanted to ask you how things are going with you and Caroline

Kirk’s expression darkened, and he yelled, “You’re crazy!”

“Hey, hang on Sean yelled anxiously “You havent given Caroline the ring have you?”

Kirk pa**ed just as he was about to hang up the phone

Sean pressed, “You’re not thinking of just giving her the ring, are you?

Kirk didn’t answer. That was what he d planned to do He fell the heat on his body fade away and

heat of a chair on the balcony


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Gays grape sa aliante? Why at work with you?

But you want Curing shred oxendaraany w much? Brie askart

Auer et male apprent in Sayla’s eyes, but me sant. Thave no idea what grouse talking about”

“Os on.” So we somiting at Laytals ear

When Layla heard her words, her face turned as pale as the color of the walls

Brie continued, “If you didn’t want her dead, why would you do that?”

Layla relented. “What do you want me to do?”

Brie grinned. “A very simple thing I want you to set up a meeting with Caroline and her man!” Since Car

oline’s husband had dared to threaten her, he’d better be prepared to face her wrath.

Layla said reluctantly. “I–

I don’t think I can do it. Caroline has blocked me on every single social media platform”

Brie smiled in return “Oh, you can do it. In fact, you’re the only one who can. I’ll give you three days If y

ou don’t do this, I’ll spill your secret to Eddy”

Layla grabbed Brie’s wrist nervously. She begged, “No! You can’t tell him!”

Brie yanked her hand away. “Then, you’d better get to work.”

After that, she turned around and left.

Layla glared at Brie’s retreating figure, clenching her fists tightly.

After a moment, she slowly relaxed her

fists. With a cold smile, she took out her phone and dialed Sarah’s number.

As soon as Sarah picked up, Layla said with feigned sadness, “Aunt Sarah, can you contact

Caroline for me? I know I did something wrong, and I want to treat her and her husband to a meal and

ask her to forgive me. Is that okay?”

Chapter 117

Early the next day, Caroline woke up. She hurriedly lifted the blanket, only to find her clothes

intact. They hadn’t done anything last night.

“You’re awake?”

Caroline looked up and saw Kirk coming out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around

his hips.

Cold water fell from his hair, dripping down his well–defined muscles before getting absorbed by

the towel.

The sight bewildered her. She answered, “Yeah.”

Kirk approached her and sat down on the bed, which dipped under his weight. His movements

made Caroline’s heart pound, and her face turned crimson.

Kirk fiddled with Caroline’s earlobes, saying, “You fell asleep last night.”

“Huh?” Caroline remembered what had happened last night. Kirk had left the room to answer the

phone, and… she’d fallen asleep.

Her face reddened even more as she apologized, saying, “I’m sorry!”

Kirk pulled her into his arms, asking, “How do you plan to make it up to me?”

Caroline quivered and said shyly, “C–close your eyes.”

Kirk listened to her and closed his eyes.

Mustering her courage, Caroline propped up her body and kissed Kirk on the cheek. Then, she

quickly backed away.

Kirk pinched her waist just as she was about to cover her flushed face with the blanket. He

tapped Caroline’s nose. “That’s it?”

Caroline buried half of her face in the blanket. Her eyes were watery, and she said meekly, “Kirk…”

Kirk gently pulled the blanket off her face and gave her a big kiss on the lips. “That’s more like it.”

His voice was uncomfortably hoarse.

Just when Caroline thought Kirk would take things further, he slowly stood up. “Go and have

Only then did Caroline remember that she’d accepted a job offer at Thorne Corporation She had to

handle the employment procedures today and would officially start work after returning from


Okay Caroline got out of bed to wash up

After that, Kirk drove her to work

On the way, Caroline asked him curiously, “Don’t you need a GPS?”

“Nope, Kirk replied. He’d picked the location of Thorne Corporation himself “You can take a stroll nearb

y after you’re done I’ll pick you up tonight”

“It’s fine. I can go home by myself Caroline refused his offer.

Thome Corporation’s new office was in a new district. Although it was far away from home,

transportation was very convenient.

“Listen Kirk said, “I’ll pick you up for dinner tonight”



“Where are we going?”

“You’ll find out when I take you there.” Kirk didn’t say much.

Caroline was puzzled about why Kirk was so mysterious about where they were eating. Then, she nod

ded obediently, saying, “Okay.”

She would meet Kirk’s family in two days, so she could buy some gifts for them.

Seeing that Caroline didn’t ask any more questions, a smile appeared on Kirk’s face.

When they arrived at the entrance of Thorne Corp, Caroline got out of the car and waved goodbye to Kirk. Then, she walked into the building.

As expected of a company that had the means to buy out several makeup brands in one go, the new b

uilding was extravagant and magnificent. It wouldn’t be long before this building would become a land

mark in Osbury.

Caroline reached Jules‘ office without any problems. Jules was in a meeting, but when he saw

Welcome, Ms. Evans.”

Caroline looked at the elegant man in front of her with a smile. “Hello, Mr. Hawkins.”

“No need to be so formal. Please come in.”

When Jules closed his office door, the eavesdropping crowd finally started discussing among

themselves. $1

“Does Mr. Hawkins need to be so polite? This woman is talented, but she has zero work

experience. He doesn’t have to treat her like a VIP.”

“He even gave her a lifetime contract as the design director. Since he handed over the design

department to a newcomer, it won’t be long before that department ruins this new company.”

“Do you guys think Mr. Hawkins values her so much because of her connection with the


“Of course. Otherwise, Viv would have been the design director instead of her.”

Vivian Patterson, the person in question, happened to pa** by just then. “What are you guys doing?

Don’t you have work to do?”

One of Vivian’s close companions quickly walked up to her and explained, “Viv, the design.

director is here. She’s in Mr. Hawkins‘ office.”

Vivian smiled disdainfully. “I see.”

“We’re just upset for you. You’ve been in charge of designing packaging for Venusta, and your

designs always get rave reviews. You have much more experience in design than her.

“Why does she get to be design director the moment she joins the company, while you-”

“While I’m just the a**istant director?” Vivian finished her colleague’s words with a smile.

“Viv, we’re not trying to discredit you. We just think that this decision was too hasty. You need at

least ten years of experience to be the design director. It’s unreasonable for a rookie to become one.

Vivian said, “Don’t you know? God despises those without virtue. Caroline has neither work nor leaders

hip experience. Just bide your time, and she’ll eventually make a fool of herself. What’s

the rush?”

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Jules escorted Caroline out of his office. Seeing that Vivian was there, Jules called

her over and said, “Vivian, you’re here. Let me introduce you two.”

There’s no need to do that, Mr. Hawkins. Isn’t she Caroline Evans, the distinguished competitor

from the Novitius Contest? Everyone in Osbury knows her since she’s the person who only

pursues Mr. Eddy.”

Jules looked embarra**ed. “This is Vivian, the a**istant director of the design department.”

Caroline didn’t take Vivian’s words to heart. She extended out her hand. “Hello. Let me introduce

myself again. I’m Caroline.”

Vivian didn’t take Caroline seriously at all and shook Caroline’s hand condescendingly. “Vivian.

Vivian Patterson.”

Caroline looked back at Jules. “I’ll be leaving now. I’ll meet my colleagues at the design

department on my first day.”

“All right.” Jules walked Caroline to the elevator.

After she left, he turned around and said to Vivian, “Vivian, I know you’re upset with Caroline, but let m

e give you some advice as a superior. In your career, the more friends you make, the more

options you have.”

Vivian handed a design draft to Jules, saying sarcastically, “Thank you

for your sweet reminder, Mr. Hawkins. But you know that I let people’s abilities speak for themselves. Si

nce Caroline wants to be the design director without having what it takes, she has to bear the consequ


Jules was about to lecture her some more, but she’d already gone into another elevator. Looking at the

descending elevator, he shook his head helplessly.

Chapter 118

When Caroline arrived downstairs, she called Gwen, asking if she wanted to go shopping for gifts


On the other end of the line, Gwen mumbled, “I have to work overtime today, so I can’t come with

you, Carol.”

Caroline replied, “It’s okay. Go ahead and work.”

After hanging up the phone, she looked up nearby places where she could buy gifts. By the time

she was done buying and wrapping the gifts, it was already evening.

The store did home deliveries, so Caroline gave the staff her address. Then, after checking the

time, she was about to call Kirk when her phone rang.

Caroline’s eyes turned cold when she saw the caller ID. She answered it after some hesitation.

“Carol.” Sarah asked flatteringly, “Are you free?”

Caroline answered coldly, “No.”

Sarah explained diffidently, “Layla knows she’s at fault for what happened at the competition.

She wants to treat you to dinner and apologize. Carrie, you should forgive when you can. Do it for


Caroline refused without hesitation. “No thanks. If she really wants to make it up to me, she just

has to leave me alone. That’ll make me happy.”

“Carrie!” Sarah raised her voice. “Eddy will be there too! This is your last chance. Don’t be stubborn!

Caroline clenched her fingers. Her mother had clearly only called her because she wanted her to

be part of the Morrison family.

She immediately hung up the phone and blocked her parents‘ numbers. Even after that, her body was still shaking in anger. From now on, she had nothing to do with the Evans family!

At that moment, a black car drove up to Caroline. Two powerful men stepped out of the vehicle. ”

Caroline Evans?”

Caroline backed away cautiously, asking. “Who are you people?”

The two men looked at each other, and without saying a word, they forced Caroline into the car

and drove away. They moved so quickly that no one noticed what they were doing, despite it being

rush hour.

Soon, the car stopped.

Caroline was forced out of the car.

When she saw the building in front of her, her heart sank. She was at the Saint Pierre Grand Hotel,

which was owned by the Collins family.

Their business here was morally dubious, so the hotel had been built in a secluded place in the suburb

s. It would be difficult for someone to find this place.

Caroline gritted her teeth and struggled with all her might. However, the two men were too strong,

and they easily restrained her.

“Who the hell are you people?” she questioned.

The two men ignored her and took her to the 29th floor. When Caroline got out of the elevator, she

saw two rows of bodyguards standing in the central hall.

Before she could react, the two men pushed her toward the bodyguards. One of the men said, We’ve b

rought the girl.”

The leader of the bodyguards nodded slightly. Looking at Caroline, he said politely, “Please go this way,

Ms. Evans.”

Caroline stayed rooted on the spot.

“Our boss is waiting inside. Please go in.” The bodyguard once again gestured Caroline toward the


Caroline looked around. She was already surrounded by people who were closely guarding her. It woul

d be foolish to try to escape. She bit her lips unhappily and strode into the room.

When Brie heard her come in, she looked at her with a smile, swirling her wine gla**. “You’re here.

Seeing that Caroline was alone, the smile on her face faded slightly. “Why are you alone?”

Caroline frowned. So, Brie was behind this.

She asked, “What are you trying to do by kidnapping me and bringing me here?”

Brie waved her hand. “No, no. I didn’t kidnap you. That’s against the law. I’m just inviting you for

dinner. How you arrived here has nothing to do with me.”

Caroline didn’t want to listen to her nonsense. She said coldly, “Let me go. You don’t want your crime

s to be broadcast on the news tomorrow, right?”

Brie sneered, walking up to Caroline. “This is my territory. Not even an insect could get in here. Even if

I killed you, no one would ever find out.”

Caroline clenched her fists.

“If you want to blame someone, blame that wonderful husband of yours. He actually had the gall to thr

eaten me, ordering me to leave you alone.”

Brie tightly gripped Caroline’s chin and said mockingly, “Well, let’s see how he’s going to kill me

for this!”

Caroline was about to raise her hand to retaliate when she heard Brie’s warning. “Don’t move.

There are bodyguards outside. They’ll crush you like an insect.”

“What are you planning?” Caroline questioned. She took a deep breath, calming herself down.

“Call your husband and ask him to come over!”

“No way in hell am I doing that,” Caroline refused. Considering there were so many bodyguards outsid

e, Brie had obviously come prepared. If Kirk came here, he wouldn’t leave this place alive.

“You’re more stubborn than I thought. Fine! Come in here, boys!”

Two bodyguards entered the room.

Brie ordered, “Take care of Ms. Evans!”

Caroline’s face turned pale as she backed away steadily. “Don’t! Stay away from me

Looking at Caroline getting cornered, Brie smiled disdainfully.

“Do whatever you want with her! You don’t have to worry about her status! As long as you clean up the

evidence from her body, the police will have a hard time getting proof! Even if she tells the world about

this, you’ll be fine!”

After that, she proudly told Caroline, “Let’s see how stubborn you really are!”

Brie left the room, closing the door behind her. Seeing this, Caroline wanted to escape, but the

bodyguards carried her like a sack of potatoes and threw her into a corner. 4

“Sorry about this, Ms. Evans!” Then, the bodyguards began tearing Caroline’s clothes.

In a restaurant, seeing that everything was ready, Gwen said excitedly, “We’re ready!”

Standing behind Gwen, Sean also looked at the balloons in the air with a smile. He asked Kirk, ”

What do you think, Kirk?”

Kirk had sweat on his expressionless face, but it was clear how happy he felt.

“If there are no problems, let’s call the woman of the hour!”

Gwen was excited. Now that she knew Kirk

wasn’t cheating on Caroline and was even planning a surprise proposal, she no longer hated him. She’

d even volunteered to help with setting up the


Kirk took out his phone and called Caroline. However, even though he’d tried several times, she still ha

dn’t answered.

“Let me try.” Upon seeing this, Gwen also called Caroline, but her call couldn’t get through.

“Didn’t you tell her you’d pick her up?” Sean asked.

Kirk frowned. After a moment, he walked out of the restaurant and called Jules.

On the phone, Jules told him in fear and trepidation, “Mr. Kirk, Caroline left

the building a long time ago.”

Kirk felt a trace of panic and called Charles.

He ordered sullenly, “Go and retrieve security footage from the surveillance cameras near Thorne Corp

. I want to know where Caroline is in three minutes!”

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Stop Caroline cried out, feeling the coldness of the hands gripping her. I’ll do it I’ll call him!”

Upon seving this, the two bodyguards looked at each other, unenthused Then, they left the room


After finding out that Caroline had finally agreed to make the call, Brie walked into the room


With a bright smile, she looked at Caroline, whose clothes had been torn into tatters. “See? You

should’ve agreed sooner Give her the phone”

Caroline hugged herself tightly and didn’t take the phone the bodyguard handed her.

“What’s wrong? Did you change your mind?”

Caroline sniffled She looked at Brie, asking, “At least let me wear some clothes”

“You’re not trying to stall, are you?” Brie scoffed. “This is my family’s territory. Never mind your husband

, even Eddy would have a lot of trouble getting here. There’s no point in stalling.”

Caroline smiled coldly, tears still in her eyes. “I just want some clothes. What are you afraid of?”

“Fine.” Brie didn’t have time for her nonsense and ordered someone to bring some clothes. The bodygu

ard brought in a flowy, long dress.

Caroline put it on. She had beautiful features and a well–proportioned figure.

Even in this situation, it didn’t downplay how beautiful the dress looked on her. There was an air of vuln

erability in her appearance that could stir up anyone’s protective instincts.

Brie urged, “Go ahead and call him!”

Caroline said, “Wait.”

“What are you trying to pull now?” Brie became

impatient. “Caroline, my patience has its limits. If you don’t call him, I’ll-”

“Do you know why everyone praises me while they

criticize you?” Caroline interrupted, looking her straight in the eyes.

Feeling nervous, Brie blurted out, “Why?”

Cece chose d’you want to fit ouf

She heatated momentarily, and she couldn’t resist walking toward Caroline Hurry up and ES

Sering the opportunity, Careline quipped files neck and pushed her to the floor in calling

window with all her strength

Carolion YouB-


Hearing the commction, the bodyguards rushed into the room. Seeing Caroline holding Bow

bostage, they froze

“Don’t come any slower Caroline was trembling as she pushed open the window the theatement,

# you come any closet, Ill take her down with the

The bodyguards mediately stopped moving

“Cantine. You’re nuts past want to meet your man f–you don’t have to struggle su

desperately Sove wheezed almost losing her breath ban Caroline’s ham grip

Caroline was amused “re, we’ve known each othee for years. Don’t think I don’t know what you’l

do to tum I won’t let you hart ham? Order them to leave this roo

She glanced out the window. They were on the 29th floor. She wouht become maced new if she

jumped out the window Her hands trembled even more She couldn’t back down, even if the wate


The bodyguards looked at Brie for instructions

Boxe could feel Carole tressbling, and she snailed, “Slay where you are! doubt a take woman

fake her would die for a man She could tell how aliaid Caroline was

“Go abeat and jump Bne said smugly. “Don’t you want to take me down with you? Come–anal

Satore she sold even tish, Caroline grabbed her hair and chaibed up the handrail

Brie could ten the cold night breeze on her face, and she was so frightened that het legs weat

unb. She fough “This bitch is crazy!

Castle was no better ter face was a pair e a ghust’s She bit her tongue brings that ste

so as to

intrond Her Tom her fear but she was fulding a person whoh made it dirt that tea

Seeing an opportunity, a nimble bodyguard quickly dragged Caroline off the handrail, and her

head hit the ground.

Caroline felt a surge of pain in her head. She struggled to get up. Everything around her was

spinning, and she could even see afterimages.

Then, she felt someone lift her head.

Brie frantically slapped her face. “How dare you try to kill me, you bitch? I’m going to kill you!”

The sound of hard slaps filled the room. Caroline’s lips were bleeding, but she gritted her teeth,

remaining silent.

After a long while, Brie finally got tired of hitting her and stopped. Panting heavily, she ordered

the bodyguard, “Get her phone and call her husband!”

Caroline was barely conscious, but she still struggled. She said weakly, “N–No…”

Soon enough, the call was connected.

“Carrie!” Everyone heard a man’s anxious voice.

Brie mocked, “Oh, how sweet. He calls you Carrie.”

“It’s you!”

“That’s right!” Brie leisurely sat on a chair with her legs crossed, smoothing her messy hair.

“Didn’t you tell me not to mess with Caroline if I wanted to live? Well, not only did I mess with her,

but I also beat her within an inch of her life. What are you going to do about it?”

Kirk felt his heart tighten, and his voice turned as cold as ice. “You’re dead, Brie!”

Following these words, someone kicked the door open with a bang.

Caroline was struggling to stay conscious and raised her head with difficulty. When she saw Kirk

standing at the door, her breath hitched, and she pa**ed out.

Brie’s face turned pale in an instant. “Mr. Kirk! W–what are you doing here?”

Kirk violently grabbed Brie’s neck, his eyes frosty. The bodyguards wanted to intervene, but the

men Charles had brought quickly restrained them.

Brie was about to suffocate. Seeing her men getting taken down one by one, she waved her hands

“I told you. You’re dead!” Kirk gripped Brie’s neck even tighter, looking like he wanted to eat her


Brie’s lips parted in shock and disbelief. She gasped. “Y–You’re… Caroline’s husband?”

That was impossible! How could Kirk be her husband?

“Kirk.” Sean checked Caroline’s wounds, saying urgently. “We need to take her to a hospital!”

Out of control with rage, Kirk squeezed Brie’s neck even harder.

Brie was in so much pain that she couldn’t utter a single word.

Sean urged, “We have no time to lose! Caroline hit her head! It’ll be bad if she has a concussion!”

When Kirk heard his friend’s words, he snapped out of his rage. He let go of Brie and pushed her


He turned around and carried Caroline in his arms. He ordered, “Lock up everyone who was involved in


After that, he strode out of the room.

Brie fell to the ground, pathetically gasping for air. Her eyes were fixed on Kirk.

She couldn’t accept the fact that he was Caroline’s husband!

Chapter 120

The hospital staff took Caroline to the operating room. Kirk wanted to follow her in, but Sean

stopped him.

“Kirk.” Sean tried to calm his friend down. “Caroline will be fine.”

Kirk looked back at him. His eyes were still red from anger, which made him look terrifying.

Despite being his longtime friend, Sean was also a little scared of him. He knew Kirk too well.

He was always calm and composed; he’d never lose his composure unless someone hit his trigger.

Without him realizing it, Caroline had become his soft spot at some point.

It seemed like Kirk himself didn’t know about that.

“How is Carol?” Gwen asked Sean as soon as she arrived. She’d rushed to the hospital as soon as

she’d heard what had happened.

Sean glanced at Kirk, then looked at Gwen and answered, “She just went into the operating room.”

“Which bastard did this to her?” Gwen growled.

Sean said, “Brie.”

“That fucking bitch!” Gwen turned around and was about to leave.

Sean stopped her. “Where are you going?”

“To get even with Brie, of course! That crazy bitch is nuts! She always causes trouble for Carol!”

“Don’t do anything for now.” Sean persuaded her, saying, “Kirk will handle this.”

“How is he going to do that?” Gwen questioned.

It wasn’t that Gwen didn’t believe in Kirk, but Brie was from one of the big four families. On top of

that, She was Howard’s precious daughter, and he was the current head of the Collins family.

Even if Jude stepped in, Brie might not necessarily be punished. Kirk was just an ordinary person.

There was no way he could do anything to Brie.

“Just don’t worry.” Sean didn’t know what to tell Gwen. He gave her a look and said, “Let’s wait

here for now.”

Cars was loux She wanted to say shit between the saw Kurk standing rigidly at the

geting to do, she felt rahiming peesware

The mullenly kepa her mouth shut and stayed by Sean’s side, waiting quietly.

After whet beersed to be a infetame the doctor finally came out of the operating room “The patient

is fine the has a few bruses on her head and the past needs to rest and recover

Gwen let out a sigh of relief

Then, she looked back at Kuk He was still standing there with his fists clenched, and his eyes

were terrifyingly dark

She wordlessly looked at Sean

Sean said cautiously. “Hey, Kirk Since Caroline is fine, Gwen and I are leaving ”

With that said, he pulled Gwen away.

Gwen said anxiously, “Hey‘ Why are you dragging me away? I haven’t even seen Carol yet!”

Sean pulled Gwen into the elevator. He asked, “Why on earth are you so dense?”

“Aren’t you giving Carol and Kirk some time alone?” Gwen asked, rubbing her tender wrist.

Sean’s eyes dumed, and he said hoarsely, “Since you know, why aren’t you playing along?”

Gwen pouted unhappily “Hmph If Kirk hadn’t saved her, I wouldn’t have even given him this


Sean’s lips curled into a smile. “Of course. Thank you for your generosity, Ms Jameson ”

Gwen felt a tenderness in her chest, but she said. “But don’t celebrate so soon. Although I’ve

accepted Kirk as Carol’s husband, Carol has long lost interest in love since Eddy hurt her So, Kirk

will just have to face disappointment.”

The smile on Sean’s face disappeared.

In the hospital room, Caroline lay on the bed, unconscious. Her head was wrapped in gauze, and her c

heeks were pale. She looked fragile, like she could fall apart at any moment.

Kirk held her hand, his eyes filled with distress.

“Sir.” Charles walked in quietly. He said, “I have the surveillance footage at the time of the

Kirk’s grip on Caroline’s hand tightened, a trace of anger appearing in his eyes. “Leave it here,

Yes, sir.” Charles put down the tablet next to Kirk and left the room.

Taking a deep breath, Kirk looked at the surveillance footage sullenly.

His eyes darkened upon seeing Caroline getting dragged to the hotel room. As he watched the

video, the atmosphere in the room became colder and colder.

When he saw Caroline refusing Brie’s order to call him, he felt as if his heart was being pricked by

tons of needles.

She’d been protecting him.

He clenched his fists tightly, his entire body itching for violence.

Then, when he saw the two bodyguards tearing Caroline’s clothes apart, he snapped. “Charles!”

Charles immediately walked into the room.

Kirk ordered, “Cut off these two men’s hands.”

Charles wanted to remind him that they were in Easton, but when he saw Kirk’s livid expression.

he relented. “Yes, sir.” Then, he left the room.

Kirk was still gripping the tablet so tightly that cracks appeared on the screen. Finally, the screen.

shattered under his grip, and the tablet couldn’t work anymore.

The rage disappeared from Kirk’s gaze as he slowly regained his composure. However, when he saw Caroline’s pale face, his murderous intent returned in full force.

“Carrie,” Kirk called her name softly, gently holding her hand.

His heart ached. He looked at her slender hands. He couldn’t imagine how Caroline used those very ha

nds to grip Brie’s neck, threatening to take her down with her.

She’d wanted to protect him, even if she lost her life.

Kirk felt a recklessness he’d never felt before.

He took out a ring from his pocket and got down on one knee. Right now, there were no balloons, fancy

music, or cake. There was even the smell of disinfectant in the air, but this moment was

more romantic than any other moment in his life.

“Marry me, Carrie,” Kirk whispered His lips trembled, and

his eyes were teary Without waiting for an answer, he slipped the pink diamond ring on Caroline’s fing

er. It seemed like the ring had been made just for her, and it fit her like a glove.

At last, a soft smile appeared on Kirk’s face. He lowered his head, kissing Caroline’s fingers.

“K Kirk Caroline’s fingers moved.

Kirk looked up and saw Caroline looking at him. He didn’t know when she’d woken up

A trace of panic appeared in his eyes, and he quickly got up. “When did you wake up?”

There was a smile on Caroline’s face as she asked, “Were you proposing to me?”

T–I… For the first time, Kirk discovered that he could get tongue–tied as well.

Upon seeing the blush on Kirk’s face, Caroline felt the pain in her body fade away

She‘ could’ve never guessed that the cynical and indifferent Kirk could blush like that It was pretty cute.

“Kirk.” She said softly, “I accept your proposal”

Kirk looked at her, the coldness in his gaze faltering “What did you say?” His mouth was parched

He gripped Caroline’s hand with trembling hands.

Caroline looked at him with a smile “Yes, Kirk. I want to give us a chance

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